Top 1200 Dark Tower Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Dark Tower quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Character is what a man is in the dark.
It was a dark and stormy night.
He missed Hogwarts so much it was like having a constant stomachache. He missed the castle, with its secret passageways and ghosts, his classes, … the mail arriving by owl, eating banquets in the Great Hall, sleeping in his four-poster bed in the tower dormitory, visiting the gamekeeper, Hagrid, in his cabin next to the Forbidden Forest in the grounds, and especially, Quidditch, the most popular sport in the wizarding world
I loved 'The Dark Knight.' — © Vijay Krishna Acharya
I loved 'The Dark Knight.'
Don't be afraid of the dark. Shine!
In Light there is Dark, and in Dark there is Light.
What is filmmaking but groping in the dark?
My first film - a challenging role and completely different from the persona that was created in Italy. I was this super energetic, vibrant, happy, volumed hair, fitted dresses, the whole Italian va-va-voom thing. And the role was a girl that was really provoking society with being unnecessarily violent - just trying to see what people's limits are. It's a really dark tunnel to get to being nasty, being full of hate. When people hate there's a big sadness and rage within them, so it was interesting to go that dark with my first experience.
I'm not a very dark person.
There's a dark side to everything.
All growth is a leap in the dark.
Awareness born of love is the only force that can bring healing and renewal. Out of our love for another person, we become more willing to let our old identities wither and fall away, and enter a dark night of the soul, so that we may stand naked once more in the presence of the great mystery that lies at the core of our being. This is how love ripens us -by warming us from within, inspiring us to break out of our shell, and lighting our way through the dark passage to new birth.
On stage, I am in the dark.
I do love a dark movie. — © James Watkins
I do love a dark movie.
There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on.
The dark is light enough.
All life is a struggle in the dark.
I'm afraid of the dark. I'm not kidding.
All comedy comes from a dark place.
I always wish the hotels were like they are in movies and TV shows, where if you're in Paris, right outside your window is the Eiffel Tower. In Egypt, the pyramids are right there. In the movies, every hotel has a monument right outside your window. My hotel rooms overlook the garbage dumpster in the back alley.
It’s easy to be yourself in the dark.
I'm a dark thoughts writer.
She had this dark cancer water dripping out of her chest. Eyes closed. Intubated. But her hand was still her hand, still warm and the nails painted this almost black dark blue and I just held her hand and tried to imagine the world without us and for about one second I was a good enough person to hope she died so she would never know that I was going, too. But then I wanted more time so we could fall in love. I got my wish, I suppose. I left my scar.
Pulling out his daggers, he kept them in his sleeves, just in case he happened upon someone who wouldn’t understand why a tall, dark-haired man wearing really dark sunglasses and unseasonably warm clothing would be armed to his fangs. Really, Officer, I was trying to protect humanity by killing these things that suck human souls out to live past their twenty-seventh birthday just didn’t cut it. Why no one would believe that, he couldn’t imagine. Really, the audacity of modern courts and judges.’ – Sundown
There is something about talking in the night, with the shreds of sleep around your ears, with the silences between one remark and another, the town dark and dreaming beyond your own walls. It draws the truth out of you, straight from its little dark pool down there, where usually you guard it so careful, and wave your hands over it and hum and haw to protect people's feelings, to protect your own . . . You can bring out the jaggedest feelings - if you are my wife and know how to state them calm - into the night quiet. They will float there for consideration, harming no one.
Life is dark.
We believe what we see.’...What do you do when you’re in the dark?
I'll be all around in the dark - I'll be everywhere.
OK, so what's the speed of dark?
Hope begins in the dark.
I adore dark chocolate.
In the dark, all cats are grey.
Thrust the sword into the dark
Prague is a dark place.
We went all dark and grimy for 'Riverdale.'
A great leap in the dark
All cats are gray in the dark.
Dark with excessive bright.
I'm a slave for you. Dancing in the dark. — © Britney Spears
I'm a slave for you. Dancing in the dark.
In the dark, all cats are black.
All I know is a door into the dark
All cats are grey in the dark.
Destiny is always dark.
Character is what you do in the dark.
What does interest me is how difficult my culture seems to find it to look the dark side of life directly in the eye. It seems to me that if we look back at mediaeval culture, for example, we see a society which faces the reality of death and pain and limitation, because it has to. Our society, which is progressive and technological and seems to have a slightly fanatical utopian edge to it, gets very uncomfortable when anybody highlights the dark side of humanity, or the world we have built, or what we are doing to the rest of life on Earth.
Bowing down in blind credulity, as is my custom, before mere authority and the tradition of the elders, superstitiously swallowing a story I could not test at the time by experiment or private judgment, I am firmly of the opinion that I was born on the 29th of May, 1874, on Campden Hill, Kensington; and baptised according to the formularies of the Church of England in the little church of St. George opposite the large Waterworks Tower that dominated that ridge.
We work in the dark -- we do what we can -- we give what we have.
I like dark places.
Art is a leap into the dark. — © Pablo Picasso
Art is a leap into the dark.
Some of us are darkness lovers. We do not dislike the early and late daylight of June, but we cherish the increasing dark of November, which we wrap around ourselves in the prosperous warmth of wood stove, oil and electric blanket. Inside our warmth we fold ourselves, partly tuber, partly bear, in the dark and its cold - around us, outside us, safely away from us. We tuck ourselves up in the comfort of cold's opposite, warming ourslves by thought of the cold, lighting ourselves by darkness's idea.
(Death is) A leap into the dark.
Photography has no dark sides!
I have a dark sense of humor.
All things are dark to sorrow.
Is there anybody hiding there in the dark?
Character is what you are in the dark.
Out in Hollywood, where the streets are paved with Goldwyn, the word "sophisticate" means, very simply, "obscene." A sophisticatedstory is a dirty story. Some of that meaning was wafted eastward and got itself mixed up into the present definition. So that a "sophisticate" means: one who dwells in a tower made of a DuPont substitute for ivory and holds a glass of flat champagne in one hand and an album of dirty post cards in the other.
Dark and Dangerous. And all mine.
The malicious have a dark happiness.
Tomorrow comes after the dark
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