Top 172 Deliverance Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Deliverance quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If a man should wanton walk with crime ... he shall find in death no great deliverance.
You might be a redneck if you think the Mountain Men in Deliverance were just misunderstood.
The promised land guarantees nothing. It is only an opportunity, not a deliverance. — © Shelby Steele
The promised land guarantees nothing. It is only an opportunity, not a deliverance.
Each new day is another chapter in the unfolding promise of deliverance and life.
Each and every part of the world is a snare for the fool and a means of deliverance for the wise.
Longing, breathing, and panting after deliverance is a grace in itself, that has a mighty power to conform the soul into the likeness of the thing longed after...unless you long for deliverance you shall not have it.
The deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914.
Until we realise ourselves as the Absolute, we cannot attain to deliverance.
Religion is, in fact, the dominion of the soul; it is the hope, the anchor of safety, the deliverance from evil. What a service has Christianity rendered to humanity!
In the huge mass of evil as it rolls and swells, there is ever some good working toward deliverance and triumph.
I preach deliverance to others, I tell them there is freedom, while I hear my own chains clang.
We live in hope of deliverance from the darkness that surrounds us
Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes hiw own prison. — © Edwin Arnold
Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes hiw own prison.
The Gospel is not a mere message of deliverance, but a canon of conduct; it is not a theology to be accepted, but it is ethics to be lived. It is not to be believed only, but it is to be taken into life as a guide.
Spirituality now wanders from sex to drugs to art to revolution to violence--whatever seems to promise deliverance from the quotidian.
A votary of ahimsa always prays for ultimate deliverance from the bondage of the flesh.
Truth is inseperable from the illusory belief that from the figures of the unreal one day, in spite of all, real deliverance will come.
Dreadful is the mysterious power of fate; there is no deliverance from it by wealth or by war, by walled city or dark, seabeaten ships.
Seventies cinema - 'Taxi Driver,' 'Deliverance' - that was the best period of American cinema.
Nobody appreciates deliverance like those who've nearly been destroyed.
The only basis on which to work for God is an esteemed appreciation of his deliverance.
Not to be occupied with your sin, but to be occupied with God brings deliverance from self.
My heart burns for the deliverance of Africa.
The work of healing is not my work, but by faith, healing is done. The work of deliverance, great and mighty deliverance, is not my work but is my faith in Him. It is not the works of righteousness which I have done, but according to His grace. I am a product of His grace.
Attain deliverance in disturbances.
And I add this part here, to hint to whoever shall read it, that whenever they come to a true Sense of things, they will find Deliverance from Sin a much greater Blessing than Deliverance from Affliction.
There is no better deliverance from the world than through art, and a man can form no surer bond with it.
There was no answer, no solution, no sop, no deliverance. What, then, did I do? I read faster.
When the POWER OF GOD is present, healing and deliverance are just like BREATHING!
Sickness and healing are in every heart; death and deliverance in every hand.
We should not shrink from opportunities where our faith may be tried. The more I am in a position to be tried in faith, the more I will have the opportunity of seeing God’s help and deliverance. Every fresh instance in which He helps and delivers me will increase my faith. The believer should not shrink from situations, positions, or circumstances in which his faith may be tried, but he should cheerfully embrace them as opportunities to see the hand of God stretched out in help and deliverance. Thus his faith will be strengthened.
Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight.
A successful search for truth means complete deliverance from the dual throng, such as of love and hate, happiness and misery.
Every tone was a testimony against slavery, and a prayer to God for deliverance from chains.
When the Goths are at the gates, forming study groups and praying for deliverance is not effective defense.
It will be hard to find a parallel in history in which unarmed people have represented the urge for freedom, turning their armlessness into the central means for deliverance.
You know, the BBC had not been particularly generous in its deliverance of blues and esoteric kinds of music.
Worrying is trying to figure out what to do to save yourself rather than trusting in God for deliverance. — © Joyce Meyer
Worrying is trying to figure out what to do to save yourself rather than trusting in God for deliverance.
In every human Beast, God has implanted a Principle, which we call Love of Freedom; it is impatient of Oppression, and pants for Deliverance.
Man does find in Nature deliverance from himself, oblivion of his past, with peace and purity!
Deliverance is always found on 'the mount'; living faith must first prove to God that it has taken His word and promise for victory.
God is glorified through healing and deliverance, not through sickness and suffering.
If we do not know ourselves to be full of pride, ambition, lust, weakness, misery, and injustice, we are indeed blind. And if, knowing this, we do not desire deliverance, what can we say of a man...?
True deliverance of man is the deliverance from Avidya i.e. ignorance. It is not in destroying anything that is positive and real, for that cannot be possible, but that which is negative, which obstructs our vision of truth.
By salvation I mean not barely according to the vulgar notion deliverance from hell or going to heaven but a present deliverance from sin a restoration of the soul to its primitive health its original purity a recovery of the divine nature the renewal of our souls after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness in justice mercy and truth.
Liberation is not deliverance.
Look to Africa, when a black king shall be crowned for the day of deliverance is at hand!
Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes his own prison. — © Edwin Arnold
Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes his own prison.
Tell us again, for we forget, that work done without love is stillborn, mindless, and lost in the very hour of its deliverance.
Real faith rejoices in the promise of God as if it saw the deliverance and was enjoying it.
You have the right to claim blessing, healing, protection, freedom, deliverance, because He was unjustly nailed to a cross so you could have a life that is fulfilling.
Unfortunates, who ought to begin with God, do not have any hope in him till they have exhausted all other means of deliverance.
We must be very careful not to assign this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations
Deliverance is about what I went through the first time. And I chalk it up as a learning experience.
I'm proud of 'Deliverance' because it was a very dangerous film to make, and they all said it couldn't be done, and we did it. And Jon Voight and I are now like brothers.
I need forgiveness for my sins, but I need also deliverance from the power of sin... I appreciate the blessed fact of God's forgiveness, but I want something more than that: I want deliverance. I need forgiveness for what I have done, but I need also deliverance from what I am.
Dreams are excursions into the limbo of things, a semi-deliverance from the human prison.
The restoration of spinning to its central place in India's peaceful campaign for deliverance from the imperial yoke gives her women a special status.
July 4th ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion.
As long as we complain, we remain stuck in our problems. But a thankful attitude brings deliverance and makes God smile.
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