Top 1200 Debt Settlement Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Debt Settlement quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency.
Praise in the beginning is agreeable enough; and we receive it as a favor; but when it comes in great quantities, we regard it only as a debt, which nothing but our merit could extort.
Obama called on Americans to have more grandchildren. Probably so there's more of them to pay off our debt. — © Jay Leno
Obama called on Americans to have more grandchildren. Probably so there's more of them to pay off our debt.
The only way we will ever reduce the debt and balance the budget is if America beats Washington and tea party activists take over this process.
A point must be repeated: only the pathological weakness of the financial memory...allows us to believe that the modern experience in any way a new phenomenon.
At our coming into the world we contract an immense debt to our country, which we can never discharge.
My grandfather came to Canada from Romania just before the Second World War, already in debt after buying his boat ticket on borrowed dime.
The greatest act of freeing happened when Jesus died in our place and paid our debt.
Ultimately, we can't just keep doubling our national debt every eight years. We have got to get that under control and not spend more than we bring in.
I introduced the FREED Vets Act to make student debt forgiveness for disabled veterans automatic, both now and in the future, regardless of who is in the White House.
We will do everything within our power to protect Floridians from unlawful debt collection practices that often employ scare tactics to manipulate individuals.
The greatest threat to our national security is our debt. We borrow a million dollars a minute.
Garnishments tend to happen when people hide from their debts and stop making even minimum payments. Eventually, creditors sell the debt to a collection agency. — © Jean Chatzky
Garnishments tend to happen when people hide from their debts and stop making even minimum payments. Eventually, creditors sell the debt to a collection agency.
Ever since going up to university, I have accumulated new debt, and new means of becoming indebted.
I certainly think you could look at the business side of how WWE was run, which was as a conservative company with little debt and strong cash balance.
Burdening people with debt is an old deal not a new deal.
One of the cruellest things of all is to have a huge deficit in this country, meaning that everyone's children will be expected to pay back for our debt today. That is unfair as well.
We can meet the obligations of Social security and Medicare. If we stay on the path that your party has us on, we'll be in a mountain range of debt and we're gonna face hard choices.
Honest people can disagree on policy. But where there can be no honest disagreement is the need to change our nation's debt course.
It takes as much imagination to create debt as to create income.
This world is so full of care and sorrow that it is a gracious debt we owe to one another to discover the bright crystals of delight hidden in somber circumstances and irksome tasks.
I learned early on what debt means, how vulnerable it makes people, what the security of owning a home means.
At some time, here or hereafter, every account must be settled, and every debt paid in full.
Gratitude is a debt which usually goes on accumulating like blackmail; the more you pay, the more is exacted.
That thou remember them, some claim as debt; I think it mercy, if thou wilt forget.
I want to make college tuition-free for the middle class and debt-free for everyone else.
I use my financial values to set my limitations. I have three children I want to put through college debt free. So that means I can't spend wildly or with disregard.
Never run into debt, not if you can find anything else to run into.
You might at least believe that I know honor- honor and debt.
We have, during his regime, during President Obama's regime, we've doubled our national debt. We're up to $20 trillion.
Politicians in their hubris who believe they can ignore debt or wish it away are sorely disappointed - as we see now with the plummeting approval ratings of both the administration and Congress.
No man is truly free who is in financial bondage. 'Think what you do when you run in debt', said Benjamin Franklin, 'you give another power over your liberty.'
I live in Vegas, and I see people by the side of the road with cardboard signs who seem like they might have tried that spending their way out of debt thing.
The debt and the deficit is just getting out of control, and the administration is still pumping through billions upon trillions of new spending. That does not grow the economy.
Liberty never had to file bankruptcy, thanks to God's blessings, but we did go through tough times and painful debt restructuring in the 1990s.
I go on the principle that a public debt is a public curse and in a republican government more than in any other.
This is what the election of 2010 was about. We didn't send conservatives to Washington to flirt with Democrat proposals for higher taxes and more debt. We sent leaders to stop them.
Please don't invent a debt that does not exist, or next you will be trying to feel gratitude - and that is the treacherous first step toward complete moral degradation. — © Robert A. Heinlein
Please don't invent a debt that does not exist, or next you will be trying to feel gratitude - and that is the treacherous first step toward complete moral degradation.
We know that advanced economies with stable governments that borrow in their own currency are capable of running up very high levels of debt without crisis.
The only way you can raise the debt ceiling is to change the trajectory of spending - that's my personal preference. But I want the Ways and Means Committee to offer up a solution.
A government debt is a government claim against personal income and private property - an unpaid tax bill.
A debt should be paid off till the last penny; An enemy should be destroyed without a trace
There's nothing progressive about spending more on servicing your debt than on educating your children.
Some people use half their ingenuity to get into debt, and the other half to avoid paying it.
Men owe us what we imagine they will give us. We must forgive them this debt.
Some people use one half their ingenuity to get into debt, and the other half to avoid paying it.
Hikes in the debt ceiling - without any political demands from the opposition party - had been routine until President Obama took office.
The 1970s must be the years when America pays its debt to the past by reclaiming the purity of its air, its waters, and our living environment. It is literally now or never.
We owe to genius always the same debt, of lifting the curtain from the common, and showing us that divinities are sitting disguised in the seeming gang of gypsies and peddlars.
I have been in love, and in debt, and in drink, this many and many a year. — © Alexander Brome
I have been in love, and in debt, and in drink, this many and many a year.
One needs a comprehensive concept that decides just how much debt states like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy can sustainably bear.
My greatest debt will always be to the movie-going public of yesterday and today, without whose love and devotion I would have had no story to tell.
We do not have a debt crisis right now, but we see it coming. We know it's irrefutably happening. And the point we're trying to make with our budget is let's get ahead of this problem.
Absolutely pay off your credit card debt, because a child can always get a loan to go to school, possibly a scholarship, a grant.
The convertible note is a useful and common financing structure in Silicon Valley. It's a form of debt that is really more a type of equity - one where the valuation hasn't been determined yet.
How can we pressure China on North Korea if China's one of the two largest holders of American debt?
A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.
I think I should pay more taxes... but everything they take from me should go to reduce the debt.
Public borrowing is costly these days, true, but interest rates on municipal bonds are still considerably lower than those borne by corporate debt.
Many students graduate from college and professional schools, including those of social work, nursing, medicine, teaching and law, with crushing debt burdens.
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