Top 1200 Daily Business Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Daily Business quotes.
Last updated on October 25, 2024.
As quickly as it started, our business model evaporated. But while Traf-O-Data was technically a business failure, the understanding of microprocessors we absorbed was crucial to our future success.
A true and faithful Christian does not make holy living an accidental thing. It is his great concern. As the business of the soldier is to fight, so the business of the Christian is to be like Christ.
All of the women in music business understand that. They're fighting in a misogynist world. That's why they wear some elements of their femininity and have to blend it in with masculinity... it's a kind of protection. Somebody like Madonna is strong but soft. You have to be that way in this business.
Business is a conversation because the defining work of business is conversation - literally. And 'knowledge workers' are simply those people whose job consists of having interesting conversations.
I think there are so, so, so, so many things you have to be... to do this... you know, to keep going in the music business. Of course, you have to play well with others, you know, and you have to be smart with business and be good at your craft and be healthy.
If you're making all your money simply betting on interest rates, that's not a business. Flow is a business. On the outside, they look the same for a while. But when you dig into them, no, they weren't exactly the same.
There were days when I hated politics. But I fought against hating the people on the other side because we were all in the same business - the business of building our country's future.
Equal interchange of goods and service between buyer and seller is the keynote of tomorrow's business world when the vision of the modern business man awakens him to the wisdom of writing that policy into his code of ethics.
Once you start a business, you have to grow it and grow with it - starting a business is not just for Christmas. — © Natalie Massenet
Once you start a business, you have to grow it and grow with it - starting a business is not just for Christmas.
I've said it for four decades - work 'on' your business, not just 'in' your business!
We have invested in many of our customers in the health care business by lending or leasing money for equipment purchases or investing in some customers to help them grow business.
When I was 21, I left college and set up business Swanky Modes with three friends in Camden, North London. We were four women who did not know much about business, so we learnt as we went along.
It's hard to find trainers to train, coaches to coach. Just because someone was great in the business doesn't mean they can teach someone else how to be great in the business; and just because someone wasn't great in the business, doesn't mean they can't teach somebody. I used to be a firm believer in the other.
The film business creates a large amount of waste, and I'm not immune to waste in the business.
I am often asked how I got into the business. I didn't. The business got into me.
What people in business think they know about the customer and market is likely to be more wrong than right...the customer rarely buys what the business thinks it sells him.
I don't have a daily routine at all.
I feel I belong in the movie business and I belong in the security business. It's a natural for me.
Big Business and State Socialism are very much alike, especially Big Business.
If you run a business, and I see F1 as a business, if you have to go back every five weeks saying 'oh, I need another two million', it gets old pretty quick. Then the trust is lost.
As you would expect, I come from a business background, and the idea that a finance director would be somewhat not working closely with the CEO of a company is very strange to anyone in the business world.
Once I got my business degree I realized I didn't want to do business anymore. My passion started to kick in and say, "Are you really sure this is what you want to do with the rest of your life? Are you 100% positive?"
If the proposed ordinance is adopted it will hurt small women- and minority-owned businesses the most, the majority of which are already struggling mightily to do business in this city of higher-than average costs of doing business.
Every small business will give you an entrepreneurial way of looking at things. I guarantee you that for every plant that closes, if you gave it to one small-business person in that community, he or she would find a way to make it work. The small-business attitude is you always find a way to make it work.
Well, one time some attractive woman sat next to Charlie and asked him what he owed his success to, and, unfortunately, she insisted on a one word answer. He had a speech prepared that would have gone on for several hours. But when forced to boil it down to one word, he said that was "rational". You know, he comes equipped for rationality, and he applies it in business. He doesn't always apply it elsewhere, but he applies it in business and that has made him a huge business success.
Child Protection Services can get all up in your business if you have kids. Just strictly from a business standpoint, kids are a liability to landlords, and they actually provoke evictions.
No first-time entrepreneur has the business network of contacts needed to succeed. An incubator should be well integrated into the local business community and have a steady source of contacts and introductions.
Football today means players stay less now than ever before and you have to accept that. As a manager, a big part of your business is doing far too much business that you don't want to do really.
I knew I wanted to be a journalist ever since I was a teenager. While it is interesting and gratifying to be on the business side and to see how that all works, the main reason I kept a business role here was to protect the editorial integrity of Salon.
Time is the friend of the wonderful business. It's the enemy of the lousy business. If you're in a lousy business for a long time, you're going to get a lousy result, even if you buy it cheap. If you're in a wonderful business for a long time, even if you pay a little too much going in, you're going to get a wonderful result if you stay in a long time.
The primary goal of IoT is to solve business problems, not to deliver a cool project or new technology. Focus on a business-relevant problem, and work with your customer to solve it.
You have to figure out as a band how a band becomes a business, and then you have to keep that business mentality separate from the creative one, which is good for the songs. It's always a work in progress.
Don't get stuck on a business plan just because it was your business plan.
I don't want a chat show or to be on telly every day, as that's not my business; my business is standing in front of people and making them laugh, and I want to see how far I can get with that.
In the camera business, you won't survive if you don't innovate. In the guitar business you may or may not. The guitars being sold were designed between '48 and '59, Gibson SGs in '61.
Today, the concept of business is to make money. Making money is the name of the business.
I don't have any interest in being a chef without being on the business side of things, or vice versa, because if you don't make money at the end of the month, you're going out of business.
The boom is called good business, prosperity, and upswing. Its unavoidable aftermath, the readjustment of conditions to the real data of the market, is called crisis, slump, bad business, depression.
Music is a business. You ain't gonna record with someone if it's not business, if it ain't gonna get you no money.
The problem is the book business is changing so we're in a difficult moment now and if the business model is changing, I don't know if I'm going to have to look what's in store for me at that level but fortunately, I broke in earlier.
You know the expression, "It's not personal; it's business." We sneer at such rot. All business is personal, all the time.
The Obama administration was filled with people that had deep resentment for people successful in the private sector, in business or what have you, with no way of understanding them or relating to them at all, and no desire to. Much of the Washington establishment, particularly the Democrat side of it, has the same view of American business and the private sector. And here comes Donald Trump entering their world, and they are not equipped to understand how he operates or what he's doing. They're plugging him and his business techniques into their political models, and it doesn't work.
No one in my family is in show business, unless you count dog shows as show business.
[Commercial radio] is owned by one or two corporations now, and they're not in the music business. They're in the advertising business.... So let's not kid ourselves. If you want to hear music, go buy a guitar.
So you keep raising these taxes, and all of a sudden the business community says, 'Why are we here? We can go someplace else and use their phones.' That's one of the problems that directly affects the business community.
It's like in biological evolution: The population will evolve, even though individuals can't. The same thing happens in the corporate world: The population of business units within corporations evolves, even though individual business units can't. That's because the capabilities of business units reside in their processes and their values, and by their very nature, processes and values are inflexible and meant not to change.
I love competition, but my approach to the game was to never make it personal. It was business. It was what I did, so it didn't matter who the opposing team was, or who the receiver was. I approached it as business and I never let myself get outside of that.
You're running a business, and at the end of the day, if you're running a business, you've got to make money. — © Eli Drake
You're running a business, and at the end of the day, if you're running a business, you've got to make money.
To separate the purpose of a business from the purpose of people who are in the business is, I think, not a good thing.
My mother was a sociologist and an intellectual, and my father was an industrialist with a business in copper and aluminum wire. He was very strict and he wanted me to work in the family business - for him, the worst thing was having a daughter who worked in fashion.
Decreased business base increases overhead. So does increased business base.
Producing suits me because I have a business mind and a business sensibility. I was a street hustler. I did whatever it took. I sold whatever I could sell. I'm a good organiser.
The truth is, when I got started in this business, it wasn't because I had a full understanding of the importance of the business, but because I thought it was fun. I found it exciting. It fulfilled me, whatever it was that I was looking for.
By flattening time and space, social computing and business is unlocking credible potential within business. For example, individuals and organizations that weren't connected before are now connected together.
Let love give way to business; give attention to business and you will be safe.
I'm fascinated by people who can keep who they are in the midst of this business, which is all about not only pretending to be other people, but also that perception of who you are and how successful you are and your standing in the business.
I can honestly say that I have never gone into any business purely to make money. If that is the sole motive then I believe you are better off not doing it. A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.
Screwing business as usual fundamentally recognises that doing good is good for business.
The Cash Money sound pretty much changed the era. It kind of put the business into rap. It was like, 'Get your money, dude. This is a billion dollar business.'
I only am in this business because I enjoy it. I think that is the only way to be in the business.
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