Top 1200 Dangerous Situations Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Dangerous Situations quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
You're in good spirits when you create and produce great music. All situations inspire music in different ways, man, from good situations, bad situations, depression, falling in love, falling out of love. I've been going through all those type of things.
I made advances towards multiple women in work-related situations, where it was clearly inappropriate. I put people in compromising and inappropriate situations, and I selfishly took advantage of those situations where I should have known better. My behavior was inexcusable and wrong.
Living on the Gulf Coast, we often have to go through dangerous situations, whether you're a child, an adult or a senior citizen. — © Dwight Henry
Living on the Gulf Coast, we often have to go through dangerous situations, whether you're a child, an adult or a senior citizen.
I lived for going down the rabbit hole of meeting weird people. Of course, come Monday I would be tallying up all the different situations, and each one was progressively more dangerous. I got lucky in that I didn't go to jail.
Sometimes the greatest tests of our strength are situations that don't seem so obviously dangerous. Sometimes surviving is the hardest thing of all.
Normally in dangerous situations I have a getaway car.
I didn't come from the worst of situations, and I didn't come into the best of situations. But I've appreciated the best situations. And I've made the best of the worst situations. I'm lucky to be where I am.
You have to test your hypothesis against other theories. Certainty in the face of complex situations is very dangerous.
When I first started coming to Calcutta, it brought back a lot of memories... the hardships I went through, the situations I was placed in, and the possibilities of those situations becoming so hostile.
I never heard of anybody who admired the character of sheep. Even the gentlest human personalities in contact with them are annoyed by their lack of brains, courage and initiative, by their extraordinary ability to get themselves into uncomfortable or dangerous situations and then wait in inert helplessness for someone to rescue them.
There are seldom, if ever, any hopeless situations, but there are many people who lose hope in the face of some situations.
You can stay in situations just for the sake of it. That can be a very dangerous thing and tough on your soul and heart.
I figured out that there are occasions where you have to get pumped up and take charge, situations where you have to have fun and situations where you need to settle down.
I never write my stories as a wake-up call as such. I simply explore the kinds of situations that I find personally challenging by placing characters into situations that challenge them in similar ways.
The way people respond to struggles or express their feelings in difficult situations are very different. I like imagining how characters would react in certain situations.
The most irascible person is most likely to become apathetic in dangerous situations. — © Franz Grillparzer
The most irascible person is most likely to become apathetic in dangerous situations.
I just feel like I've been in a lot of high-pressure situations, and I think I'm able to stay poised in those situations.
The events that occur in my life are workout situations. They are there for my benefit so I can become strong and gain wisdom and information by working my way through those situations.
You're able to see situations over and over again and just become comfortable in different decision-making situations. I think that comes with experience.
People traverse the dangerous journey to the US because of deep fear. They are often escaping brutality, even life-or-death situations.
I do think prayer is powerful and it is not to be diminished. Some of us who are struggling to put food on the table and are wondering where the next paycheck is coming from or have dangerous health situations and they don't have access to appropriate care do pray - do pray for yourselves and for others.
Reading is a way to take in the difficult situations and understand them. The whole point of reading a book in class is to have discussion about what these situations are like.
In Iraq, embedding allows us to put reporters in situations that would otherwise be too dangerous for them.
Racing is dangerous, but I've been in a lot worse situations as a pipe fitter.
No money, no place to live – I’ve been in more dangerous situations than other people.
I fare the best when I'm in dangerous situations.
Because I'm dangerous. I don't mean to be but I am. I'm dangerous to be around, dangerous to everybody. I cause harm. I might even harm you. And I couldn't bear that.
You saw the traumas that people lived through, and wondered what it will take to move us as a human community, as humanity, to help in these dangerous situations.
Instinct told me it was dangerous. I could handle dangerous. Dangerous and me went back a long way. We did lunch when dangerous was in town.
When life gave me tough situations, acting helped me cope with those situations.
I encourage young people to refrain from putting themselves in dangerous situations in the name of validating themselves sexually.
Substances like LSD, which give away a secret about the nature of the social game - the human game and what underlies it - are potentially dangerous, of course, like any good thing is. Electricity is dangerous, fire is dangerous, cars are dangerous, planes are dangerous, but not so dangerous as driving on the freeway. The only way to handle danger is to face it. If you start getting frightened of it, then you make it worse. Because you project onto it all kinds of bogeys and threats which don't exist in it at all.
They're not allowed to talk about it at school and they maybe feel uncomfortable talking about it with their parents. But instead of them not knowing about it, now we have these gadgets and we can learn about it and not tell our parents and get ourselves into potentially dangerous situations.
I sometimes end up in dangerous situations, and I come back to you broken and messed up, and you worry about me when I'm gone. It's like marrying a policeman.
If I want to be truthfully honest, I think, dealing with the stress of the situations that I've been going through, medicating with anything, I think, is dangerous because it becomes a crutch.
The changing climate is pushing already vulnerable communities into crisis situations. Children with asthma are forced to miss school and stay inside due to poor air quality. Day laborers and construction workers must work outside in dangerous temperatures. People without homes are unable to escape the impacts of hotter summers and wetter winters.
Change itself is what fascinates me. I am drawn, as a moth to the flame, by edge situations, by situations of metamorphosis.
I've been in some very difficult situations. Life and death situations, taking care of sick children. — © Ralph Northam
I've been in some very difficult situations. Life and death situations, taking care of sick children.
I've probably been in some dumb situations snowboarding. I'd say snowboarding in general isn't a dangerous deal, but you can get yourself into some bad spots. Unfortunately, I have probably been pretty dumb with that in getting off the beaten path.
Israel is not dangerous on one hand, but on the other hand it is dangerous. Human life is just dangerous, in general.
We’re all women. We all have the same wonderful situations happen to us, the same horrific situations. We all get our hearts broken.
When you go into a 'WWE' ring, you know you're going to compete. You know that things are going to hurt. It is a dangerous, dangerous place. No matter what people think or say, it's a very, very dangerous thing.
I am placed in situations with opportunities in those situations that others are not. I don't believe that that is happenstance. I believe that there is a God that has a plan for me.
I like to be with my back against the wall in dangerous situations.
Like taxes, radioactivity has long been with us and in increasing amounts; it is not to be hated and feared, but accepted and controlled. Radiation is dangerous, let there be no mistake about that-but the modern world abounds in dangerous substances and situations too numerous to mention. ... Consider radiation as something to be treated with respect, avoided when practicable, and accepted when inevitable.
I am sufficiently wary of dangerous situations, but I'm not scared of having a go.
At Bayern, I was used to coming out of my box to try and clear up dangerous situations. The World Cup was just another platform, so it gave other people the chance to see me who don't watch German football.
I don't actually think boxing is a particularly dangerous sport, I wouldn't even put it in the top ten of dangerous sports, but that's only if you take it seriously. Whenever I stepped into the ring I was well hydrated, I was at the right weight and I was prepared. It wasn't a dangerous sport for me.
There are a lot of reporters who I feel are a lot more courageous and fool-hardy than I am. Maybe at the top I'd put Dexter Filkins. He's an extraordinary man in terms of his nerve and ability to get into dangerous situations and tell the story cogently. He's bringing back real human stories. I admire that.
Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman-a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting
I'm practical, very data-driven and process-oriented. I'm very objective and analytical about everything. Ninety-five percent of situations on the wall are not that dangerous. Most people look at the climb and think, 'that's crazy.' But when you know the intricacies of your gear, the belay situation and the forces involved, it's pretty safe.
Literature was intended to be dangerous. Art was meant to be dangerous. Ideas were nothing if they were not dangerous. — © Timothy Findley
Literature was intended to be dangerous. Art was meant to be dangerous. Ideas were nothing if they were not dangerous.
I think you have to be a little bit strict. You can't be friend and their parent in a lot of situations, especially in this day and age where it's so dangerous for kids. So there's a bit of sternness, I guess, in the way I raise my kids.
There are millions of women all around the world who are in dangerous, terrifying situations. It's up to us as storytellers to give people hope, to let people know that there is a way out.
In my view, technology should only be used on objective situations - offside, in or out of the box, over the line or not - but when it comes to subjective situations, people are never going to agree. That's sport.
If you think about evolution, sleep, at some time, was a dangerous undertaking. You lie down in your cave or shelter, and along comes a predator and has you for dinner. Many creatures do not sleep or sleep while standing so they can escape from dangerous situations.
As far as being in dangerous situations around the world is concerned, I always have a Secret Service detail with me as one of the privileges of a former President.
We must not let ourselves be swept off our feet in horror at the danger of nuclear power. Nuclear power is not infinitely dangerous. It's just dangerous, much as coal mines, petrol repositories, fossil-fuel burning and wind turbines are dangerous.
First of all, I am and I remain a goalkeeper, but I try to be involved as much as I can and to help the defenders. I try to read dangerous situations in advance.
If you're in big-time situations all the time - like for me, high school was big-time situations, college, big time situations - you adapt.
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