Top 683 Defines Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Defines quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
your judgement judges you and defines you
Being you is what defines real beauty.
When someone criticizes you, it defines who they are, not who you are. — © Marie Forleo
When someone criticizes you, it defines who they are, not who you are.
He who defines the terms, controls the debate.
It's not what you say, but what you do that defines your individuality
As it defines itself, every society defines other societies. That definition almost always takes the form of a condemnation: the 'other' is the barbarian.
I have yet to write that one song that defines my career.
Where you are defines what you're interested in.
My experience is that Delhi behaves the way the leadership defines.
The risk to be perceived defines the duty to be obeyed.
The way we spend our time defines who we are.
It's a pretty humiliating thing when you get picked last every day in gym class and then at lunchtime all the kids play sports and you get picked last. At the time I just thought, "This is awful," because it defines you as a weak person. It defines you with girls and if you're bad at sports, you get into this funny cycle where the ball never gets to you because now you're in the worst position, you're in deep right field, so you can never prove that you got better, so the cycle lasts forever.
I don't think being white defines who I am. — © Paul Wall
I don't think being white defines who I am.
To be rapeable, a position that is social, not biological, defines what a woman is.
A sickness ... defines margins, crystallizes the shape of things.
It's not what happens to us that defines us. It's what we choose to do with what happens to us that defines us.
It's not what you achieve, it's what you overcome. That's what defines your career.
How you spend your time defines who you are.
I believe in rainbows and all of that. But there are darker colors ? and it's the shade that defines the light.
My history defines who I am.
What matters to you defines your mattering.
Israel defines Palestinians more than anything else.
Very few people believe in the devil these days, which suits the devil very well. He is always helping to circulate the news of his own death. The essence of God is existence, and He defines Himself as: 'I am Who am.' The essence of the devil is the lie, and he defines himself as: 'I am who am not.' Satan has very little trouble with those who do not believe in him; they are already on his side.
Being gay is not something that defines me. What defines me is what my mom always taught me: to treat everyone with respect, to always be a hard worker, and to be kind.
How they treat you defines them. How you treat others defines you.
The Encyclopedia Galactica defines a robot as a mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man. The marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation defines a robot as "Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy defines the marketing devision of the Sirius Cybernetic Corporation as "a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.
That's what defines 'Survivor': it's the ultimate test of who you are.
What we do, our choices, that's what defines us
What defines a relationship is the work that's involved to maintain it, and it's constantly changing.
Adversity defines true character.
Mortality defines the human condition.
The risk to be percieved defines the duty to be obeyed.
What you invest your time in defines who you are.
It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.
What kind of dining set defines me as a person?
My faith is what defines me as a person, that is who I am.
Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are — © Kristen Stewart
Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are
I am the sole author of the dictionary that defines me.
I still haven't made a film that defines who I am.
Who defines terrorists? Today's terrorist is tomorrow's friend.
Gender preference does not define you. Your spirit defines you.
What defines you as a person is not the life you were born in to, but what you made of it.
I'm not saying that being gay is what defines me, but at the same time, if you feel like you have to hide it, then it becomes what defines you. You keep it hidden, and the secret becomes you.
T]here is no other purpose of my existence except to know, love and get closer to God. This is the one and only reason why I was created. And this is the most essential realization, as it defines everything else I do or believe. It defines all things around me, and everything I experience in life.
Mission defines strategy, and strategy defines structure.
I don't think a name defines the core of who you are.
A mother is a story with no beginning. That is what defines her. — © Meghan O'Rourke
A mother is a story with no beginning. That is what defines her.
What defines loneliness is our internal comfort level.
What you want to be defines what you become.
Software increasingly defines the world around us.
It's not what you take but what you leave behind that defines greatness.
I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention.
I'm competitive - that's what defines me - and I love it.
It's okay to screw up. It's what we do afterward that defines us.
What you do, what you say, how you react to critical situations defines not just the moment, but it defines and shapes you.
Perception defines everything.
What defines a Western? I've probably seen three my whole life.
The atmosphere defines the environment of sound.
As a dimension of man, rebellion actually defines him.
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