Top 1200 Decision Makers Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Decision Makers quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I believe there are two types of decision-makers - those who lead with their gut and those who make lists of pros and cons, and fully anticipate the consequences.
You don't get to make their decisions but you do get to choose the decision makers.
I'm highly political. I spend an awful lot of time in the U.S. trying to influence decision-makers. But I don't feel in tune with British politics. — © Jane Goodall
I'm highly political. I spend an awful lot of time in the U.S. trying to influence decision-makers. But I don't feel in tune with British politics.
Who knows controversies better than me? The controversies always chase people who are active and decision makers.
Simpler companies are user centered. They adapt to the needs of day-to-day decision makers.
There is a lot of work to be done to make sure our leaders reflect the people they are supposed to represent. The more diverse a group of decision makers is, the more informed the decision will be. Until we achieve full representation, we all should understand we are falling short of the ideals of our country.
World makers, social network makers, ask one question first: 'How can I do it?'
The best decision-makers are those who are willing to suffer the most over their decisions but still retain their ability to be decisive.
I think the big thing with Philly is I have such a great relationship with all the personnel decision makers that if there ever does come a day where I am traded or something does happen, it's going to be an open conversation.
The important thing, I think, going into any organization, is that all of the principles, all of the decision-makers are pointed in the same direction, with the same motives, the same desires, and then you have a chance.
If you look at the history of technology gadget makers, hardware makers, it's littered with the corpses of Palm and RIM and companies like that.
The decision makers face each other. No safety screen stands between the issues and the highest authorities.
Photographs are of course about their makers, and are to be read for what they disclose in that regard no less than for what they reveal of the world as their makers comprehend, invent, and describe it.
In order to be effective decision makers and to live satisfying and contented lives, people need to be aware of their goals, desires, and purposes and need to be able to evaluate or assess the extent to which they are heading in the direction specified by their inner standards.
The best decision is the right decision. The next best decision is the wrong decision. The worst decision is no decision. — © Scott McNealy
The best decision is the right decision. The next best decision is the wrong decision. The worst decision is no decision.
The best decision-makers are always armed with the best information and data!
The influencer strategy hasn't been built around celebrities. We're looking for influencers within every marketplace, who are the people who help influence decision-makers within that community.
With respect to the FBI, they had problems communicating in a vertical way, within the FBI itself, so that information of importance could get pushed up to those who were decision-makers.
We as women have a voice and we are decision makers in what film to see. We always support our boyfriends and husbands by going to see the male dominated films, but we don't compel them to see films with female casts.
Somewhere like Russia or China, decision-makers have far fewer constraints on acting than in more open systems.
Part of my job is to make sense of all that I hear, and to retell it in a forceful way so that the decision-makers at Treasury can hear it. At least that's how I see it.
The only way we are going to get diversity is if the demographics of the decision-makers change... The odd-token bone thrown is not going to do it. Don't pat yourself on the back because you made that black drama; that's not diversity. It's got to be baked into the foundation of where the ideas flow from.
If you go to Real Madrid or Barcelona, the fans, the media and the decision-makers don't give you the time to grow into that.
Quick decision makers are often stuck behind annoying people in line at Starbucks.
There are some decision-makers in the world whose version of sanity is a little different from what I consider the right one.
every individual can make a difference ... if we continue to leave decision making to the so-called decision makers, things will never change.
Where I live, if I put solar panels on my roof I'm not allowed to sell that energy back to the grid. I can't change that restriction myself. I need our local decision-makers to fix that.
It is my great hope someday, to see science and decision makers rediscover what the ancients have always known. Namely that our highest currency is respect.
For better or worse, the people who become leaders and decision makers in politics, law and business are going to come from schools like Princeton.
I realised early on that there were two groups of people in the world: those who made the decisions and those who had the decisions made for them. I wanted to be one of the decision-makers.
Structure your presentation so that you appeal to the different interests of the different decision-makers involved.
The ruling class is and will continue to be the class of decision makers.
In the 1970s, a lot of critics didn't understand video. I got a lot of bad reviews. But film-makers didn't understand what we were doing, either. There were actual fistfights between film-makers and video-makers. I was witness to one.
So as soon as you want something to happen you begin skewing the data to support it. Our stuff is invaluable to decision-makers precisely because we have no ax to grind.
The need to engage businesses and decision makers with customers can only increase in importance, and as it does, the market research industry must recognise that engagement is a facet of what we do.
Working for CNN, you help set the agenda for decision makers and industry leaders simply by doing your job. What the network covers and how we cover it affects people. I am not naive enough to believe I work in some 'pure' news vacuum.
Capitalism works better from every perspective when the economic decision makers are forced to share power with those who will be affected by those decisions.
If African film makers had one-tenth the amount commanded by film makers the world over - even the amount used by so-called shoestring film makers - I think we would see quite an explosion of African films on the world scene.
In the face of uncertainty, many companies will default to asking their innovators to study and analyze, which can't actually ever provide a definitive answer. The decision-making systems here are meant to deal with the reality that decisions about innovative ideas will rely on patterns and intuitions. The best venture capital organizations deal with this challenge by staging investment, actively participating in startups they fund, tying decisions to learning as opposed to artificial dates on the calendar, and assembling a diverse team of decision-makers.
I want the least number of decision makers. We want to empower people to get more things done and also give permission to question orthodoxy. — © Satya Nadella
I want the least number of decision makers. We want to empower people to get more things done and also give permission to question orthodoxy.
One time I introduced my orchestra as the Shampoo Music Makers instead of the Champagne Music Makers.
If members of the security apparatus could, with impunity, keep from those elected by the people that which they're entitled to know - or worse, feed false information - those who could control the classified data could be the real decision makers.
The advantage of a free market is that it allows millions of decision-makers to respond individually to freely determined prices, allocating resources - labor, capital and human ingenuity - in a manner that can't be mimicked by a central plan, however brilliant the central planner.
There are always pressures on decision-makers other than just what is right or what is wrong.
As the leaders and decision-makers of this great state, it is our responsibility to strive for perfection.
The largest 100 corporations hold 25 percent of the worldwide productive assets, which in turn control 75 percent of international trade and 98 percent of all foreign direct investment.The multinational corporation...puts the economic decision beyond the effective reach of the political process and its decision-makers, national governments.
Our U.S. audience is composed of globally-minded Americans, an elite category, the ones who do have passports, the decision-makers, senior ranks in the administration, senators on Capitol Hill.
We love the ability of the people to influence the actions of decision-makers, of lawmakers and presidents to be removed from or elevated to office by the will of voters, and of the community to connect amongst diverse populations through the ballot box.
The NFL is in premium interest time, in the fourth quarter [of the business year] when you have Thanksgiving, Christmas, and that's when we try to get the most decision-makers in front of the television, in the fourth quarter.
Financial decision-makers at every level are recognising that fossil fuel investments risk their returns being undermined by stranded assets. — © Barry Gardiner
Financial decision-makers at every level are recognising that fossil fuel investments risk their returns being undermined by stranded assets.
I think we are constantly faced with the same decision. The decision to be blindly obedient to authority versus the decision to try and change things by fighting the powers that be is always, throughout history, the only decision.
Among the social networks, LinkedIn can be one of the most useful when it comes to cultivating critical, lucrative business opportunities, since it has a high concentration of business decision makers.
The EU will face problems similar to the US: an increasing gap between the citizens and decision makers in Brussels and a perceived or even real lack of democracy.
American decision-makers must understand how damaging a foreign policy that privileges order and profit over justice really is in the long term.
Film-makers in Belgium are seen as arts and crafts makers. It is a small country. There is not really a film industry there at all.
In movies, the composers and decision makers are different, so we don't come across classical songs often in films due to lack of interest. The decision makers are non-musical people, so one doesn't get to hear more classical songs in films.
I think the press is doing a wonderful job of putting the pressure on the decision-makers in Hollywood to support more female directors.
Women are never again going to be mindless coffee-makers or mindless policy-makers in politics.
The ruling class is and will continue to be the class of decision makers
Try to rally up as many people as you can with as much information as you can to try to get it to appear in front of the right people in the organization who are the decision-makers to greenlight the project.
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