Top 173 Deceptive Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Deceptive quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I think that there are deceptive forces out there that will try to lead us away from God, and we really do need to be careful.
Imagination is the deceptive part in man, the mistress of error and falsehood.
Thinking is a sacred disease and sight is deceptive. — © Heraclitus
Thinking is a sacred disease and sight is deceptive.
'What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal' was thrilling in its light, deceptive tone, its subtle but irresistible momentum.
Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today's events.
Somewhere between the honest truth and the deceptive lie is the deceptive truth and the honest lie.
Hindi films are so deceptive. I thought Mumbai was this big, grand, beautiful city with sea-facing flats.
Half-truths can be as deceptive as outright lies.
Reason" in language - oh, what an old deceptive female she is! I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar.
When [Republicans] say they can reduce taxes and trim deficits at the same time, they are either deluded or deceptive, and they are playing voters for fools.
I feel like I have a rare skill-set with my quickness and my size. It kind of throws people off. It's deceptive with my speed.
Despair is as hollow and deceptive as hope!
Social science virtually abhors the event. Not without reason; the short-term is the most capricious and deceptive form of time. — © Fernand Braudel
Social science virtually abhors the event. Not without reason; the short-term is the most capricious and deceptive form of time.
The attempt to devote oneself to literature alone is a most deceptive thing, and ... often, paradoxically, it is literature that suffers for it.
We need to hold Wall Street accountable for issuing the kinds of deceptive loans that nearly brought our economy to its knees in 2008.
Few things are more deceptive than memories.
Kitsch is deceptive. It has many different levels, and some of them are high enough to be dangerous to the naive seeker of true light.
An example is often a deceptive mirror, and the order of destiny, so troubling to our thoughts, is not always found written in things past
Don't be fooled. Looks can be deceptive. Like every working mother, I'm paddling away like a duck beneath the water.
Political commercials encourage the deceptive, the destructive and the degrading.
You say I'm small? I certainly can relate, although it is a matter of perspective. The distance is deceptive, my friend, you standtoo low.
Research indicates that a pause tends to be a signal that a cluster of deceptive cues is on its way. This is a key reason why voters routinely associate Trump with authenticity: He rarely pauses.
Novelty is both delightful and deceptive.
Pictures can be pretty deceptive.
Do not be misled by appearances for these are apt to be deceptive.
There's a deceptive sin that can keep us from walking in love: pride. It's deceptive because when you have pride, you're usually too proud to admit it. I know this because I used to have teachings on pride and they didn't sell well.
Prejudice is an assortment of deceptively small personal judgments - deceptive because of their great cost in our daily lives.
The most deceptive course in football is straight at the goalposts.
As a measure of acting skills, film can be very deceptive.
The truth cannot be deceptive, and one who sees it cannot be deceived.
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.
This country cannot afford the deceptive luxury of waging defensive warfare.
Fame is a by-product which you have to deal with in a sensible way. To believe that it is anything more significant than that is deeply self-deceptive.
Good writing is deceptive in that it hides its own artifice - it makes it seem easy.
Men are gentle, honest and straightforward. Women are convoluted, deceptive and dangerous.
It is clear that the world is purely parodic, that each thing seen is the parody of another, or is the same thing in a deceptive form.
Admire the diamond that can bear the hits of a hammer. Many deceptive preachers, when critically examined, turn out to be false.
Charm is the enchanted dart, light and subtle as a hummingbird. But it is deceptive in one thing: like a sense of humor, if you think you've got it, you probably haven't. — © Laurel Lea
Charm is the enchanted dart, light and subtle as a hummingbird. But it is deceptive in one thing: like a sense of humor, if you think you've got it, you probably haven't.
The English language has a deceptive air of simplicity; so have some little frocks; but they are both not the kind of thing you can run up in half an hour with a machine.
There is no illusion so permanent as that which enables us to look backward with complacency; there is no mental process so deceptive as the comparing of recollections with realities.
The attempt to devote oneself to literature alone is a most deceptive thing, and often, paradoxically, it is literature that suffers for it.
This is evangelicalism today: sensual, carnal, unconverted people that have just enough deceptive religion to drive them straight into Hell! Are you that kind of person? Or do you have new affections?
Sade's stuff is real deceptive. She's got stuff about prostitutes, poverty and people on the streets.
Appearances are deceptive.
Nothing is as deceptive as a photograph.
The permanent campaign is inherently deceptive.
It is high time the TRS leaders understood the deceptive psyche of the Congress party and its leadership.
An example is often a deceptive mirror, and the order of destiny, so troubling to our thoughts, is not always found written in things past. — © Pierre Corneille
An example is often a deceptive mirror, and the order of destiny, so troubling to our thoughts, is not always found written in things past.
There is nothing more deceptive, more grandeur, than the delusion of a single man.
The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.
I liked Dallas better because it was more deceptive, you could do more with it.
I know too well that these arguments from probabilities are imposters, and unless great caution is observed in the use of them, they are apt to be deceptive.
It is?classic Bill Clinton, sincere and deceptive at the same time, requiring a careful reading between the lines.
The seeming antagonism between capital and labor is the result of deceptive appearance.
It is not a virtue, but a deceptive copy and imitation of virtue, when we are led to the performance of duty by pleasure as its recompense.
Almost every bowler bowls a slower ball, but not many can be deceptive. A slower ball can only be deceptive if it is different, if it is floating, swinging.
As usual she had a deceptive air of perspicacity.
Proselytizing is only wrong if coercive or deceptive. Coercion, whether violent or not, is immoral, just as deception is immoral.
common sense is a very tricky instrument; it is as deceptive as it is indispensable.
We are looking to the FTC to see whether companies that break their promises and collect personal information in an unfair and deceptive manner will be held accountable.
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