Top 1200 Deeds And Words Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Deeds And Words quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.
What I want to bring out is how a pebble cast into a pond causes ripples that spread in all directions. And each one of our thoughts, words and deeds is like that.
Thoughts, words, emotions & deeds not coming from love are likely coming from fear. — © Allan Lokos
Thoughts, words, emotions & deeds not coming from love are likely coming from fear.
Little deeds of kindness Little words of love; Help to make earth an Eden Like the heaven above.
Dress not thy thoughts in too fine a raiment. And be not a man of superfluous words or superfluous deeds.
I am not a speaker nor a preacher. I have no mission to change the world. I have no original words or teaching to give anyone. I reflect only what I've seen and heard - most ordinary, very common. I have no fascination for fresh ideas and activity. All enthusiasm for worldly endeavours and strivings have all but gone. For me, thoughts, words and deeds- the activities of life, are merely the utensils for serving out the 'prasad' of the Being-ness.
Many, whose hearts are conquered by acute spite, roll out balanced tales from their own heart, which do not balance when you weigh words against deeds.
The nurse knew that those who really love, love in silence, with deeds and not with words.
The suffragettes were women of action. Their motto was 'Deeds not Words,' and the film reflects that with a number of big set pieces, from the smashing of windows in central London to a riot at the Houses of Parliament.
The suffragettes were women of action. Their motto was "Deeds not Words," and the film reflects that with a number of big set pieces, from the smashing of windows in central London to a riot at the Houses of Parliament.
I will not deny but that the best apology against false accusers is silence and sufferance, and honest deeds set against dishonest words.
A gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match his words.
The words you've bandied are sufficient; 'Tis deeds that I prefer to see. [Ger., Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, Lasst mich auch endlich Thaten sehn.]
I love him who scattereth golden words in advance of his deeds, and always doeth more than he promiseth: for he seeketh his own down-going. — © Friedrich Nietzsche
I love him who scattereth golden words in advance of his deeds, and always doeth more than he promiseth: for he seeketh his own down-going.
I am much more afraid of my good deeds that please me than of my bad deeds that repel me.
The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.
Our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable. There are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved.
Wicked words are the prelude to wicked deeds.
'Words, Words, Words' was very much its title. It's just words, words, words and trying to show that I can pack as much material into an hour as I possibly could word count-wise.
Be not careless in deeds, nor confused in words, nor rambling in thought.
When your thoughts, words, and deeds form a seamless fabric, you streamline your efforts and thus eliminate worry and dread.
The words 'alone,' 'lonely,' and 'loneliness' are three of the most powerful words in the English language. Those words say that we are human; they are like the words hunger and thirst. But they are not words about the body, they are words about the soul.
Other sins find their vent in the accomplishment of evil deeds, whereas pride lies in wait for good deeds, to destroy them.
What, gone without a word? Ay, so true love should do; it cannot speak, For truth hath better deeds than words to grace it.
Deeds not Words: I say so too! And yet I find it somehow true, A word may help a man in need, To nobler act and braver deed.
Ask yourself, "How are my thoughts, words and deeds affecting my friends, my spouse, my neighbour, my child, my employer, my subordinates, my fellow citizens?"
We need to love people with our deeds AND our words because sharing the Good News is a process, not just an event.
My words have an origin. My deeds have a sovereign. Truly, because people do not understand this, they do not understand me.
Judge me by my deeds, though they are few, rather than my words, though they are many.
How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds makes ill deeds done!
Grant us brotherhood, not only for this day but for all our years - a brotherhood not of words but of acts and deeds.
The volumes which record the history of the human race are filled with the deeds and the words of great men ... [but] The Twentieth Century Woman ... questions the completeness of the story.
Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts the book of their deeds, the book of their words, and the book of their art. Not one of these books can be understood unless we read the two others; but of the three, the only quite trustworthy one is the last. The acts of a nation may be triumphant by its good fortune; and its words mighty by the genius of a few of its children: but its art, only by the general gifts and common sympathies of the race.
Bold words and bolder deeds are what we want. Awake, awake, great ones! The world is burning with misery. Can you sleep?
The principal office of history I take to be this: to prevent virtuous actions from being forgotten, and that evil words and deeds should fear an infamous reputation with posterity.
Most people think that shadows follow, precede or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories.
Not a day passes over the earth, but men and women of no note do great deeds, speak great words and suffer noble sorrows.
Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest when you speak in church someone may say to himself, "Why do you not practice what you preach? — © St. Jerome
Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest when you speak in church someone may say to himself, "Why do you not practice what you preach?
These are issues we've been grappling with since the Constitution was written: how you hold your government to account for its words and deeds. It's all about power and the abuse of power.
Morals do not come from the state and society. Morality deals with weightier matters that measure our thoughts, words, and deeds against universals that are true regardless of time and place.
It is our duty to watch over the actions and activities of this government and to insist that, in words as well as in deeds, the interests of our constituency primarily and of the Nation ultimately are served.
According to the Sutras, evil deeds result in hardships and good deeds result in blessings.
The deeds we do, the words we say,Into still air they seem to fleet;We count them ever past;But they shall last -In the dread judgment theyAnd we shall meet.
One does nothing who tries to console a despondent person with word. A friend is one who aids with deeds at a critical time when deeds are called for.
Such as thy words are, such will thy affections be esteemed; and such will thy deeds be as thy affections and such thy life as thy deeds.
Now this relaxation of the mind from work consists on playful words or deeds. Therefore it becomes a wise and virtuous man to have recourse to such things at times.
Every deed has a seed. In other words, the deeds you choose to do in this lifetime create a seed for future generations.
Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. . . . Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves.
Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts - the book of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art. — © John Ruskin
Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts - the book of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art.
There is great significance and importance in all our day-to-day actions in both words and deeds.
If our words are not consistent with our actions, they will never be heard above the thunder of our deeds.
Every comrade must be brought to understand that the supreme test of the words and deeds of a Communist is whether they conform with the highest interests and enjoy the support of the overwhelming majority of the people.
For deeds to die, however nobly done, And thoughts of men to as themselves decay, But wise words taught in numbers for to run, Recorded by the Muses, live for ay.
For a season, a gifted speaker can inspire with his words, but for a lifetime John McCain has inspired with his deeds.
Kind words elicit trust. Kind thoughts create depth. Kind deeds bring love.
Good words," I replied. "But deeds must prove it also; and after he is well, remember you don't forget resolutions formed in the hour of fear.
It is sweet to surve one country by deeds, and it is not absurd to surve her by words.
We must spread our principles, not with words but with deeds, for this is the most popular, the most potent, and the most irresistible form of propaganda.
A gentleman is ashamed to let his words outrun his deeds.
We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe. Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole. All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings, and deeds are listened to by all that is.
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