Top 1200 Diet Soda Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Diet Soda quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I dont know too many parents that want to feed their kids soda, but high-fructose corn syrup is cheap. The price of soda in 20 years has gone down 40 percent while the price of whole foods, fruits and vegetables, has gone up 40 percent and obesity goes up right along that curve.
Twenty years ago, teenage boys in the United States drank twice as much milk as soda; now they drink twice as much soda as milk.
There was a line call that didn't look so great. I went ballistic. Called the umpire a jerk. Whacked a ball into the stands. Then smacked a soda can with my racket, and got soda all over the King of Sweden, who was sitting in the front row.
I've never followed a vegan or vegetarian diet in the past, but I think I could do it. It would not be easy. I have worked with nutritionists who have said a vegan diet is not necessarily all positive for your health, because you need nutrients you only find in meats. I believe in a balanced diet.
There's no reason that we need to be counting things and adding things up in order to sit down and eat a meal. I enjoy eating so much; I don't want to do match every time I eat. I guarantee you, maybe your diet soda has no calories, but it's still poison. We have to think about what are we putting in our mouths.
I didn't really give them anymore than one choice, soda or no soda. They didn't... whereas we put a lot of stock in the differences between soda. — © Sheena Iyengar
I didn't really give them anymore than one choice, soda or no soda. They didn't... whereas we put a lot of stock in the differences between soda.
I tried the paleo diet, which is the caveman diet - lots of meat. And I tried the calorie restriction diet: The idea is that if you eat very, very little - if you're on the verge of starvation, you will live a very long time, whether or not you want to, of course.
My kids know there's no candy, no soda, until the weekend. Those are the days they get to indulge in their sweets. We're big on organic food. I'm not a diet guy; I don't believe in diets. I just believe in a great meal plan.
I tried the Scarsdale diet and the Stillman water diet (you remember that one, where you run weight off trying to get to the bathroom).
Simply put, Cavemen's diet is a diet plan which suggest food eaten by the cavemen. Cavemen ate what was available - like meat, vegetables and a few nuts. What we grow for food is carbohydrates, and that leads to weight gain. I started this diet a few years ago, and ever since, I haven't had carbs at all.
The fact is, I diet every day of my life. I have to work at it. But I diet so I can pig out.
I don't really collect anything. I mean, if I see a piece of Moxie soda memorabilia, I'll probably buy it. I'm a sucker for regional soda brands and forgotten histories and that sort of thing.
I watch my diet and I eat right, but I am not on a strict diet.
The diet for climbing all the time isn't really different from the diet for living. It's not like cardio sports where you're burning a bajillion calories every day.
Fruit is definitely on the maintenance diet. It's on the lifestyle diet.
He was rewarded with a silver-and-red can of soda. He brandished it at the dolphin warriors as if spraying them with bug repellant. "Behold!" Percy shouted. "The god's chosen beverage. Tremble before the horror of Diet Coke!" The dolphin-men began to panic. They were on the edge of retreat. Percy could feel it.
I used to take vitamins, but I think diet is the most important thing. If you have a good diet, there's no need for that stuff. — © Ainsley Harriott
I used to take vitamins, but I think diet is the most important thing. If you have a good diet, there's no need for that stuff.
I'm on the diet where you eat vegetables and drink wine. That's a good diet. I lost 10 pounds and my driver's license.
Eating meat and dairy products is the SAD (Standard American Diet) diet. The SAD diet can only make you sad. It causes heart disease, cancer, diabetes and makes you fat. Raising animals for food destroys the environment... And those animals are not happy. They are enslaved and live humiliating, fearful lives of abuse and tremendous suffering. Veganism turns sadness into joy.
I hate the gym, so I try to diversify my workouts with swimming and basketball. Indoors, it's less boring than running. I do find that diet is key. I eat lots of lean protein, no soda, no fast food or fried foods, and a lot of water. But I love food and often cook.
Prior to inventing the Geyser Tube toy, dropping a stack of Mentos into a bottle of soda was not always an easy task. The Geyser Tube makes it easy to get a perfect launch every time at heights of 30 feet or more. Tell me... who doesn't like to see soda shooting 30 feet into the air, all in the name of science?
It would be like a cleansing diet. The problem was, the only diet I'd ever been on backfired. Once I tried to go an entire month without chocolate. Not one bite. At the end of two weeks, I broke down and binged on more chocolate that I would have eaten in three months. I hoped my chocolate-free diet didn't foreshadow what would happen if I tried to avoid Patch.
Faygo's like a Detroit thing, and you can't really find it everywhere, but the difference between Faygo Creme Soda and other cream sodas is that it's foamy. Faygo Creme Soda is almost like Sprite, but it's cream soda, so that's ill!
There's absolutely no soda in my diet. Lots of fruits and vegetables, and I stay away from fried foods.
I was going to sip on a diet soda, but a little voice convinced me I needed the extra calcium from a cup of hot chocolate.
He spilled my diet soda!
I don't know too many parents that want to feed their kids soda, but high-fructose corn syrup is cheap. The price of soda in 20 years has gone down 40 percent while the price of whole foods, fruits and vegetables, has gone up 40 percent and obesity goes up right along that curve.
I've made major cutbacks. I used to love soda. So I've cut out soda completely, and I'll drink iced tea or water for what I drink throughout my day. I just made that like a lifestyle change.
Start small - if you drink soda, stop drinking soda. You don't have to make every single change at once or overnight, you can make them slowly to adjust to figure out what works for your body, there is no formula and there is also no right or wrong.
When travelling, I make a point of eating a proper diet no matter where I am in the world. It is getting much easier to eat a vegetarian or vegan based diet.
John, what are you doing? John, my diet soda. What are you doing?
Every year, there is a new diet that all the celebs or housewives are trying. We all want the perfect diet or the perfect pill. If we surveyed a million women, and they could choose to learn the truth about God or the foolproof diet, I guarantee more women would pick the miracle diet over the miracle of life.
One of the good things about the Paleo diet is that it automatically cleans a lot of crap out of your diet.
I have a completely addictive personality. Diet Coke is my last - God, I know people counting days off Diet Coke; I'm such a Diet Cokehead. Now I won't let myself buy it.
Boys used to call me Soda in school days. Soda means 'serving officers daughters association.' I miss those days when I had a very protected life: one could get close and bond with other army people that they gradually would become your extended family.
I don't believe in the no-carb diet... I have a theory. I think if you give up carbs, you get cranky. You must include them in your daily diet.
I love Diet Coke, I drink Diet Coke... What girl doesn't like to have a Diet Coke?
I don't have a diet. Jenny Craig got a diet. Seriously. I eat to live, not to die.
Approximately seventy percent of the female population is on a diet at any given time. More women diet than vote.
It's easy to diet or get off a diet when you've got a juicy role to play.
I tell people I'm on a diet. If somebody sees me with a muffin, they'll think I'm off my diet. It's like secret little police that I've made for myself. — © Stephen Furst
I tell people I'm on a diet. If somebody sees me with a muffin, they'll think I'm off my diet. It's like secret little police that I've made for myself.
I had been on this insane diet for almost 17 years to maintain the weight that was demanded of me when I was modeling. My diet was really starvation. I am not naturally that thin.
Food does not rank high on my list. I eat to live, and I'm very particular about my diet. It's strictly low fat diet for me.
Diet cola is my absolute favorite drink in the world; I used to drink four cans a day. But to help me cut down, I've turned it into a treat. Now, instead of having dessert, I'll have a can of diet soda. Putting a limit on how often I can drink it has helped me appreciate it more.
Actually, I think all addiction starts with soda. Every junkie did soda first. But no one counts that. Maybe they should. The soda connection is clear. Why isn't a presidential commission looking into this? Or at least some guys from the National Carbonation Council.
When you've been on a ghetto diet your entire life, you're just happy to get a large soda instead of a medium.
I tried the paleo diet, which is the caveman diet - lots of meat. I tried the raw food vegan diet. And I tried the calorie restriction diet, which is the idea is that if you eat very, very little - if you're on the verge of starvation, you will live a very long time. Whether or not you want to, of course, is the idea.
Anything that's popular gets made into a diet. Acai is no more of a diet than the eraser on your No. 2 pencil.
I've kind of changed my diet, but in my diet rulebook, on section 5 paragraph A, there's a cheating plan. So, Corky's BBQ is one of my favorite spots to go to.
The rates of soda consumption in our poorest communities cannot be explained by individual consumer preferences alone, but rather are linked to broader issues of access and affordability of healthy foods in low-income neighborhoods, and to the marketing efforts of soda companies themselves.
Diet is the essential key to all successful healing. Without a proper balanced diet, the effectiveness of herbal treatment is very limited.
Some say vegetarianism is an alternative diet, but it is the original diet, the plan designed by God. — © James Marcus
Some say vegetarianism is an alternative diet, but it is the original diet, the plan designed by God.
Never drink diet soda. It shows you have no nerve. Only drink real colas, caffeine-packed energy drinks, or vitamin water. Hate champagne because that’s what everyone expects you to love. Energy drinks are the best party drinks. You never get tired, you never get a hangover, and you can make fun of all the loaded people who think they’re clever but are really acting stupid.
I saw soda pop for $1.20 a six pack. That price messes with your head. You start thinking you're gonna sell soda pop. Suddenly I've got packs of pop with me. "Looking to buy some pop? 50 cents a can. It's not refrigerated because this is a half-assed commitment!"
I did every diet: Atkins. Cabbage-soup diet. Dean Ornish. But I couldn't live the rest of my life like a rabbit.
I'm not on a diet. And it's funny cause people go 'Well, then why do you drink diet soda?' So I can eat regular cake.
Americans get fatter and fatter and buy more and more diet books, but you don't lose weight by buying diet books - you go on a diet. It's easy to read a diet book, but it's hard to go on a diet.
Koolaid is goyish. All Drake's Cakes are goyish. Pumpernickel is Jewish, and, as you know, white bread is very goyish. Instant potatoes - goyish. Black cherry soda's very Jewish. Macaroons are very Jewish - very Jewish cake. Fruit salad is Jewish. Lime Jell-O is goyish. Lime soda is very goyish. Trailer parks are so goyish that Jews won't go near them.
There's been a growing effort to kick soda out of the schools. And governors as different as Arnold Schwarzenegger in California and Mike Huckabee in Arkansas have worked hard to get soda and junk food out of their state schools, which is good.
I am on a fat-free diet for most of the year, but before 'the worlds,' I tend to relax on the diet a bit to concentrate on darts.
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