Top 1200 Difficult Relationship Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Difficult Relationship quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Relationship is an art. The dream that two people create is more difficult to master than one.
You are a child of the sun, you come from the sun, and that is something true with the Earth also... your relationship with the Earth is so deep, and the Earth is in you and this is something not very difficult, much less difficult then philosophy.
The relationship between reader and characters is very difficult. It is even more peculiar than the relationship between the writer and his characters. — © Guillermo Cabrera Infante
The relationship between reader and characters is very difficult. It is even more peculiar than the relationship between the writer and his characters.
I've always felt when you are committed in a relationship, you have to work through the difficult times.
It's difficult to take in but my relationship with Milan is special.
Some people found it difficult to understand my relationship with my father, but that may have been because they couldn't get beyond their relationship with their own parents.
I was never diagnosed with an eating disorder but I definitely had a difficult relationship with food.
I think every time you go through a difficult relationship, you realize more and more about what you will and you won't have in your next relationship - what you deserve and what you don't deserve.
I think we're coming into a time where it has to do with how you stand in relationship to your own world within and in relationship to those around you in the world without. And I believe these are the things that we need to put into our schools, education, into our psychotherapy and into our culture more, finding a way to not be so harsh and judgmental, so objectifying and dehumanizing, constantly focused within and trying to get these difficult thoughts and feelings to go away.
My relationship with Modiji is exactly how the relationship between a Prime Minister and party president should be. It is a clean, healthy relationship.
We had a difficult last two years when I was in Dortmund. It was not easy, the relationship between fans and players.
Saudi Arabia cannot go pedal-to-the-metal on the way toward Sharia, although some might say they’re there, because they have a relationship with the United States that must continue. And they can’t make that relationship difficult for the US, so they moderate, and therefore they proceed...
The goal when you get into a relationship is not to be out of the relationship. It's to try to stay in the relationship. But if it doesn't work, you can't force those things.
We have vastly different hopes and expectations, as far as the U.S.-Russia relationship is concerned, in Moscow and Washington. What we need, however, is to manage this troubled relationship - we don't want this relationship to go out of control.
The test of one's behavior pattern is their relationship to society, relationship to work and relationship to sex. — © Alfred Adler
The test of one's behavior pattern is their relationship to society, relationship to work and relationship to sex.
No matter what the relationship is, if it's a healthy relationship, there is a swing back and forth to anchoring each other, grounding each other and to helping each other process the difficult times.
Restorative justice says "No, the offense affected a relationship" and what you are seeking for is to restore the relationship, to heal the relationship.
The showrunner relationship in television is what the director relationship in film, there's really no more important relationship.
There's a direct relationship between how difficult it is to send a message and how strongly it is received.
The most difficult thing about my job is that I do a lot of 19-hour days. It's really difficult to have a life, never mind a relationship. I don't have any regrets, really. I'm quite content. I'm very stubborn and persistent. I just keep working.
It's always difficult to really sum up exactly why a relationship works.
Relationship may be just out of fear, may not have anything to do with love. Relationship may be just a kind of security - financial or something else. The relationship is needed only because love is not there. Relationship is a substitute.
Everyone can have their heart broken. Even if you know the relationship isn't working, it's still sad. Even in a bad relationship, they're part of your life for a long time, and saying goodbye to that can be difficult.
There are a lot of bigger issues we have to be worrying about with respect to our relationship to China, and the longer they drag out the situation, the more difficult it is to get this relationship back on track.
Every relationship I've been in becomes long-distance because of work. It's never worked out. It puts an intense strain on the relationship, and at a certain point, it becomes too difficult.
It's difficult to parent one kid, let alone five! It's insane. It's this strange, overwhelming mess that I would not trade for anything. I think it's more difficult in New York City. It's not like we can hop in the minivan and go somewhere. I don't own a car. It's chaos anywhere. Being a parent is difficult. Being a son and a daughter is difficult. It's a human relationship.
An abusive relationship should be easy to identify though often one of the most difficult to end.
My relationships with both my mother and father are good. We spent several difficult years hashing over the problems and the past, and worked out a fairly solid middle ground. I wouldn't say my relationship with either of them - they're no longer together - is exactly typical, but that would be difficult after all we went through.
The most important relationship is the mind's relationship with itself. In other words, the ultimate - and, really, the only - relationship you have is the relationship with your own thoughts.
Your relationship with love is your relationship with the essence of who you are. It affects your relationship with your body, and your relationship with food. When you realize that you are a spirit and that this body is a temple, then you want to treat it well.
Marriage is an extremely difficult relationship.
I've had a difficult relationship with my hair my whole life.
The best way of thinking of an attachment in my view, is to see it as the outcome of an interaction between two people, each of whom contributes to the quality of the relationship. Most parents can promote a secure relationship with a calm, pleasant, patient baby. Only particularly sensitive and patient parents can promote a secure attachment to a difficult baby.
It's not difficult to manage Tevez. We had a good relationship always.
The break-up of a relationship is always difficult, especially a 30-year one.
This is about doing something difficult and not stopping when it becomes not just difficult, but cold and difficult...or cold and wet and difficult...or cold and wet and dark and difficult.
Maintaining the relationship. But there's also physical temptation and being on the same spiritual level, which can be difficult.
Being in a new relationship is exciting and difficult and there's some things you really want to remain secret. — © Camille Grammer
Being in a new relationship is exciting and difficult and there's some things you really want to remain secret.
Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods.
Marriage is a very difficult relationship for nearly everyone and I'm sure you shouldn't do it if you want a quiet little easy life.
Your relationship is not supposed to be perfect all the time, your business is not supposed to do well all the time, your soufflés are not supposed to raise perfectly all the time. Everything is designed to go wrong so that you can gain the skills of rediscovering your tracks, even in difficult or frightening circumstances. Especially in difficult and frightening circumstances.
The relationship to one's fellow man is the relationship of prayer, the relationship to oneself is the relationship of striving; it is from prayer that one draws the strength for one's striving.
Relationship and love are totally different things. Love is never a relationship, and relationship is never love. Love relates, but it is not a relationship. Relationship is a dead thing, a closed thing. Love is a flowing.
I had a very difficult relationship with my father, which ended up okay, but there were many difficult years.
But people find it very difficult to be a loving person, so they create a relationship - and befool that way that 'Now I am a loving person because I am in a relationship.' And the relationship may be just one of monopoly, possessiveness, exclusiveness.
I was raised with a single mom and we had a very specific, very particular relationship. She worked with me and my job. I was almost three and we traveled everywhere together and she was really in my life in a really profound way. The most significant relationship of my life. It was beautiful and also an incredible, difficult struggle. I know how creative that life is, and how difficult it is to figure it out.
I needed to create some dramatic tension to sustain the interest of the audience. For instance, the boy in the film is not in the play, so this relationship that he had with the former teacher, and his guilt, this is not at all in the play. I thought it would be interesting to look at in the film, and I added stuff like that around the main character. For me, it was not more difficult or less difficult.
We are difficult. Human beings are difficult. We’re difficult to ourselves, we’re difficult to each other.
I had a difficult relationship with my parents, who died young, but they instilled self-discipline and a sense of honour and loyalty and accountability. I'm grateful for that.
Whenever I'm talking about relationships, it's always at least three things. It's my relationship with myself, my relationship with God or an idea, and then usually somebody, a real person. I try to operate on all three levels at the same time, and it's difficult, but I never want to have a break-up song or something like that.
My relationship with Twitter has evolved as my career has changed. The truth is unless you have a remarkably thick skin, as a creator, it's a very difficult place to be.
Thank[Barack Obama] for the reliable friendship and partnership you demonstrated in very difficult hours of our relationship. — © Angela Merkel
Thank[Barack Obama] for the reliable friendship and partnership you demonstrated in very difficult hours of our relationship.
Any relationship should have love, and if there is no love, it is better to call off a relationship. People say that love happens only once, but I don't believe in it because for me, if one relationship doesn't work, you should move on and seek love in another relationship. Who knows; you might find love in the second relationship.
My experience is that relationships can be difficult, hard work. I love to be in a relationship.
Israel's foreign policy has three points: the relationship with the U.S., the relationship with the U.S., and the relationship with the U.S.
Well, I have a good relationship with everybody. So, it's difficult to be a bad relationship with me.
I think the fact that I'm so well known to be gay makes it very difficult to have a convincing relationship with a woman on screen. It wouldn't be at all difficult for me to kiss a woman - I'll kiss a frog if you like.
Jung Yong-hwa and I know so much about each other, I think it would be difficult for us to start a romantic relationship.
When you have an author and an auteur, it's a difficult and challenging relationship.
The relationship between the media owner, their relationship isn't strictly with people and audiences. It's also with advertisers, and that's the most relationship in radio; in fact it pays the bills.
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