Top 1200 Different Relationships Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Different Relationships quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
There are so many different kinds of relationships, so it's sort of difficult to define what is considered normal.
I don't want everybody to try to sound like something; I think that God has given us each unique talents and passions. The things that come out of me will be different than my neighbor, because I have a totally different set of relationships, totally different set influences and personality traits.
I just have a great life. I know great people. I've had great relationships - all different kinds of relationships. — © Julia Roberts
I just have a great life. I know great people. I've had great relationships - all different kinds of relationships.
I think the more depth you build into the characters, and the more you see where they came from, the more fun you can have. Setting up different characters in different relationships is always helpful as you move forward.
I've played a different type of character in a different type of thing, for the most part. It's not like you can't mine tons of fascinating stuff from any character that you play, and I've always been fascinated with women and relationships, but this has been a completely different experience, for sure.
Different authors write different ways, have different relationships with their audiences, and those are all legitimate.
I knew I could write infinitely about relationships. That's the most beautiful, most confusing, most rewarding, most heartbreaking thing in our lives - and not just romantic relationships: that's all relationships.
With relationships, I've been through a lot of different situations with different people, and I write about it.
I really like when different stories are represented, it's not just the same kind of person, and when there's humor in it, and there's relationships.
I think marriage and live-in relationships aren't really different. It is just a piece of paper that separates the two.
Here's how men think. Sex, work - and those are reversible, depending on age - sex, work, food, sports and lastly, begrudgingly, relationships. And here's how women think. Relationships, relationships, relationships, work, sex, shopping, weight, food.
I just have a great life. I know great people. I've had great relationships - all different kinds of relationships. I am so lucky to be on the little golden path that led me to all this.
For each gene in your genome, you quite often get a different version of that gene from your father and a different version from your mother. We need to study these relationships across a very large number of people.
Life - all life - is in the service of life. Necessary nutrients are made available to life by life in greater and greater richness as the diversity of life increases. The entire landscape comes alive, filled with relationships and relationships within relationships.
I can't be the only person in the world to have three different husbands, and yet those relationships are never talked about. — © Jane Birkin
I can't be the only person in the world to have three different husbands, and yet those relationships are never talked about.
Planners and designers should encourage as much diversity in human habitats as they find in animal habitats. It is not possible to resolve all conflicts or to gain all ends. Choices have to be made. Different aspects of the public good should be stressed in different places. To achieve variety in land use patterns, there should also be a variety of relationships between the professions, not an institutionalized decision-making tree. Relationships between the constructive professions should, therefore, be deconstructed.
'Brahmotsavam' is a love story set in a family backdrop... It's all about relationships people have on different levels.
I've always been way closer to my mom. I'm close to my dad, but they're totally different kinds of relationships.
Our relationships with people are formed by small moments - and relationships are crucial in business.
Plays are always about intense relationships, whether they're intense love relationships or family relationships or existential relationships.
There are more similarities than differences when it comes to preparation of a performance. You're using some lyrics, you have a relationship with them, they apply to different parts of your life and different circumstances, different memories, different stories you have in your head. You form personal relationships with the song. I think that's very similar, in a way, to prepping a character. You pour your own personality, in a sense, into the character, you sympathize with a character in a way that's similar to the way you might sympathize with a song.
We all have relationships - I've had relationships in my past, and I don't look back on them and think, 'That was a mistake.'
We have relationships with many different things, creatures and beings. We have relationships with cats, with dogs, with horses, and we know that there are certain things they can't do. So we'll add robots to that list, and we'll learn what they can and cannot do. No harm, no foul.
Nevada is a little different than most states. We only meet every other year in the legislature. So it's very important to have good relationships on both sides of the aisle... I have to have those relationships.
In 2008, when Lehman Brothers collapsed, we anticipated that Europe was going to have a very different bailout scheme than the U.S. because of their different political systems and different relationships between the central banks and the fiscal authorities.
I mean really wonderful. In teaching. Personal epiphanies. About life. About different perspectives-help with different perspectives that you have. You know what I mean? Relationships to nature. Relationships with the self. With other people. With events.
I think what art is always doing is making us see the world so differently, and I don't mean just colors and light, but re-thinking relationships, spatial relationships, psychological relationships ... those who gravitate to the art world actually want to be puzzled.
Constantly getting knocked down and picking myself back up, the relationships I've been able to form with all the different people in the different cities, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I understand that words can mean different things to different people, and, further, that people can have different relationships with complex abstract entities such as Buddhism. To me, anyway, the entity in my life that conflicts with my creativity is Buddhism.
Power in organizations is the capacity generated by relationships. It is an energy that comes into existence through relationships.
We really spend a lot of time on building relationships. And so when everyone is like, 'How do you break so many stories?' it's because I build relationships. I do it the old-fashioned way, and I build sourcing relationships, and then I take advantage of those relationships over time.
So, ultimately, in order to understand nature it may be necessary to have a deeper understanding of mathematical relationships. But the real reason is that the subject is enjoyable, and although we humans cut nature up in different ways, and we have different courses in different departments, such compartmentaliz ation is really artificial, and we should take our intellectual pleasures where we find them.
Conflict in close relationships is not only inevitable, it's essential. Intimacy connects people who are inevitably different.
I am lucky to have three daughters who are completely different. I look at my daughters and I have different relationships with all three and there are parts of each personality that are very special.
Relationships with parents, grandparents, friends, and siblings were important to me when I was young and have remained so throughout my life. Our relationships with other people both shape and reflect who we are. These relationships are infinitely fascinating to explore!
Publishing is a business of relationships. The relationships you make at one house can carry over to another.
This is where men and women are different, we can put aside petty competition for relationships - they can't. It interferes.
If relationships were hard, mariage was even harder... it seemed like most couples struggled. It went with the territory. What did Nana always say? Stick two different people with two different sets of expectations under one roof and it ain't always going to be shrimp and grits on Easter.
Russian law on banning nontraditional relationships basically says you cannot have any portrayal, neutral or positive, of homosexual relationships or nontraditional families, period. And you also cannot have negative portrayals of heterosexual relationships. So along the way, the law completely quashes any kind of public discussion on domestic violence. No discussion of relationships at all, unless you want to showcase a heterosexual love story, that preferably involves reproduction.
I think the most fascinating thing in terms of relationships is imagining all the different variations that they could be. — © Blake Crouch
I think the most fascinating thing in terms of relationships is imagining all the different variations that they could be.
You need better relationships between the communities and the police, because in some cases, it's not good.But you look at Dallas, where the relationships were really studied, the relationships were really a beautiful thing, and then five police officers were killed one night very violently.
Gay and lesbian relationships operate on essentially the same principles as heterosexual relationships
I think if you look at the friends, the kinds of relationships I have, I am not the kind of guy who has many shallow relationships. I think you could say I am the kind of guy who has a few relationships, but those are very deep.
We have to understand where we have strategic relationships that require us to take a different approach. I guess the easiest way to describe it is: different strokes for different folks.
Everybody has to go through a struggle period, and I was no different. When I came to Mumbai from Delhi, I didn't know anybody, and all my relationships had to be built up from scratch, including my work relationships.
Work is a different type of pursuit than relationships. You can't take the skills that you know that have gotten you into that great school or into that great job and apply them to your relationships.
I meet people from different walks of life that I can have relationships with.
I like to do things that are about relationships, work with quality people, and tell a different kind of story.
I think it's really different for me whether I'm touring as part of a larger group or if I'm touring on my own. It's a completely different experience, because when I tour on my own, it's really just me by myself, and I make nice relationships with people.
I'm a storyteller, I'm not a literary writer, and I don't want to be a literary writer. People say to me, "Oh, when are you going to write something different?" What? I don't want to write anything different. I'm writing relationships between people, all different colors, all different sizes, all different sexual orientations, and that's what I want to do.
Sex in general, for me, is a lot of different aspects of humanity, not just my relationships. It's my relationship to myself and my body. — © Margaret Cho
Sex in general, for me, is a lot of different aspects of humanity, not just my relationships. It's my relationship to myself and my body.
Everybody is vulnerable to being in relationships where they get fooled. I'm no different. It's just human nature.
In TV, you can really get into not only great characters, but also the relationships. There are all of the backstories and all of the relationships that you have with every person in your life, and the relationships those people have with each other. It's just more dense and there's more time to tell stories.
Talking with other artists is an incredible process. You engage with the work very differently...a nd different relationships between different works start to emerge. To tap into that energy-to tap into that moment-is great for me as an exercise.
I think in modern communication studies, we put a lot of emphasis on our relationships and our family relationships. Our relationships with our parents, and our siblings. I felt that there was this gap in content about communication with people who are super close to you in your peer group.
I've always been of the mindset that relationships can be different and relationships can go bad with different people. That doesn't mean they're going to be a bad relationship with me.
'War and Peace' is about relationships: family relationships, loving relationships, relationships at war... it's a really young story as well.
When you're in your 20s, you're a little more carefree; you're single. You have a very different way of looking at the world and experiencing the world. But later in your 30s, when you have children, a career, career obstacles, mortgages, car payments and relationships, you have to negotiate; that's a very different life.
Relationships become rocky when men and women fail to acknowledge they are biologically different and when each expects the other to live up to their expectations. Much of the stress we experience in relationships comes from the false belief that men and women are now the same and have the same priorities, drives and desires
We don't think of them as acting, but we take on certain characteristics based on where we function, and those relationships draw out aspects of who we are as people. And that's what acting is. Different parts draw out different parts of your nature.
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