Top 1200 Dangerous Drugs Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Dangerous Drugs quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
There are lasting consequences for using drugs. I'll still be paying for my prior use.
THERE is no method of reasoning more common, and yet none more blameable, than, in philosophical disputes, to endeavour the refutation of any hypothesis, by a pretence of its dangerous consequences to religion and morality. When any opinion leads to absurdities, it is certainly false; but it is not certain that an opinion is false, because it is of dangerous consequence. Such topics, therefore, ought entirely to be forborne; as serving nothing to the discovery of truth, but only to make the person of an antagonist odious.
Competition is the best way to ensure prescription drugs are affordable. — © Amy Klobuchar
Competition is the best way to ensure prescription drugs are affordable.
Sex and drugs were simply not discussed in our culture at that time.
I don't do drugs. If I want a rush I just stand up when I'm not expecting it.
That's all drugs and alcohol do, they cut off your emotions in the end.
Treat any and all drugs with respect, for most of the time they are stronger than you are.
Drugs may lead to nowhere, but at least it's the scenic route.
People have different personalities when they're drunk or take heroin, or whatever drugs.
I may have smoked too much weed, but I wasn't taking drugs or anything.
Alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceutical drugs are legal, but they can hurt a lot of people.
Drugs feel great in the beginning and become a drag later on.
I've quit drugs and drinking and been into healthy stuff like yoga. — © Princess Superstar
I've quit drugs and drinking and been into healthy stuff like yoga.
They're a typical Hollywood audience. All the kids are on drugs and all the adults are on roller skates.
In the ’70s it was skateboards, in the ’80s it was drugs, in the ’90s it was art, and now it’s my family.
Real children do not go hoppity skip unless they are on drugs.
I hope the fans will take up meditation instead of drugs.
I'm a reading addict. I can't live without it, like someone who is addicted to drugs.
We have drugs to make women speak, but none to keep them silent.
There's lots of ways people can be dependent, on another person, or drugs.
Drugs induce paranoia and psychosis in people who have never taken any.
I am glad that people are trying to have a rational conversation about drugs.
If you have children, you don't want to have drugs and drinks in the house. It's just not good.
Drugs kill, just like cancer. So don't smoke... tumors.
People fight, they get angry, they do drugs, and they do crazy things.
I think the reason kids get into drugs and smoking is they don't have anything to do.
I love to play music. So why endanger that with something like drugs?
Everything in life is not all beautiful, not all fun. There is lots of killing and drugs.
We get high on all types of drugs when, all you really need is Love
Price gouging for drugs that treat cancer in children is simply unconscionable.
Drugs, what a devil-inspired poison! It’s death on the installment plan.
A small amount of power corrupts a small man absolutely. A little knowledge is dangerous to a little man. To a great man only great knowledge is dangerous.
I understand that drugs aren't for everybody, I think it's an issue of personal freedom of choice.
As for drugs - well, Gates was certainly not unusual there. Marijuana was the pharmaceutical of choice.
My initial fear was that Trump would be something in the order of an American fascist, be militaristic and aggressive. My take on it after the first 100 days is that he's dangerous in a different way. Fascists are dangerous because they're competent people. Trump is incompetent. My fear is not just as an American Muslim, although that's part of it, but as an American who believes very strongly in the idea of a pluralistic, cosmopolitan, transatlantic Western identity. What he's doing to the West and the United States, I don't think the U.S. can recover from this.
I worry that drugs have forced us to be more creative than we really are.
Drugs is like getting up and having a cup of tea in the morning.
I will lay down and die before I take any drugs. — © Tommy Morrison
I will lay down and die before I take any drugs.
I certainly wouldn't advocate anyone using drugs on a regular or habitual basis.
I have been stupid and regret making a silly mistake experimenting with drugs.
It's not in doubt that tobacco is far more lethal than hard drugs.
When I was a child, my parents didn't know anything about drugs. They didn't even drink.
I smoked some pot as a kid, but I just never did drugs.
We have to do more about addiction, not only drugs, but also alcohol.
The brutal reality of politics would be probably intolerable without drugs.
I'm not sober. I haven't done drugs in 3 1/2 years, so I call myself clean.
I'm always nice when I do drugs. But, you know, I'm nicer on the drug called "writing."
Cigarettes and alcohol are much stronger gateway drugs [than marijuana]. — © Steven Machat
Cigarettes and alcohol are much stronger gateway drugs [than marijuana].
Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll is easy. True christianity…that's rebellion.
I used to do drugs, but don't tell anyone or it will ruin my image.
I'm very serious about no alcohol, no drugs. Life is too beautiful.
Taking drugs to overcome nerves is the thin edge of the wedge going in there.
I don't do drugs anymore... than, say, the average touring funk band.
Cruelty is the luxury of those who have nothing to do, like drugs or racing stables.
For surely of all the drugs in the world, Chess must be the most permanently pleasurable
How long do we have to keep fighting for affordable prescription drugs?
If you want to get people off drugs, improve reality.
They don't consider nicotine as a drug. Why don't they put it together with all the other drugs?
As I have already said, the belief that one's own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous or all delusions. It becomes still more dangerous if it is coupled with the missionary zeal to enlighten the rest of the world, whether the rest of the world wishes to be enlightened or not. To refuse to embrace wholeheartedly a particular definition of reality, to dare to see the world differently can become a "think crime" in a truly Orwellian sense as we get steadily closer to 1984.
Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food.
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