Top 70 Detours Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Detours quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
No matter how many detours and adjustments it made, the caravan moved toward the same compass point. Once obstacles were overcome, it returned to its course, sighting on a star that indicated the location of the oasis.
From the reader's point of view, punctuation provides a map for one who must otherwise drive blindly past the by-ways, intersections, and detours of a writer's thought.
The road to creativity passes so close to the madhouse and often detours or ends there. — © Ernest Becker
The road to creativity passes so close to the madhouse and often detours or ends there.
The strength of patience hangs on our capacity to believe that God is up to something good for us in all our delays and detours.
One of the major keys to success is to keep moving forward on the journey, making the best of the detours and interruptions, turning adversity into advantage.
I'm interested in long careers where you take detours.
Those whose purpose does not match yours are not wrong; they have their mission, and finding their own purposeful way may involve many detours and acts that seem destructive.
I can take strange detours and linger in places and do things that have no budgetary restraints.
Sometimes when we’re focused on quickly getting to our destination, we’ll encounter unexpected roadblocks and detours. Always remember that there’s more than one path that will lead you to where you’re going. Who knows? You might just enjoy that new, more scenic route!
'The Names' is planned as a nine-part series. I have a kind of road map: I know the final scene of episode nine. But as to exactly how we get there, what detours or horrible accidents we might have to pass through, I like to keep that a little fluid.
Life is filled with detours and dead ends, trials and challenges of every kind. Each of us has likely had times when distress, anguish, and despair almost consumed us.
Establishing goals is all right if you don't let them deprive you of interesting detours.
In the armed forces, the chances of success are quite high. That's due to the clarity of the military structure - everything is sketched out. In politics, there are many more surprises and detours, and it's a lot more unpredictable.
Gardening is a long road, with many detours and way stations, and here we all are at one point or another. It's not a question of superior or inferior taste, merely a question of which detour we are on at the moment. Getting there (as they say) is not important; the wandering about in the wilderness or in the olive groves or in the bayous is the whole point.
Some of the steps you take may end up being detours or out-and-out mistakes. By staying focused on your vision, though, you'll find even those steps useful in the creating process.
Throughout my life I have taken detours in acting and writing, but art remains my abiding passion. — © Gloria Vanderbilt
Throughout my life I have taken detours in acting and writing, but art remains my abiding passion.
Do you feel disappointed because something you planned didn’t work out If so you can get re-appointed today. In God there are never any dead-ends only detours. Don’t ever give up. Just keep trying until you succeed.
Always trust the process. I'm a firm believer in that. You know, you keep your eyes on the destination, and of course there will always be detours, but if you're moving towards it, you will always get there.
I walked across Tuscany from Siena to Rome, which was a lovely way to see the landscape. It was sunny but not too hot, and we made detours to look at treasures - churches, paintings, little hill villages. The first couple of days, you feel your knees are turning to jelly. But, at the end, you feel very limber. I hope I can always do it.
Things that look like shortcuts are actually detours (disguised as less work).
A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.
Life isn't always easy and we are never guaranteed that things will always go smoothly…It progresses with an almost constant series of challenges, but these obstacles are just detours that we have to take in order to meet our ultimate goals. No matter what sort of adversity or challenge you might face, you can always believe that, with hope, it can be conquered and, in the end, you will be stronger for it.
Lessons often come dressed up as detours and roadblocks
Trust reverses the detours of adversity into highways of destiny.
Sometimes it's the detours which turn out to be the fruitful ideas.
There are no short cuts, no detours in the Middle East.
There's an infinite amount of possibilities and detours and things that can distract you from actually just performing the song and having whatever emotion that's invested into the song come through in the recording.
I came into the world under the sign of Saturn -- the star of the slowest revolution, the planet of detours and delays.
An unanticipated destination, perhaps, but you must admit,all the best journeys take unexpected detours.
Secure web servers are the equivalent of heavy armoured cars. The problem is, they are being used to transfer rolls of coins and cheques written in crayon by people on park benches to merchants doing business in cardboard boxes from beneath highway bridges. Further, the roads are subject to random detours, anyone with a screwdriver can control the traffic lights, and there are no police.
Not all spiritual paths lead to the harmonious Oneness. Indeed, most are detours and distractions, nothing more.
Second thoughts have aborted more dreams than all the difficult circumstances, overwhelming obstacles, and dangerous detours fate ever could throw at you.
We plan our lives in long, unbroken stretches that intersect our dreams the way highways connect the city dots on a road map. But in the end we learn that life is lived in the side roads, alleys, and detours.
In the beginning, I had considered these stops on my journey as interruptions - but I'm coming to understand that perhaps these detours are my journey.
I'm also interested in something that can happen later in life. In midstream, you can suddenly take what looks like a detour; I'm sure I've taken many detours.
The idea of making music from an imaginary culture was to give ourselves a set of restrictions and parameters within which to work. Otherwise, we might have just gone on all kinds of creative detours, some of which might have been interesting. But better we confine ourselves to something.
I think that you have to believe in your destiny; that you will succeed, you will meet a lot of rejection and it is not always a straight path, there will be detours - so enjoy the view.
Take those road hazards- the potholes, ruts, detours, and all the rest- as evidence that you were on the right route. It's when you find yourself on that big, broad, easy road that you ought to worry.
So many roads. So many detours. So many choices. So many mistakes. — © Sarah Jessica Parker
So many roads. So many detours. So many choices. So many mistakes.
Jeet Kune Do does not beat around the bush. It does not take winding detours. It follows a straight line to the objective. Simplicity is the shortest distance between two points.
By the end of the millennium, despite the continuing excitement of the field, almost thirty years of a detour from chemistry to medical imaging began to pall, and I changed my focus to a field of chemical research, just in time for my past to catch up with me in the form of a Nobel Prize. All detours should be so productive!
No hawk swooping down upon his prey, no stag improvising new detours by which to trick the huntsman, no dog scenting game from afar is comparable in speed to the celerity of a salesman when he gets wind a deal, to his skill in tripping up or forestalling a rival, and to the art with which he sniffs out and discovers a possible sale.
I don't see love as some perfect happily ever after thing like it is in books and movies. It's more like a bumpy road filled with potholes...and detours. Sometimes we even veer off into the ditch. But the places that road will take you, the things you'll experience, are worth all of the uncertainty.
The road to our dreams has many detours.
If you can, anticipate that life is going to be full of detours.
We make a lot of detours, but we're always heading for the same destination
And I went through a lot of detours and I took a lot of roads and things so yes, that's all there, but it's not meant to be shocking or telltale.
In the labyrinth of a difficult text, we find unmarked forks in the path, detours, blind alleys, loops that deliver us back to our point of entry, and finally the monster who whispers an unintelligible truth in our ears.
Never give up! People don't understand how persistent you have to be. You come up against an obstacle and you have to find a way of moving forward. You take detours, navigate between the obstacles and make it happen. Unless you are very strong and convinced you can succeed, you will be swept away.
The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings.
Do we have a guide to help us choose the right and avoid dangerous detours? I have tried to pattern my life after the Master. Whenever I have a difficult decision to make, I have looked at that picture and asked myself, "What would He do?" Then I try to do it. We can never go wrong when we choose to follow the Savior.
I just have to let the story go the way it needs to go and let them take the detours they want to take, and I'll get to the end. — © Sylvia Day
I just have to let the story go the way it needs to go and let them take the detours they want to take, and I'll get to the end.
I remember having to take detours around the Hollywood sign to avoid having to see this grotesque poster of myself on Sunset Boulevard.
Life doesn't always go the way you planned it to go. Sometimes you have detours you have to take.
Because if one has an image, however dim and romantic, of a journey's end, one may, in the end, surely reach it, after no matter how many detours and deceptions and abandonings of hope. And hope could never have been entirely abandoned, even in the worst days.
There are no dead ends, just detours.
Let's face it, life is a constant challenge. It's full of unexpected detours that no one but you can navigate.
I've done drives through Budapest and Oslo and used to drive to Sardinia, too, which is quite a journey. Drives are an adventure because I don't plan them too carefully. I take detours depending on how I feel and usually stop and stay at places I like the look of.
Sometimes -- she knows this from her own life -- to get to the other side, you must travel through grief. No detours are possible.
The walking of passers-by offers a series of turns and detours that can be compared to "turns of phrase" or "stylistic figures." There is a rhetoric of walking. The art of "turning" phrases finds an equivalent in an art of composing a path.
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