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Top 1200 Deep Ecology Quotes & Sayings - Page 19
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Deep Ecology
Last updated on December 12, 2024.
Life is the wave's deep whisper on the shore Of a great sea beyond.
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
Art is the act of triggering deep memories, of what it means to be fully human.
I am not pollyannaish about the deep partisan battles that divide us.
The gate is straight, Deep and wide, Break on through to the other side...
I left college with a deep sense that I needed to understand poverty more.
Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and thus into this world from deep within you.
I have drunken deep of joy, And I will taste no other wine tonight.
It is better to drink of deep grief than to taste shallow pleasures.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
It's good to have some certainty in life, even if it's only that I'm in deep trouble.
Comedy is deep and wild and I am excited about the mysteries within.
Something touched me deep inside The day the music died.
Throw me in deep enough, and I sink or swim. I don't care who I fight.
I feel that all of us believe that we're rock stars or actors deep down.
The films that I do are deep, introspective, brooding roles that you're in this heavy headspace all the time.
When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.
I don't want to be an athlete so much. I groove more with artists and deep thinkers.
You can do amazing things if you have strong faith, deep desire, and just hang in there.
The true secret of spiritual strength is self-distrust and deep humilty.
Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.
The tongues of dying men enforce attention like deep harmony.
That no one dies of migraine seems, to someone deep into an attack, an ambiguous blessing.
The best reaction to a paradox is to invent a genuinely new and deep idea.
Summer skylarks Dart about the heavens Above the deep mountains.
All expression of truth does at length take this deep ethical form.
And this mess is so big And so deep and so tall, We cannot pick it up. There is no way at all!
Deep down, I always had a belief I would get on the charts.
The mysterious magnet is either there, buried somewhere deep behind the sternum, or it is not.
Joy goes as deep as sorrow, but leaves less of itself behind.
There's got to be a voice deep within you that is untouched by definitions. And it is there that you become divinely who you are.
Beauty is only skin deep; ugliness goes all the way through.
So burrow in. Snuggle deep. A winter idyll of simple splendor awaits.
The funnel of deep feeling and profound satisfaction in life comes from the capacity to feel.
There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.
It appears to be a law that you cannot have a deep sympathy with both man and nature.
Sometimes having a good time can be the outward evidence of a deep re-thinking.
I know from experience that careers do not always arise from a deep sense of destiny.
Everybody must seem crazy if you see deep enough into their minds.
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.
Giggs drops deep into that Sheringham position where he can turn and ride defenders.
The DEEP SEA has more history in it than all the museums of the world-combined.
It is with deep regret that the determination to assemble Parliament has been so long delayed.
It's a good thing that beauty is only skin deep, or I'd be rotten to the core.
It's just a deep pleasure to read something you've written yourself - if and when you like it.
Some male gamers with a deep sense of entitlement are terrified of change.
Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep.
The Deep Flight Challenger technology is a game-changer for ocean exploration.
Ocean waters..oceans deep..Serious poets never sleep.
The real me is this deep, kind of somber person. I can't really help that.
Most of the oceans in the Solar System are deep beneath ice shelves.
It could be disastrous to speak your mind while you are deep in thought.
Deep breathing changes the chemistry of the body by bringing oxygen into the tissue.
There is nothing deep down inside us except what we have put there ourselves.
Look deep inside the eyes of a woman, see the man you want to be.
Nothing we do has the quickness, the sureness, the deep intelligence living at peace would have.
If the English had deep-dish pizza they could have kept their empire.
We all have a dinosaur deep within us just trying to get out.
Sometimes the biggest enemy you have is down deep in your own soul.
Dynamic activity and deep rest of the mind are complementary to each other.
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