Top 1200 Defeating The Enemy Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Defeating The Enemy quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Therefore I say: know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.
While it is often true that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, it seems like Yahoo's almost obsessive focus on Google is taking away from its other businesses.
Beware not the enemy from 'without' but the enemy from 'within'. — © Douglas MacArthur
Beware not the enemy from 'without' but the enemy from 'within'.
There is something self-defeating in the too-conscious pursuit of pleasure.
The Fed is the biggest enemy of this economy. In fact, Ben Bernanke, as far as I'm concerned, he's public enemy No. 1. We're never going to have a recovery while this guy's in charge.
[Donald trump] is moved from the enemy being Barack Obama, now gone, fading is Hillary Clinton, and there is no question he's chosen the enemy.
At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.
The only safe enemy was a headless enemy.
Defeating fear is not a light switch. For most of us, it's daily work.
Defeating human trafficking is a great moral calling of our time...
Cynicism is the easiest of all reactions, right? But it's also so disappointing and self-defeating.
Non-violence does not signify that man must not fight against the enemy, and by enemy is meant the evil which men do, not the human beings themselves.
I won't back down. I get a satisfaction from being tested and defeating the test. — © Ashton Eaton
I won't back down. I get a satisfaction from being tested and defeating the test.
You cannot tell the enemy you're going to leave and expect the enemy to not - and expect to succeed. I mean, that's just a fundamental of warfare.
People can't imagine an enemy that would cut someone's head off before a video camera and spread it out across the world. But that has happened with the kind of enemy we are now facing.
We need to be focused on defeating radical Islamic terrorists.
Even for defeating extremists, you need more than a military strategy.
Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it.
Hate wears you down and doesn’t hurt your enemy. It’s like taking poison and hoping your enemy will die.
No particular race is the enemy. Ignorance is the enemy.
The enemy is not individuals, churches, 'ex-gay' organisations or political parties; the enemy is ignorance. Change is created by focusing our energies on overcoming the latter instead of attacking the former.
I called the fake news "the enemy of the people" - and they are. They are the enemy of the people. Because they have no sources, they just make them up when there are none.
Judge your enemy based upon capabilities, not intent, you have to look at the enemy and really almost make a worst case call every time.
When it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy!
And that is how we intend to destroy the enemy!" The superior shakes his head wearily. "Young man, the Soviets are our adversary. The Navy is the enemy.
do get over the idea that size has any value or merit. It is the enemy of most of the best things in the world - it is the enemy of the good life.
The bourgeoisie is many times stronger than we. To give it the weapon of freedom of the press is to ease the enemy's cause, to help the class enemy. We do not desire to end in suicide, so we will not do this.
If an enemy has alliances, the problem is grave and the enemy's position strong; if he has no alliances, the problem is minor and the enemy's position weak.
...Jesus did not advocate non-violence merely as a technique for outwitting the enemy, but as a just means of opposing the enemy in such a way as to hold open the possibility of the enemy's becoming just as well. Both sides must win. We are summoned to pray for our enemies' transformation, and to respond to ill-treatment with a love that not only is godly but also, I am convinced, can only be found in God.
The enemy of science is not religion. Religion comes in endless shapes and forms... The true enemy is the substitution of thought, reflection, and curiosity with dogma.
The civilized world has a common stake in defeating the terrorists.
There must be no bloodshed, no violence unless it is defensive, no coercion! We must do it our way and our way alone! To do otherwise is to betray centuries of hardship and struggle.Above all else Kyfho. Forget Kyfho in your pursuit of victory over the enemy, and you will become the enemy...worse than the enemy because he doesn't know he is capable of anything better.
When I was 11, I won my first nationals at Savannah, defeating Kelly Henry in the finals.
It has always been my ideal in war to eliminate all feelings of hatred and to treat my enemy as an enemy only in battle and to honour him as a man according to his courage.
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
As long as the enemy fights he must be beaten relentlessly, but a defeated enemy and especially the civilian population must be treated generously.
You can't talk about defeating insurgencies in the same way that you can with a conventional army.
Capitalism has defeated communism. It is now well on its way to defeating democracy. — © David Korten
Capitalism has defeated communism. It is now well on its way to defeating democracy.
An enemy of yours is an enemy of mine; an enemy of mine is an enemy of yours; if an enemy of mine is not an enemy of yours, then you're an enemy of mine.
But after defeating Carlos Condit, I've shown I deserve to have a title shot.
Let the poor man count as his enemy, and his worst enemy, every invader of the right of free discussion.
Another way that you love your enemy is this: When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you must not do it.
Death wasn't part of God's original plan for humanity, and the Bible calls death an enemy - the last enemy to be destroyed.
Uniformity, in its motives, its goals, its far-ranging consequences, is the natural enemy of poetry, not to mention the enemy of trees, the soil, the exemplary life therein.
Are the odds you face (in life) defeating or motivating you?
Human beings are not our enemy. Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the violence, ignorance, and injustice in us and in the other person. When we are armed with compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to invade, to dominate, and to exploit.
I've dedicated my life in public service to defeating climate change.
Broadway is so defeating for the most part that it doesn't encourage people to be as tenacious as they should be. — © Ann Reinking
Broadway is so defeating for the most part that it doesn't encourage people to be as tenacious as they should be.
There is no greater mistake than to make light of an enemy By making light of an enemy many a kingdom has been lost.
Abortionists are not the enemy. Our enemy is sin.
It is necessary to name the enemy of human civilization, and this enemy is international terrorism associated with religious fundamentalism and religious intolerance.
I've done things, from the Olympics to defeating two of the greatest fighters of all time.
If we are to put the era of nuclear terror behind us, we must struggle against the real 'enemy.' That enemy is not nuclear weapons per se, nor is it the states that possess or develop them. The real enemy that we must confront is the ways of thinking that justify nuclear weapons; the readiness to annihilate others when they are seen as a threat or as a hindrance to the realization of our objectives.
The most effective method of propaganda directed at the enemy forces is to release captured soldiers and give the wounded medical treatment... Whenever soldiers of enemy forces are captured, we immediately conduct propaganda among them...This immediately knocks the bottom out of the enemy's slander that the Communist bandits kill everyone on sight.
To conquer the enemy without resorting to war is the most desirable. The highest form of generalship is to conquer the enemy by strategy.
If you wish to feign confusion in order to lure the enemy on, you must first have perfect discipline; if you wish to display timidity in order to entrap the enemy, you must have extreme courage; if you wish to parade your weakness in order to make the enemy over-confident, you must have exceeding strength.
The only good enemy is a dead enemy.
We need racist stereotypes right now of our enemy in order to encourage our warriors to kill the enemy.
I've grown tired of people impersonating world-weary cynics by intoning the old saying 'My enemy's enemy is my friend' as if it were a new-minted witticism.
Bin Laden does reprehensible activities, and we should surely take care of that by killing him as soon as we can. But he's not an irrational man. He's a very worthy enemy. He's an enemy to worry about.
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