Top 1200 Devotion To Duty Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Devotion To Duty quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
There is no nobler deed than the performance of one's duty.
No person will deny that the highest degree of attainable accuracy is an object to be desired, and it is generally found that the last advances towards precision require a greater devotion of time, labour, and expense, than those which precede them.
There we will, I pray, remain and learn and grow until the time when we will rise together to the ultimate heights, changing in appearance but never in devotion, sharing the transcendent glory of our love through all eternity.
Your ability to let go is part of the duty that you have. — © Barack Obama
Your ability to let go is part of the duty that you have.
A good character today is shaped by greatness, greatness in vision, greatness in courage, greatness in insight, greatness in purpose and devotion.
I take a backseat to no one in my affection, respect and devotion to veterans. And I will not accept from Senator Obama, who did not feel it was his responsibility to serve our country in uniform, any lectures on my regard for those who did.
Honor is honesty to what is, not blind duty to what you wish to be.
Pray earnestly and fast with purpose and devotion. Some difficulties, like devils, do not come out save by fasting and by prayer. Ask in righteousness and you shall receive. Knock with conviction and it shall be opened unto you.
Vision looks inward and becomes duty.
Blessed the geniuses who know / that egomania is not a duty.
You look as if you had lived on duty and it hadn't agreed with you.
You can know everything that the books have to say, but ultimately it boils down to whether we do the inner work of devotion and surrender, whether we can put aside our own agendas and allow the spirit to move through us.
Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.
Fiction is burdened for me with a sense of duty. — © John Updike
Fiction is burdened for me with a sense of duty.
The government's duty is to support basic sciences.
I call for effort, courage, sacrifice, devotion. Granting the love of freedom, all of these are possible. And the love of freedom is still fierce and steady in the nation today. June 10, 1940
Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility
My husband's duty is to the country, and mine is to the family.
I have to do my duty, whatever task is allotted to me.
It should be observed that perfect love of God consists not in those delights, tears and sentiments of devotion that we generally seek, but in a strong determination and keen desire to please God in all things, and to promote His glory.
Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.
It is a sin to be silent when it is your duty to protest.
It takes a fierce devotion to defend your artistic space, and eternal vigilance over it, because the needs of others will grow like vines in your little plot and claim it back for the jungle.
I like when there are complicated relationships, that there's a little bit of self-serving parts of it as well as a devotion to a person, and that there's a mixture of both in there. It's just I think that's a little more true to life. It's not always purely one way or the other.
But the challenge is always the same - whether each generation facing its own circumstances can summon the practical devotion to attain and retain that greatest good for the greatest number which this government of the people was created to ensure.
To have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. It is not inherited, as with a family. It is not compelling, as with a child. And it has no means of physical pleasure, as with a mate. It is, therefore, an indescribable bond that brings with it a far deeper devotion than all the others.
It's my duty as a human being to be pissed off.
This grace (purity of intention) is so excellent that it sanctifies the most common actions of our life and yet is so necessary that without it, the very best actions of our devotion are imperfect and vicious.
The need for devotion to something outside ourselves is even more profound than the need for companionship. If we are not to go to pieces or wither away, we all must have some purpose in life; for no man can live for himself alone.
What is the duty of the circumstances God has put me into?
Yes, I pray that my pain might be removed, that it might cease; but more so, I pray for the strength to bear it, the grace to benefit from it, and the devotion to offer it up to God as a sacrifice of praise.
For true devotion must issue from the heart, and consist in the truth and substances alone of what is represented by spiritual things; all the rest is affection and attachment proceeding from imperfection; and in order that one may pass to any kind of perfection it is necessary for such desires to be killed.
Servitude is inherent; we are all slaves to duty or to force.
The duty of lovers is to tarnish the Golden Rule
The king-becoming graces, As justice, verity, temp'rance, stableness, Bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, Devotion, patience, courage, fortitude, I have no relish of them, but abound In the division of each several crime, Acting in many ways.
What then is your duty? What the day demands.
Think of giving not only as a duty but as a privilege.
The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.
The duty and the task of a writer are those of an interpreter. — © Marcel Proust
The duty and the task of a writer are those of an interpreter.
The duty that we owe to the Universe is our religion.
You know me. It's my duty to please that booty.
Of my death, tell them i have done my duty
It is our first duty to serve society.
I know that she deserves the best and purest love the heart of man can offer," said Mrs. Maylie; "I know that the devotion and affection of her nature require no ordinary return, but one that shall be deep and lasting.
Man you can define; but the true essence of any man, say, for instance, of Abraham Lincoln, remains the endlessly elusive and mysterious object of the biographer's interest, of the historian's comments, of popular legend, and of patriotic devotion.
We communicate happiness to others not often by great acts of devotion and self-sacrifice, but by the absence of fault-finding and censure, by being ready to sympathize with their notions and feelings, instead of forcing them to sympathize with ours.
The first duty of intelligence is to recognize the obvious.
One only says it is one's duty when one has something disagreeable to do.
It's 'Line of Duty' - you can't second-guess anything! — © Adrian Dunbar
It's 'Line of Duty' - you can't second-guess anything!
Many of us are missing something in life because we are after the second best, I put before you what I have found to be the best - one who is worthy of all our devotion - Jesus Christ. He is the Saviour for the young and the old. Lord, here I am
There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so.
We have a duty towards music, namely, to invent it.
Do your duty and leave the rest to heaven.
I take it as a man's duty to restrain himself.
A fundamental duty of government is to protect its people.
My interest in photography did not begin with books or mentors, or with any burning desire to see the world through a camera. It evolved from an intense devotion to mountains and wilderness that eventually shaped all the parts of my life and brought them together.
I'll tell you what love is" I said, "It is blind devotion, unquestioning self humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your heart and soul to the smiter.
The honorary duty of a human being is to love.
There is no greater threat to our devotion to Christ than our service for Christ.
Do your duty today and repent tomorrow.
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