Top 85 Dictating Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Dictating quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
There is no room for dictating taste in the diverse and dynamic world of media. To limit taste only limits the role we play for people of all kinds.
In catering, you're always changing; the client is always dictating to you in terms of their wishes.
Personal religious convictions have no place in political campaigns or in dictating public policy. — © Geraldine Ferraro
Personal religious convictions have no place in political campaigns or in dictating public policy.
I wouldn't want the federal government dictating how I use my cameras, every community has their own issues and their own dynamics.
Never place a time limit on the healing. That is dictating to the spiritual intelligence that does its perfect work when it is not impeded by your questions and false beliefs.
I don't want China dictating to me.
I think that's a question for South Carolin and the last thing they need is people from outside the state coming in and dictating how they should resolve that issue [about flag].
I have 3,000 penalty minutes. I don't need people dictating to me how to do my job.
I've been dictating to my son, who's helping me on his computer. I'm spending a lot of time doing research - I've just got up to 1971, when I went crazy and dived through the window. My life is so full of interesting stories.
The moment you start dictating content/themes/story vs. allowing the player to be a participant in the story and carve their own path, you're doing the player a disservice.
I have much greater faith in the governor and the state legislature to craft a Medicaid system that is going to be the best fit for the people of Georgia rather than someone in Washington dictating it.
Federalism is not one state dictating to the rest of the country what should occur in the area of CAFE.
The key is whether or not we have got priorities that are working for you, as opposed to those who have been dictating the policy in Washington lately. And that's mostly lobbyists and special interests. We have got to put an end to that.
4chan is a framework of pictures and text. I've always been extremely hands-off with dictating what gets posted, past general categories and rules. I support providing a place to discuss anything, although I don't agree with everything that's posted.
I really love the fact that instrumental music can have you do your own inner-movies or your own visuals to the sound. There's not lyrics dictating what you should feel.
I have said that gymnastics can be abusive and brutal. That was my experience. I felt trapped in a world where authority figures were dictating my future. — © Katelyn Ohashi
I have said that gymnastics can be abusive and brutal. That was my experience. I felt trapped in a world where authority figures were dictating my future.
This is why fashion is such a magical part of our lives, for it inspires our decisions without dictating them; it sets the theme but not the limits of our aesthetic.
Tomorrow's leaders will not lead dictating from the front, nor pushing from the back. They will lead from the centre - from the heart
We get excited by ideas, and we're more excited by being surprised by ideas than we are in dictating the course of events. We've found that leads to more interesting storytelling.
The president really shouldn't be involved in terms of dictating what course the investigation should take.
Since dictating the Bible, and hiring a perfect race of ministers to explain it, God has never done much but creep around and try to catch us disobeying it.
I find dictating in the mass media particularly good because you're writing for voice anyway; you're writing for people to say a line and, consequently, saying a line through a machine is quite a valid test for the validity of what you're saying.
The key is dictating what the fans do rather than letting them dictate what you do.
People don't want Congress dictating what light fixtures they can use.
Dictating to dictators doesn't work; they are congenitally delusional about their own indispensability.
Germany is dictating its policy in Europe
I wouldn't want to have the thought police going to people's homes, dictating what they teach their children. I don't want to be Big Brotherish. I would hate that.
We believe in personal choice, rather than society dictating how we must live our lives.
As the author you know how you want it to appear on screen and it's always the content dictating the form.
I would not waste time, as Senator Gillibrand does, on things such as dictating a national minimum driving age and sponsoring a 'National Day of Play.' I'd help New Yorkers understand that we get less in value from Washington than what we send there in taxes.
If anything is going to halt necessary investments in next generation networks it will be Congress dictating business models to companies.
All these things that we are very nostalgic for come from a place of technology dictating [art]. This time and place is no different.
To teach a child an instrument without first giving him preparatory training and without developing singing, reading and dictating to the highest level along with the playing is to build upon sand.
Sometimes you have the feeling that some little imp is standing behind you and dictating to you, but he gives it to you slowly, drop by drop.
Sometimes I pine for the era of Miss Manners, when there were hard and fast rules dictating a well-bred individual's behaviour in any given situation.
Dame Barbara Cartland was an endearing eccentric, and when I interviewed her, she wanted me to listen to her dictating to her secretary one of those romantic novels that she turned out fortnightly.
I try to stay aggressive for the most part, dictating, whatever the situation may be. Just trying to do whatever I can to help the team win.
My father's films are often very slow for the modern audiences, which are used to a lot of editing. It's the audience that watches the film instead of the director dictating the reaction he wants from you.
We are not dictating. We are not telling them [Saudi Arabia] how they should do it or who they should look like. We are their friends. We have mutual interests and we will help them in any way that is possible.
Oh, don't cough, Ernest. When one is dictating one should speak fluently and not cough. Besides, I don't know how to spell a cough. — © Oscar Wilde
Oh, don't cough, Ernest. When one is dictating one should speak fluently and not cough. Besides, I don't know how to spell a cough.
How do these people have any credibility? How do they get away with this? It's mind boggling that its gotten to a point where the EPA is dictating policy based on what is an obvious fraud, or if you want to be gentle about it, creates enough doubt to back off.
I'm not a mother of children, but I'm a different type of mother where my approach to design is more in line with nature. It's less about dictating and more about editing and listening and allowing something to grow. So I nourish and let the material express what it wants to be.
Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers.
I have always maintained that society has no business dictating morality.
I'm putting constant pressure on my opponents and really dictating play.
I was 4 and dictating stories into a tape recorder, and my mom typed them up.
I don't like drums dictating the song; like when you hear a fill and then you know the chorus is coming up.
Henry James's later works would have been better had he resisted that curious sort of self-indulgence, dictating to a secretary. The roaming garrulousness of ordinary speech is usually corrected when it's transcribed into written prose.
When Pococke inquired of Grotius, where the proof was of that story of the pigeon, trained to pick peas from Mahomet's (Muhammad's) ear, and pass for an angel dictating to him? Grotius answered that there was no proof!
As long as gas is cheaper than bottled water, we can't be in a position of dictating to the consumer what to buy.
The best merchants in the world aren't the ones predicting what's cool next; we're the ones dictating what's cool next. — © Kevin Plank
The best merchants in the world aren't the ones predicting what's cool next; we're the ones dictating what's cool next.
I have actually been very fortunate to be able to make films on my own credit card without having huge funders behind me dictating how the story should be told.
[Hospitalized and pressing the nurse's button before dictating letters to her secretary:] This should assure us of at least forty-five minutes of undisturbed privacy.
Europe and the United States are better off extending a helping hand to those who know best rather than dictating to them an unfamiliar future.
The best soldier does not attack. The superior fighter succeeds without violence. The greatest conqueror wins without struggle. The most successful manager leads without dictating. This is intelligent non aggressiveness.
I don't know whether crime is dictating business or business is dictating crime.
When you start dictating culture, money gets involved and people take notice.
I don't want to worry about someone calling me and going, 'You better find a way to get another Taylor Swift record out this quarter.' When there's that kind of financial pressure dictating your path, it's hard to take creative risks.
No more top-down politics with Westminster dictating what's right for every community. We must all be partners in designing a better future for our country.
I hate Science. It denies a man's responsibility for his own deeds, abolishes the brotherhood that springs from God's fatherhood. It is a hectoring, dictating expertise, which makes the least lovable of the Church Fathers seem liberal by contrast.
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