Top 1200 Dark Hours Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Dark Hours quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
To be the best, you need to spend hours and hours and hours running, hitting the speed bag, lifting weights and just focusing on training.
I feel that buildings often have a workaday aspect that you see during the daylight hours, and a more resplendent side that emerges after dark.
Let not the hours pass by in the dark. Kindle the lamp of love with thy life. — © Rabindranath Tagore
Let not the hours pass by in the dark. Kindle the lamp of love with thy life.
I would still like to have that luxury, to be able to just sit and draw for hours and hours and hours. In a way, that's what I do as a writer.
Ill often rush out from Dark Shadows, having made a 5.30PM appointment, working for a couple of hours.
The internet is a dark, dark place. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere, someone has this file that says, "Scott Foley, on March 13, 2012, was searching for how to dispose of a body for 48 hours."
To be the best, you need to spend hours and hours and hours running, hitting the speed bag, lifting weights and focusing on training.
Human knowledge is dark and uncertain; philosophy is dark, astrology is dark, and geometry is dark.
The Garden of Gethsemane is halfway up the Mount of Olives, where Christ grappled with his courage during those last dark hours of life. Today it is a Franciscan monastery.
Tintinnabulation is an area I sometimes wander into when I am searching for answers - in my life, my music, my work. In my dark hours, I have the certain feeling that everything outside this one thing has no meaning.
I come from Israel, where most of the population is dark-haired, dark-skinned, dark-eyed.
Although we are necessarily concerned, in a chronicle of events, with physical action by the light of day, history suggests that the human spirit wanders farthest in the silent hours between midnight and dawn. Those dark fruitful hours, seldom recorded, whose secret flowerings breed peace and war, loves and hates, the crowning or uncrowning of heads.
'Doctor Who' is pretty dark, I think. Generally it's dark; it's always been dark. — © Ben Wheatley
'Doctor Who' is pretty dark, I think. Generally it's dark; it's always been dark.
Being a writer means I sit in a dark (and pretty dank) room off my garage for many hours a day, and in my wallowing moments I can feel as if I'm already on the outside of society, peering wistfully in.
I don't have a night stand. If I read at night in bed or too close to sleep-time, I lie awake thinking in the dark for hours.
I'll often rush out from Dark Shadows, having made a 5.30PM appointment, working for a couple of hours.
Social media is something I approach organically. It's all me! Sometimes I'll post four things in a few hours, but then I could go dark for a week.
I was a great one as a kid for standing and just looking out a window for hours and hours and hours. Now the TV does that for me, except for the view changes immensely.
I've worked with some people that just spent hours and hours and hours in the mirror, and just so much importance is based on that. And I do find that sad.
Go and lie down in the dark... for hours... and don't move. I'm locking the door now
'War on Everyone,' I think... the script was hilarious to me, but it's very dark, dark humor. It's super dark.
When I go to sleep, someone wakes up to get their hustle on, that's why I get my 2 hours, their 2 hours and overseas 2 hours in. I'll make sure no one can catch me.
O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon, Irrecoverably dark, total eclipse Without all hope of day!
Dark the Night, with breath all flowers, And tender broken voice that fills With ravishment the listening hours,-- Whisperings, wooings, Liquid ripples, and soft ring-dove cooings In low-toned rhythm that love's aching stills! Dark the night Yet is she bright, For in her dark she brings the mystic star, Trembling yet strong, as is the voice of love, From some unknown afar.
A normal day of working in Burbank is 14 hours, sometimes more. On 'The Revenant' sometimes it was eight hours, but we were shooting only five. So they were short days, but they were very strenuous because of the weather. And it was very dark.
I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day. What hours, O what black hours we have spent This night!
As we lay in the semi-dark hours later, we faced each other, sharing his pillow. I'd never felt more connected to anyone.
My favorite dark comedy, which is also one of my favorite films of all time, is 'After Hours.' I've seen 'After Hours' as much as almost any film I've ever seen in my life; I've watched it dozens of times, and I still watch it once a year. I still get a thrill out of it every time I see it.
O remember In your narrowing dark hours That more things move Than blood in the heart.
I was always the 'boring' type. I was into the stats and spending hours and hours and hours studying them. I was always more a manager than a player.
I used to assume no one would care, but I do think now I've written songs that are useful to people having dark hours.
I also listened to hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of [J.F.] Kennedy, and I sort of built [ accent]. And then I got on set [of 'J.F.Kennedy' movie ] and forgot it.But that's what you want to do. You want it to just be real. And I think authenticity was better than - people always talk about when an accent doesn't work, and the phrase you always hear is, "It was inconsistent."
I love the dark hours of my being. My mind deepens into them. There I can find, as in old letters, the days of my life, already lived, and held like a legend, and understood.
We have amazing stunt performers and in Miguel Sapochnik, a director who's so good at spending hours and hours and hours on every shot beforehand, so that he knows exactly what he wants when he gets to the battlefield on the day. We only shoot ten-hour days, so you have to pack a lot into those ten hours.
I've always thought the best way to teach a kid not to be scared of the dark is to fill his daylight hours with as much horror as possible.
The key to getting ahead is setting aside 8 hours a day for work and 8 hours a day for sleep - and making sure they're not the same hours.
I'm a method writer. In order to write about the emotion, I have to experience it. I get physically tired and exhausted, devoting hours and hours and hours to it.
In a dark time, the eye begins to see / I meet my shadow in the deepening shade...Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire. — © Theodore Roethke
In a dark time, the eye begins to see / I meet my shadow in the deepening shade...Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire.
It can be very thrilling being able to witness Viola Davis do her thing for hours and hours, but there are also no windows, and you're just in a room for fourteen hours trying to keep it together.
You fly for hours and hours and hours over Africa to go from one place to another.
There are days when I swear I could fly like an eagle And dark desperate hours that nobody sees My arms stretched triumphant on top of the mountain My head in my hands down on my knees
I bought one of the first Nintendo systems and brought that home, and we were playing 'Legend of Zelda' at the time, and it was addicting, and I was playing it for hours and hours and hours.
Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest creative thinkers of all time, strongly recommended the habit of meditation in the dark. He wrote: "For I have found in my own experience that it is of no small benefit, when you lie in bed in the dark, to recall in imagination, one after another, the outlines of the form you have been studying." He often awoke to find his problems solved. Da Vinci would often stand silent and motionless before a painting for hours, without using his brush, as though waiting for spiritual guidance.
...we should all fortify ourselves against the dark hours of depression by cultivating a deep distrust of the certainties of despair. Despair is relentless in the certainties of its pessimism. But we have seen again and again, from our own experience and others', that absolute statements of hopelessness that we make in the dark are notoriously unreliable. Our dark certainties are not sureties.
It often happens that you leave your house in the dark, shoot on a sound stage without natural lighting, and then go home in the dark. A whole week can go past, and it can feel like 12 hours.
If you are an incredibly reactive person and you are working on your lowest level, and if you continuously give into your dark side and are angry, and screaming, and breaking things, and you do that for hours and hours on end, you are going to be incredibly exhausted. That's just the way life is.
Talent you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft.
It has been so written, for the most part, that the times it describes are with remarkable propriety called dark ages. They are dark, as one has observed, because we are so in the dark about them.
Nature is the greatest teacher and I learn from her best when others are asleep. In the still dark hours before sunrise God tells me of the plans I am to fulfill. — © George Washington Carver
Nature is the greatest teacher and I learn from her best when others are asleep. In the still dark hours before sunrise God tells me of the plans I am to fulfill.
Imagination is a great thing in long dull hours, but it's a real curse in a dark alley.
The change from storm and winter to serene and mild weather, from dark and sluggish hours to bright and elastic ones, is a memorable crisis which all things proclaim. It is seemingly instantaneous at last.
Doctor Who is pretty dark, I think. Generally its dark; its always been dark.
He spent hours and hours and hours practising these conjuring tricks. It's just such a curious thing.
To that Providence, my sons, I hereby commend you, and I counsel you by way of caution to forbear from crossing the moor in those dark hours when the powers of evil are exalted.
I get afraid of the dark if I'm in a great deal of dark, and I have to move around inside of that fear... But there is a chance that something... will talk to me from the dark, so I have... to be prepared for that communication, which has happened.
I love the 'Dark Knight' movies, and 'Dark Knight' and the last one are well over two hours, and I could've sat there for three and a half hours, so if it's good you have some leeway.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light. To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight, and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings, and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
No saint, no pope, no general, no sultan, has ever had the power that a filmmaker has; the power to talk to hundreds of millions of people for two hours in the dark.
I wrote for nearly six hours. When I stopped, the dark mood, as if by magic, had folded its cloak and gone away.
I live in Rome and five minutes from my flat is a church where you can walk in and see this beautiful Caravaggio. Just the way this man uses dark paint: dark to create dark to create dark, the layering of the darkness in his work. I just race home: I want to create!
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