Top 1200 Dark Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Dark Life quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
I have my dark side like anybody, you know, depression, anxiety... and I write about gritty, real-life stuff.
Lots of people expect 'Andhadhun' to be a dark film, given it's from Sriram Raghavan. But this film is fun, entertaining, thrilling, and while it has moments of darkness, overall it's not a dark film.
I'm open to writing just about anything. I love writing the books that I write. They do tend to be on dark subjects, but I don't think of myself necessarily as a dark-humored person. I like having a lot of fun.
And some win peace who spend
The skill of words to sweeten despair
Of finding consolation where
Life has but one dark end. — © Walter de La Mare
And some win peace who spend The skill of words to sweeten despair Of finding consolation where Life has but one dark end.
To me, 'Ironman' was kind of dark for me. I wasn't looking for it to be that dark like that.
To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life.
Maybe because I'm a nice and sweet person in life, I like the darker roles. The really dark one is Lady Macbeth.
In order to develop love - universal love, cosmic love, whatever you would like to call it one must accept the whole situation of life as it is, both the light and the dark, the good and the bad. One must open oneself to life, communicate with it.
I've always had this in a kind of worst-case dark imagination. I want to know what the dark form in the window is. I want to know what the noise under the staircase is.
I think it's interesting that there's always a dark cloud hanging over my character, in every movie. Even in Fat Man and Little Boy, where it's a real dark cloud. In Mask, it's more the judgment of others, but it's still a threat.
Sleep is harder to reach and thinner, and sleeping is no longer the Drop into the black pit all oblivion until the alarm clock, no, sleep is thin and fitful and full of memories and reminders and the dark is never dark enough.
Every time a child is saved from the dark side of life, every time one of us makes the effort to make a difference in a child's life, we add light and healing to our own lives.
I trust my makeup artist to apply dark lipstick, but I get nervous about reapplying it, so I'll just use gloss instead. The last time I tried to reapply dark lipstick, I dropped it on my dress and it left a spot.
Maybe because Im a nice and sweet person in life, I like the darker roles. The really dark one is Lady Macbeth.
Being a part of the Dark and Lovely family is an honor. As a dark and lovely girl, I love what they stand for, and I love that they make products for women of color.
Any comedian who tells you how dark and dangerous they are, they're not dark and dangerous. — © Patton Oswalt
Any comedian who tells you how dark and dangerous they are, they're not dark and dangerous.
It often happens that you leave your house in the dark, shoot on a sound stage without natural lighting, and then go home in the dark. A whole week can go past, and it can feel like 12 hours.
He got right down in the dark between heartbeats, and rested there. And then he saw that another one wasn't going to come. That's it. That's the last. He looked at the dark. I would like to take this opportunity, he said, to pray for another human being.
The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us.
You know, there's black holes and what - could there be wormholes? Could - might there be a multi-verse? These are all fascinating frontiers. What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? And what was around before the universe? And do we have access to higher dimensions?
As a musician, life is not over just because you are getting older, and so I find retirement a very frightening and dark thought.
Well, life is dark, isn't it? Mostly, it's dreadful. At the same time, death is funny too. I mean, look at the fuss we make of it.
I kind of feel that once we're back in London and back in regular life, I just sort of get the bus and very occasionally this whole other role [ in Chronicels of Narnia] slips into my home life. Randomly people recognise me but even then it's very minor. It's not as if my life has been turned on its head and I can't walk down the street unless I'm wearing dark sunglasses and a ninja kit.
In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.
If there's ever been a dark moment in my life... well, I wanted to check out. Music was a big escape.
Christ never intended to cover up the dark side of life, but rather to illuminate a path through it.
Keep grindin' boy, your life can change in one year, And even when it's dark out, the sun is shining somewhere
When you get to a place where a person is so angry that they can do anything - it's a dark dark place.
You musn’t be afraid of the dark.’ ‘I’m not,’ said Shadow. ‘I’m afraid of the people in the dark.
When I discovered that I could tune into American radio stations after dark, this was the hippest thing to me. It sort of saved my life.
Personally, I like a chocolate-colored sky, dark, dark chocolate.
I love graveyards. To some, it might sound morbid, but there's nothing dark about the natural cycles of life, really.
Right now people think God is dark energy and dark matter, the spirit. Go ahead and think that, but the day we can tell you exactly what it is - that it's gremlins in the vacuum of space or whatever - then what's your recourse at that point?
The tree of life is growing where the spirit never dies, and the bright light of salvation shines in dark and empty skies.
Midway in our life's journey, I went astray from the straight road and woke to find myself alone in a dark wood.
Much too oft we make life gloomy-- When happy we might be, If we gathered more of sunshine, And not dark shadows see.
Sometimes you're trying your best and you still can't find a solution, but I try not to waste my life living in a dark place.
Rather than being able to have a healthy relationship with our own sexual imagination, we're driven into some dark corners by shame and embarrassment and guilt, and those dark corners breed all sorts of monsters.
There might not be so much of a difference between the side of Light and the side of Dark as you suppose. After all, without the Dark, there is nothing for the light to burn away.
The dark ages still reign over all humanity, and the depth and persistence of this domination are only now becoming clear. This Dark Ages prison has no steel bars, chains, or locks. Instead, it is locked by misorientation and built of misinformation. Caught up in a plethora of conditioned reflexes and driven by the human ego, both warden and prisoner attempt meagerly to compete with God. All are intractably skeptical of what they do not understand. We are powerfully imprisoned in these Dark Ages simply by the terms in which we have been conditioned to think.
It is possible that our race may be an accident, in a meaningless universe, living its brief life uncared for, on this dark, cooling star — © Bill Vaughan
It is possible that our race may be an accident, in a meaningless universe, living its brief life uncared for, on this dark, cooling star
As with most things in life, Lady Maccon preferred the civilized exterior to the dark underbelly (with the exception of pork products, of course.)
Any time there's a lot of pressure, it's life and death, you go toward this very dark kind of humor. Soldiers do it. Cops do it.
Real life doesn't exist on a network television comedy. They just don't let you travel down any road that is presumably 'dark.'
To be poor, ugly and, moreover, intelligent condemns one in our society to a dark and disillusioned beauty all is forgiven.
A writer is a strange instrument of our species, a harp of sorts, fine-tuned to the dark contradictions of life.
Is all our Life, then but a dream Seen faintly in the golden gleam Athwart Time's dark resistless stream?
For DC, I'm working on the new 'Red Lanterns' and 'JLA Dark.' Both of these are very different books, which is great for me. I've heard 'JLA Dark' described as a team of people with supernatural powers - but that's only half the story.
Many places in the Bronx seem hidden in shadows, just as the Bronx itself is in Manhattan's shadow. And dark stories develop best in dark shadows.
People are often surprised that I am so upbeat. I'm always hearing, 'You're so light and funny, and your books are so dark and twisted.' There's a dichotomy. I like books that are dark and creepy. I don't control it - it's just what I gravitate toward.
No matter how dark the room gets I can always see. It looks emptier when I put the lights on so I don't do it if I can help it. Brightness disagrees with me: it hurts my eyes, wastes electricity and encourages moths, all sorts of things. I sit in the dark for a number of reasons.
I don't want dead paint, so I test many of my works by studying them in a dark room at twilight or even after dark to check the luminosity. If the darker forms still have resonance and luminosity, I know the painting's working.
Brief and powerless is man's life; on him and all his race the slow, sure doom falls pitiless and dark. — © Bertrand Russell
Brief and powerless is man's life; on him and all his race the slow, sure doom falls pitiless and dark.
The life of a professional golfer is precarious at best. Win, and they carry you to the clubhouse on their shoulders. Lose, and you pay the caddies in the dark.
The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by.
I grew up on Nickelodeon.On All That and Are You Afraid of the Dark, and Salute Your Shorts and Rocco's Modern Life and all that. That was my generation.
The others followed, and found themselves in a small, stuffy basement, which would have been damp, smelly, close, and dark, were it not, in fact, well-lit, which prevented it from being dark.
If we want to truly live, at some point, we find the dark facts of psychic life demand our full attention.
Life will be wonderful when men no longer fear dying. When the last superstitions are thrown out and we meet death with the same equanimity as life. No longer will children's minds be twisted by evil gods whose fantastic origin is in those barbaric tribes who feared death and lightning, who feared life. That's it: life is the villain to to those who preach reward in death, through grace and eternal bliss, or through dark revenge.
There is of course a dark side to panto because there are always baddies and you can't have a baddie without a dark side. But most of the time the baddies become good.
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