Top 1200 Did You Know Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Did You Know quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
People never know what they want, though everyone says they do. If they did, nobody would ever be surprised.
I think people have gotten to know Tupac much better since he's been gone than they did when he was here.
We know that the Russian's interfered in our election and they did it to benefit President Trump. The intelligence agencies confirmed that. — © Al Franken
We know that the Russian's interfered in our election and they did it to benefit President Trump. The intelligence agencies confirmed that.
Well, sir, if things are real, they’re there all the time." "Are they?" said the Professor; and Peter did not quite know what to say.
As a child, I did watch some Hindi movies at home with Dad, but I didn't know who anyone was. I wasn't interested, honestly.
You know the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: "Did he have passion?"
I saw the gooseflesh on my skin. I did not know what made it. I was not cold. Had a ghost passed over? No, it was the poetry.
But the point you need to know is that no president at war cut taxes $1.5 trillion, like George W. Bush did.
Everyone always asks, 'Did you ever rebel? Did you dye your hair blue? Did you wear black nail polish?' I mean, of course, there have been episodes when you wear weird-colored lipstick... But generally, I think I was pretty much the way I am now.
Annabeth frowned. "That doesn't make sense. But why were you visiting --" Her eyes widened. "Hermes said you bear the curse of Achilles. Hestia said the same thing. Did you . . . did you bathe in the River Styx?" "Don't change the subject." "Percy! Did you or not?" "Um . . .maybe a little.
Did you know that the black suited organization that attacked the Koresh cult was a United Nations task force?
Know what we did, Lucy? You and me? We spent our whole lives yearning. Isn't that the God damndest thing?
I got to be White House chief of staff, ten years of congressman, secretary of defense, vice-president. If you're a political junkie like I obviously am - that was - every one of those was just a tremendous experience. I'm very comfortable with what I did and why I did it and how I did it. And I'll let others judge whether they liked it or not.
No king or minister could have instructed Newton to discover the law of gravity, for they did not know and could not know that there was such a law to discover. No Treasury official told Fleming to discover penicillin. Nor was Rutherford instructed to split the atom by a certain date.
I would've said yes before I saw Aaron Gordon do what he did. And Zach LaVine went nuts as well. I think Gordon should've won for what he did. But what LaVine does is amazing. I don't know where he gets that bounce and that glide but it's incredible. I hope both those guys compete it in next year. Over the last years or so, I'd say the three-point contest has been more entertaining than the dunk contest, but this was really special this year.
I don't know if I officially proofread my father's book, but I read it. I did get some conception of grammar in general from that. — © Noam Chomsky
I don't know if I officially proofread my father's book, but I read it. I did get some conception of grammar in general from that.
Most of my life, everybody made more money than I did at the places I worked. In fact, when I've been an employee, I have never been anywhere close to being the highest paid person there, never. I was working hard. I was working hard. I was doing things I didn't want to do, that I thought I should do. I was getting up every day, going to work, did not phone in sick. Striving. Trying to get ahead, you know, doing what Obama says, working hard and applying myself and trying to get ahead. There was always somebody, there were always a lot of people that earned more than I did.
I don’t know who my parents were. I know nothing about my inheritance. I could be Jewish; I could be part Negro; I could be Irish; I could be Russian. I am spiritually a mix anyway, but I did have a solid childhood fortunately, because of some wonderful women who brought me up. I never had a father or a man in the house, and that was a loss...
In sixth grade, I went to a very good private school, and I did learn there. I learned how to read and write. If I had quit school in sixth grade, I would know as much as I know today and would have made one more movie. By the time I got to college, I was so bored and angry.
One kind of good book should leave you asking: how did the author know that about me?
I ran across a rattlesnake once in New Mexico, you know what I did with it, chopped its head off and we ate it.
A lot of people ask, 'How did you start the business, and how did you do it money-wise?' And the truth is that I had three jobs. A day job, an evening job, and then designing my collection as well. That's just how we did it.
I do not know the names of all the weeds and plants, I have to do as Adam did in his garden... name things as I find them.
I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat cat bankers on Wall Street.
For The Chicago Code, I did some boxing. It makes you stand differently when you know you can punch someone out.
I know I can and have to improve many aspects of my game. I have to play more in the low post like I did in Rio.
You don't really know what you're going to get until you're actually in Abbey Road. That's where I did all the music, in The Beatles' place.
You know, one of the only times I ever wrote about art was the obituary of Warhol that I did for the Village Voice.
We're supposed to keep evolving. Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs. You do know that, right?
Well, at the time, we certainly regarded them [Elianor and Franklin Roosevelt] as partners. We did not know what has since come out about the difficulties of their marital life, or the problems that Franklin gave Eleanor and his mother gave Eleanor, in many respects. We didn't know much about that.
Make love to me like you know I am better than the worst thing I ever did.
It is an unfortunate discovery certainly, that of a law which binds us where we did not know before that we were bound.
I don't see a lot, but I think what the movie studios know and what they always know but they kind of ignore, which is that a there's an audience for movies like 'Get Out,' and 'Hidden Figures,' and to some extent 'Moonlight,' which made a lot less money than 'Hidden Figures' did.
Did you know that we are the only people in the United States who have to have their voting rights okayed every couple of years?
I told my mom, 'I'm gonna buy you a house one day.' I was 2 or 3 years old. I know it sounds crazy, but I did.
I never did know exactly what was meant by the term "The Beats," but let's say that the original meeting, association, comradeship of Allen Ginsberg, myself, Michael McClure, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Philip Whalen, who's not here, Lew Welch, who's dead, Gregory Corso, for me, to a somewhat lesser extent (I never knew Gregory as well as the others) did embody a criticism and a vision which we shared in various ways, and then went our own ways for many years.
You know, I have found in the course of a long public life that the things I did not say never hurt me.
My mom just told me the lines, because I didn't know how to read yet. I copied them and that's what I did. — © Hudson Yang
My mom just told me the lines, because I didn't know how to read yet. I copied them and that's what I did.
He didn't want her; he wanted me. Well, you know how it is." Dalgliesh did know. This, after all, was the commonest, the most banal of personal tragedies. You loved someone. They didn't love you. Worse still, in defiance of their own best interests and to the destruction of your peace, they loved another. What would half the world's poets and novelists do without this universal tragicomedy?
You know that the population is of this planet is now ten times greater than it was in the ages preceding capitalism.; you know that all men today enjoy a higher standard of living than your ancestors did before the age of capitalism. But how do you know that you are the one out of ten who would have lived in the absence of capitalism? The mere fact that you are living today is proof that capitalism has succeeded, whether or not you consider your own life very valuable.
Whatever happened to the dragon?" I mustered my primmest tone. "He has a name, you know." Adrian pulled back and gave me a curious look. "I didn't know, actually. What'd you decide on?" "Hopper" When Adrian laughed, I added "Best rabbit ever. He'd be proud to know his name is being passed on." "Yes, I'm sure he would. Did you name the Mustang too?" "I think you mean the Ivashkinator." He stared at me in wonder. "I told you I loved you, right? "Yes," I assured him. "Many Times
I think people are wrong to do it, to compare him to your way of wanting to do it. If you're passionate about it, do it and do it your way. It's not always going to be in front of the cameras after a football game - that was the way I did it. Somebody else has a different way, and that's [James] LeBron, and I know who he is. And I can't get into specifics, but it did upset me that people were calling him out for that because they were just wrong.
Guy Savelli's role in the War on Terror began when half-a-dozen strangers, within days of one another, contacted him via e-mail and telephone in the winter of 2003. They asked him if he had the power to psychically kill goats. Guy was bewildered. He did not go around publicizing this. Who were these men? How did they know about the goats? He feigned a casual tone of voice and said, 'Sure I can.'Then he phoned Special Forces.
Naw, man, I like big, hard, throbbing co- (stunned pause) ...I did not know that about myself.
Negative information is that which, immediately upon acquiring, causes the recipient to know less than he did before.
You know what? You didn't do anything wrong. I did. It's this dumb thing I do. I look into things and see more than I'm supposed to.
I don't know any successful entrepreneur that doesn't have at least a handful of stories about the things they did that went horribly wrong.
The longest-serving Republican Senator, Alaska's Ted Stevens, found guilty just a few hours ago on all charges in his corruption trial. Do you know this story? He failed to report he had some work done on his house. Yeah, here's the bad part. You know who did the work? Joe the plumber. Unlicensed.
When I think, where did I laugh the most, where did I eat the most, where did I just feel good all the time, I would say making the Bond movie 'Die Another Day.' To be part of such an iconic franchise and to travel to exotic places - that was the most fun I ever had.
The knowledge that there is a part of the psychic functions that are out of conscious reach, we did not need to wait for Freud to know this!
The only person I did bondage for was Irving Klaw and his sister Paula. Usually they would shoot four or five models every Saturday. He wouldn't pay for the regular pictures unless we did some bondage. So I did bondage shots to get paid for the other photos.
Abraham Lincoln did not contend that his actions were immune from Congressional correction; on the contrary, he specifically said he was acting beyond the present provisions in the expectation that congress would retroactively approve, which they did. He did not say anything like Richard Nixon: if the president does it is legal.
I'd like to think every director I've worked with has fallen in love with me, I know Dorothy Arzner did. — © Joan Crawford
I'd like to think every director I've worked with has fallen in love with me, I know Dorothy Arzner did.
Did you know that there was a study in 1961 that found that 90 percent of physicians wouldn't tell you if you were diagnosed with cancer?
You know, and I know, the cause of this accident. It is due to the adventurous, pioneering spirit of our race. It has been like in the past, it is like that in the present, and I hope it will be in the future. Here is a great imaginative project, to build a machine with twice the speed and twice the height of any existing machine in the world. We all went into it with our eyes wide open. We were conscious of the dangers that were lurking in the unknown. We did not know what fate was going to hold out for us in the future.
The average person pushes an elevator button 6 or 7 minutes before realizing it's not working. I did a study on this, you know.
I don't know why we said half the stuff that we did to journalists. It was almost as if we didn't think they were going to print it.
I know I felt like I was ready to be an adult long before the rest of the world agreed. I'd already realized that a lot of grown-ups didn't know any more than I did, and some of them were even dumber than I was, and even the ones who were smarter weren't using their smarts for things I necessarily considered worthwhile.
Damn, tell me where did all the magic go? I followed the rules and told you everything you had to know
And despite everything I know now, I still believe, as I did when I was little, that there is an entire universe of things that my mother knows that I don't. I still believe that nothing truly bad can ever happen if my mother is around. I know it's not true. But still. It is true.
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