Top 1200 Deal Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Deal quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I don't deal with hypotheticals. I deal with reality.
A director really doesn't deal with performance that much, especially if you deal with great actors. Their work is the performance. What you're helping them with is all the stuff they cannot be in control of.
I don't know how we will ever have the moral authority to deal with social welfare if we can't deal with corporate welfare. — © Jeb Hensarling
I don't know how we will ever have the moral authority to deal with social welfare if we can't deal with corporate welfare.
Basically, after an ABC sitcom I did, I ended up with a holding deal with 20th Century Fox. Absolutely cool. It pays you to be unemployed. And the bigger the entity that gives you the deal, the better.
All men are mad in some way or the other, and inasmuch as you deal discreetly with your madmen, so deal with God's madmen too, the rest of the world.
In international relations, in foreign policy, a great deal has to do with historical circumstances, a great deal has to do with the sense and perception of people.
It is not a matter of thinking a great deal but of loving a great deal, so do whatever arouses you most to love.
I gained a great deal from the period during which I worked in theater and I value those things a great deal.
You feel like you need to deal with a lot if you're from Cleveland, so you learn to let things roll off your back, and you learn that humor is the best way to deal with it.
It is really really important that you deal with Trump either by letter or by personal contact. Trying to deal with him on telephones or through the media is not a good idea.
I really have a great deal of humility in that department, and a great deal of respect for people who spend their lives learning how to make these amazing preparations.
The one thing that I remember from all of my intelligence briefings and my dealings with the Russians is that when you deal with the Russians, you have to deal with them from strength, not from weakness.
That is life: you have to deal with things, and it's up to you how you deal with things. That's what makes you mature or not. If you can get the best out of yourself, that's all that matters. If you do that, nobody is arguing.
I knew that the wall was the main thing in Quebec, and had cost a great deal of money.... In fact, these are the only remarkable walls we have in North America, though we have a good deal of Virginia fence, it is true.
Teenagers too often have to deal with loss and death. You had to cope with the untimely death of your brother; how can young people deal with such tragedies? — © Andrew Shue
Teenagers too often have to deal with loss and death. You had to cope with the untimely death of your brother; how can young people deal with such tragedies?
A man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all the doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false.
Women get scrutinized all the time for the way they look. So if I can learn to deal with that, then I do believe I can learn to deal with people's criticisms of my film choices.
I like the idea that the sacred photo framing process is equally violatible and I think that's partly a carryover from the way I deal with structures to the way I deal with photography.
I am a man who has made a great deal of money, and I haven't got a great deal. This is because I give it no value, and a certain Christian precept is something to be lived by, and so forth.
It's always seemed to me that photography tends to deal with facts whereas film tends to deal with fiction.
I don't deal in technique. I deal in emotions.
I am more mature now and know how to deal with certain situations in football. It's not all about highs; there are also lows, but I can deal with it. Football is a hard business.
The best deal that Barack Obama can get will not be the best deal to be had because he's weak and indecisive.
Winning two in a row doesn't seem like a big deal, but when you haven't done it in three months, it's a big deal.
As a military child I first learned how to deal with different types of people and how to deal with order.
They were saying computers deal with numbers. This was absolutely nonsense. Computers deal with arbitrary information of any kind.
We don't deal in absolutes. We deal in probabilities.
The female perspective is what I relate to and I understand it. I find it fascinating. I like to see women in challenging situations and see how they deal with it or don't deal with it.
I feel it's important that in advising the president, if confirmed, that I deal with facts, that I deal with sufficient information. Which means having access to all information.
In football, you can't always have it your own way. You can't always have the good times. You are going to have bad spells and periods when you are not playing well. It is something I have to deal with. I have learnt to deal with it.
Well, you know, any defense force worth its salt has to be able to deal with uncertainty, has to be able to deal with events that we may not have planned for.
Why doesn't anyone care that the schools in Harlem have been unsuccessful for half a century? Why is this not a big deal? To me, it's a terrible deal.
I think the best thing, if you can't get an air-tight deal with every "I" dotted and every "t" crossed is let the next president have a chance to deal with the Iranians.
People think I must have been turning cartwheels on the night I sealed the movie deal - which was only two days after sealing the book deal - but I was really quite terrified.
As a writer you know you don't have to deal with a lot of the crap that most people deal with, the political things. Every couple of years when your book comes out then you have to go into these fights with the publisher and the publicist and that's it.
I wouldn't tell nobody to sign no slave deal or sign your life away or nothing like that, but if the deal is right and if it benefits you, you'd be a fool if you did not take advantage of it.
You have to find a partner when you're making a deal. You cant just say 'I need to make this deal and do whatever it possibly takes to make it.' That's not how it works.
I was watching 'Deal or No Deal' on YouTube recently, and I bawled when the contestant won £250,000. I think I just like watching people achieve their dreams. — © Katarina Johnson-Thompson
I was watching 'Deal or No Deal' on YouTube recently, and I bawled when the contestant won £250,000. I think I just like watching people achieve their dreams.
Has it ever occurred to you that how we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life?
For me, looking back is akin to being on a tightrope and looking down. It doesn't help you in the present moment to deal with what you have to deal with in order to move forward.
I had the greatest deal in the history of professional wrestling. I could work for WWE, anybody else that I wanted to, and collect income from every one of those companies, including merchandise. It was a really good deal.
Our enemies can deal a blow to us any time they wish. They did not wait for permission to do this. They do not deal a blow with prior notice. They do not take action because they can't.
I certainly don't think of my life as a fairy tale. I think of myself as a modern, contemporary woman who has had to deal with all kinds of problems that many women today have to deal with.
For me, I just began, eventually, to embrace what I had. This is what I have to deal with and, not just deal with, but this is what I have to share, and how can I do that the best way.
I'm in awe of people out there who deal with Alzheimer's, because they have to deal with death 10 times over, year after year.
One thing I can guarantee you. You may not be a great deal wiser from my talk today, but you will be a great deal older.
I was never officially signed with Akon, but it was a shopping deal. That was around the time he was going through some problems with his label at Interscope. I waited, but when a deal didn't happen, I just went out on my own.
It's to come up with a deal that both sides feel they can live with. And I think that that's probably where we're going to end up. I think that Donald Trump has people working for him who are ultimately deal-makers. And the Canadians are the same way. They're grownups about this. That's why you saw the prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau not respond to Trump with the same rhetoric, but to talk about the strength of the relationship and the desire for a deal.
I lost 'The X Factor,' and I lost 'Deal or No Deal' twice. I'm good at losing game shows.
Trying to be creative, yet having to deal with the day to day - I mean, there is a lot of stuff to deal with. Like sitting at the computer and sending emails. — © Jeremy Enigk
Trying to be creative, yet having to deal with the day to day - I mean, there is a lot of stuff to deal with. Like sitting at the computer and sending emails.
It would be easier to be tough on Russian than make a deal. I don't know if we'll make a deal.
McCain likes strong defense, and he's viscerally suspicious of big companies. So he's more a Square Deal guy than a New Deal guy.
We can't continue to take from our planet the way we do and not give anything back, and the idea of, 'Oh, but it's fine, I won't have to deal with it in my lifetime,' well, you need to think about the future generations who will have to deal with it.
Every actor has to deal with what's on his plate, and I try to deal with doing the best work possible with the most challenging scripts. I don't base it on whether it's a feature film or a TV-movie or cable.
It's a big deal when you play in a rock band and you conquer Japan. You know, it's a big deal.
When I say 'fighter,' I am thinking about how you deal with adversity, how you deal with being in bad situations.
If women believed in their husbands they would be a good deal happier and also a good deal more foolish.
My first record deal was an independent record deal back in 1995 or early 1996.
Any talk of no deal is completely unacceptable. No deal means we can't reach any agreement about the border in Ireland and that is not a place we want to be.
I didn't start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving.
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