Top 206 Descriptions Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Descriptions quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I think I'm good at metaphors and descriptions. Plot doesn't come naturally to me, so I work really hard at it.
Every change of scene requires new expositions, descriptions, explanations.
. . . a dirty exterior is a great enemy to beauty of all descriptions. — © Mary Martha Sherwood
. . . a dirty exterior is a great enemy to beauty of all descriptions.
Relativity teaches us the connection between the different descriptions of one and the same reality.
Resist Impulses to Label Yourself with Descriptions that Limit You in Any Way.
I will begin with what in my opinion is your lack of restraint. You are like a spectator in a theatre who expresses his enthusiasm so unrestrainedly that he prevents himself and others from hearing. That lack of restraint is particularly noticeable in the descriptions of nature with which you interrupt dialogues; when one reads them, these descriptions, one wishes they were more compact, shorter, say two or three lines.
Discovered W. Somerset Maugham in about 5th grade. Didn't understand the plots, but loved the descriptions.
We defend ourselves by descriptions and tame the world by generalizing.
The old, slow, creaking descriptions are a thing of the past; today the rule is brevity - but every word must be supercharged, high-voltage.
You almost can't avoid having some version of the multiverse in your studies if you push deeply enough in the mathematical descriptions of the physical universe.
There seems to be no end of books about the British empire, and the fascination it holds for historians of all descriptions is inexhaustible.
One single glance will conquer all descriptions.
I just love the days when you come out of the archives with half a dozen excellent descriptions or poignant accounts of personal experiences.
Each of us have things and thoughts and descriptions of an amazing universe in our possession that kings in the 17th Century would have gone to war to possess.
The grandmother, the mother, the worker, the student, the intellectual, the professional, the unemployed, everybody identified with the songs because they were descriptions of life in the city.
Detailed descriptions, abstract ambitions, relevant observations, your's and mine. — © Ellen Hopkins
Detailed descriptions, abstract ambitions, relevant observations, your's and mine.
In descriptions of nature one must seize on small details, grouping them so that when the reader closes his eyes he gets a picture.
For the professional writer, stories must be presented as a series of individual scenes, each one dramatized with dialogue and telling descriptions of who is present and what they're all doing.
Alternative descriptions of the same reality evoke different emotions and different associations.
Inflated descriptions by the pen or exaggerated illustrations by the pencil.
Measurements, observations, descriptions can only be considered scientific when they are independently confirmed by other people.
I usually have about 16 pills a day of various descriptions - I also have minerals from Salt Lake City and amino acids that get sent to me from Australia.
All descriptions of reality are temporary hypotheses.
I feel as though I am trying to describe a three-dimensional experience while living in a two-dimension world. The appropriate words, descriptions, and concepts don't even exist in our current language. I have subsequently read the accounts of other people's near-death experiences and their portrayals of heaven and I am able to see the same limitations in their descriptions and vocabulary that I see in my own.
Multiple descriptions are better than one.
All descriptions of reality are limited expressions of the world of emptiness. Yet we attach to the descriptions and think they are reality. That is a mistake.
I have read descriptions of Paradise that would make any sensible person stop wanting to go there.
I like snappy dialogue and short descriptions and lots of action.
Matter-of-fact descriptions make the improbable seem real.
Our culture has created two almost irreconcilable descriptions of a 'good woman.' The first is the individual achiever; the second, the self-sacrificing domestic goddess.
Build a shield between yourself and the descriptions of the world that everyone else has.
You know more of a road by having traveled it than by all the conjectures and descriptions in the world.
The moment that most fascinated me in Ursula Le Guin's 'The Lathe of Heaven' was its descriptions of times of transition from one reality to another.
Monologues, in some ways, are the most scientific descriptions of consciousness and even of gatherings.
The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
Descriptions of my work depress me. They make me feel pinned down.
Avoid restaurants with names that are improbable descriptions, such as the Purple Goose, the Blue Kangaroo or the Quilted Orangutan.
In fact, one of the descriptions of the character in the book is that 'IT' was not very good at replicating human emotions. And that's something that is overlooked in general.
By definition, big data cannot yield complicated descriptions of causality. Especially in healthcare. Almost all of our diseases occur in the intersections of systems in the body.
But then one is always excited by descriptions of money changing hands. It's much more fundamental than sex. — © Nigel Dennis
But then one is always excited by descriptions of money changing hands. It's much more fundamental than sex.
A newspaper, not having to act on its descriptions and reports, but only to sell them to idly curious people, has nothing but honor to lose by inaccuracy and non-veracity.
The refreshing pleasure from the first view of nature, after the pain of illness, and the confinement of a sick-chamber, is above the conceptions, as well as the descriptions, of those in health.
Perhaps one day we will have machines that can cope with approximate task descriptions, but in the meantime, we have to be very prissy about how we tell computers to do things.
When we start making distinctions between soul and spirit, we're in very, very murky waters. There is the whole issue of the English language, which has a rather limited vocabulary when it comes to psychological descriptions, not to speak of spiritual descriptions. We're good mythically - the English language is superb for myth. But we're not very good for psychology or spirituality.
The world of enlightenment, and that which creates enlightenment, is much different than what most people would think. Most people have Hallmark Card descriptions of what creates enlightenment. And if their descriptions were correct, then everyone who is in religious practice would be enlightened.
Descriptions of inner, spiritual processes are much more liable to misunderstanding than descriptions of events in the physical world. Such misunderstandings arise easily because the life of the soul is in constant movement and because we fail to bear in mind that the life of the soul is very different from life in the physical world.
Most descriptions make Beijing sound overbuilt: not a blade of grass left.
As traditional job descriptions become obsolete, people will need to collaborate in new ways with increasingly intelligent machines.
I saw that everything famous and beautiful in the world, if we judge by the descriptions and drawings of writers and artists, always loses when we go to see it and examine it closely.
Motherhood is like Albania- you can't trust the descriptions in the books, you have to go there.
For delightfully quirky descriptions of bizarre neurological syndromes that teach us a lot about how the brain works, there is no match for Oliver Sacks. — © Francis Collins
For delightfully quirky descriptions of bizarre neurological syndromes that teach us a lot about how the brain works, there is no match for Oliver Sacks.
One who is caught in thought loses one's original nature. All he knows are words and descriptions. When he sees the actual thing, he fails to perceive it.
If I showed you scripts from my first few movies, the descriptions of my characters all said 'the ugly girl'.
I don't believe in reducing a style and a voice down to a set of descriptions, so I've never done that.
Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
All descriptions of matter are descriptions of modes of human perception within consciousness.
I am not fond of lengthy descriptions of phony artworks.
My grandmother was a psychiatrist and had shelves full of medical books - I was constantly sneaking looks at some of those. I was fascinated by the descriptions of illnesses and diseases.
Recipes are just descriptions of one person’s take on one moment in time. They’re not rules.
Learn from cinema. Be economic with descriptions. Sort out the telling detail from the lifeless one. Write dialogue that people would actually speak.
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