Top 1200 Desire For God Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Desire For God quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
The person who loves God cannot help loving every man as himself, even though he is grieved by the passions of those who are not yet purified. But when they amend their lives, his delight is indescribable and knows no bounds. A soul filled with thoughts of sensual desire and hatred is unpurified. If we detect any trace of hatred in our hearts against any man whatsoever for committing any fault, we are utterly estranged from love for God, since love for God absolutely precludes us from hating any man.
Those who desire to become rich, desire it at once.
While we desire, we do not enjoy; and with enjoyment desire ceases. — © William Hazlitt
While we desire, we do not enjoy; and with enjoyment desire ceases.
When you desire the common good, the whole world desires with you. Make humanity's desire your own and work for it. There you cannot fail.
The desire to belong is partly a desire to lose oneself.
Desire is creation, is the magical element in that process. If there were an instrument by which to measure desire, one could foretell achievement.
When your commitment is to be loving regardless of the circumstances, there is no room for harsh words. You assert yourself not from a desire to control but from a desire to stand for who you are.
Every intense desire is perhaps a desire to be different from what we are.
I had no desire to be in the movies. All my training had been in the theater, thank God.
God has made me desire always what he most wants to give me.
My greatest desire is that I may perceive the God whom I find everywhere in the external world, in like manner also within and inside myself.
We are disgusted by the things that we desire, and we desire what disgusts us.
How would you describe the spiritual aroma of your home? The source of this aroma is the relationship between husband and wife. Many can fake an attempt at keeping God’s standards in some external way. What we cannot fake is the resulting, distinctive aroma of pleasure to God. Most marriage books address the mere externals of marriage, without seeking to understand the heart issues. Godly marriages proceed from an obedient heart, and the greatest desire of an obedient heart is the glory of God, not the happiness of the household.
Desire consumes you, it takes you over. You forget yourself completely. All you can think about is the other, the one you desire, your self is just a fire. — © Marilyn French
Desire consumes you, it takes you over. You forget yourself completely. All you can think about is the other, the one you desire, your self is just a fire.
It is not for man to seek, or even to believe in, God. He only has to refuse his ultimate love to everything that is not God. This refusal does not presuppose any belief. It is enough to recognize what is obvious to any mind: that all the goods of this world, past, present, and future, real or imaginary, are finite and limited and radically incapable of satisfying the desire that perpetually burns within us for an infinite and perfect good.
Desire nothing for yourself, which you do not desire for others.
If we desire a society of peace, then we cannot achieve such a society through violence. If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society. If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end.
Am I honest? Am I sincere? Do I really desire first the praise of God?
God doesn't desire our worship because He is egocentric. He desires it because we are.
In the end there is no desire so deep as the simple desire for companionship.
When a man's intellect is constantly with God, his desire grows beyond all measure into an intense longing for God and his incensiveness is completely transformed into divine love. For by continual participation in the divine radiance his intellect becomes totally filled with light; and when it has reintegrated its passible aspect, it redirects this aspect towards God, filling it with an incomprehensible and intense longing for Him and with unceasing love, thus drawing it entirely away from worldly things to the divine.
The man's desire is for the woman; but the woman's desire is rarely other than for the desire of the man.
When you meditate you can stand back from your desire. When you silence the mind and there is stillness, only then can you tell if a desire is dharma.
Desire is storm, greed is whirlpool, pride is precipice, attachment is avalanche, ego is volcano. Discard desire and you are liberated.
We've all had that fear, that despair of losing someone, or this fierce desire because it's not reciprocated. The less reciprocation there is, the more desire we have.
Of course the shrieking desire for the scoop can get really strong, but so is the desire to safeguard connections and keep everyone happy.
O what is it about having one's own Babe upon one's Hip that makes a Woman wish to go home to her Mother? A Desire to say: 'Look, the Circle is compleat'? A Desire to say: 'Look, I have cross'd the Divide and now am more like you'? A Desire to say: 'Look, this Babe I offer you is my most precious Gift'?
... it is one thing to desire, another to be in capacity fit for what we desire.
A healthy desire for wealth is not greed. It's a desire for life.
If you have the desire and passion to do something, and it's within God's will, you will achieve it.
There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge.
... the proper self-knowledge and self-love of every created thing is ipso facto a participation in the knowledge and love of God. The entire universe moves by desire for the Highest Good simply because every part of it loves what God loves - namely, its own being.
I feel that God wants me to coach; otherwise, he wouldn't have put the desire in me.
Not a chance. I don't know what Sarah (Palen)'s doing, (but) I have no desire to be president of the United States, zero desire. I don't think that I would be electable.
You're still going to win with preparation and dedication and plain old desire. If you don't have genuine desire, you won't be dedicated enough to prepare properly.
We must not simply desire God; we must live in total dependence.
By God’s design, he has wired his children for spiritual reproduction. He has woven into the fabric of every single Christian’s DNA a desire and ability to reproduce.
It is easy, when you are young, to believe that what you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume that if you want something badly enough, it is your God-given right to have it.
A man of but mediocre talent who is furiously driven by deep desire will get somewhere. He who doesn't desire deeply isn't hurt much by failure. — © Harvey Dunn
A man of but mediocre talent who is furiously driven by deep desire will get somewhere. He who doesn't desire deeply isn't hurt much by failure.
The real end of prayer is not so much to get this or that single desire granted, as to put human life into full and joyful conformity with the will of God.
The less we read the Word of God, the less we desire to read it, and the less we pray, the less we desire to pray.
A man's desire is for the woman, but the woman's desire is rarely other than for the desire of the man.
No one can desire the love of God without first knowing human love.
The people of the Middle East share the desire for freedom. We have an opportunity - and an obligation - to help them turn this desire into reality.
Humans have a strong desire to be part of a group. That desire makes us susceptible to fads, fashions, and idea contagions.
If you have the desire, if you really had people with the burning desire to lower taxes, it would be done. We know the Democrats don't want to do it.
People have told me to have sex when i feel the desire to, but right now i have no desire to pull my pants down in front of a girl.
You are probably at your sanest when you come to the place where you abandon all else but your desire for God.
What everyone in the astronaut corps shares in common is not gender or ethnic background, but motivation, perseverance, and desire - the desire to participate in a voyage of discovery.
I’m torn between the desire to create and the desire to destroy. — © Charles M. Schulz
I’m torn between the desire to create and the desire to destroy.
My ruthless desire to win at all costs served me well on the bike but the level it went to, for whatever reason, is a flaw. That desire, that attitude, that arrogance.
My desire is to strive toward perfection; to be as much in harmony with God's will as possible; to live up to the highest light I have. I'm still not perfect, of course, but I grow daily... I am able to do everything I am called to do, and I do know what I need to know to do my part in the Divine Plan. And I do experience the happiness of living in harmony with God's will for me.
A crowd is not merely impulsive and mobile. Like a savage, it is not prepared to admit that anything can come between its desire and the realisation of its desire.
The desire to see and the desire to ratify what one has seen are desires at odds with one another, if only because they proceed from separate places in the imagination.
There is, first, the desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom. Secondly, we have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige
When you imagine the reality of the fulfilled desire and feel the thrill of accomplishment, your subconscious brings about the realisation of desire.
Desire is never final, desire is imprecise and impractical [...]
The desire for riches is simply the capacity for a larger life seeking fulfillment; every desire is the effort of an unexpressed possibility come into action.
To win you must have talent and desire ­ but desire is first.
Let every creature have your love. Love, with its fruits of meekness, patience, and humility, is all that we can wish for ourselves and our fellow creatures. For this is to live in God, united with him, both for time and eternity. To desire to communicate good to everyone, in the degree that we can and to which each person is capable of receiving from us, is a divine temper, for thus God stands unchangeably disposed towards the whole creation.
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