Top 1200 Difficulty Of Writing Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Difficulty Of Writing quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
You start by writing to live. You end by writing so as not to die.
Once I get my writing done, then I can turn my attention elsewhere - and not the other way around. The writing has to be the foundation.
What's the challenge in writing a novel that few people will read? I'm more than happy writing what I do and have no plans to change that. — © Nicholas Sparks
What's the challenge in writing a novel that few people will read? I'm more than happy writing what I do and have no plans to change that.
I chose law because writing was involved. I didn't realize how boring legal writing was, but I even learned to love that.
Writing a whole series was a crash course in screenwriting, which is a very different muscle to standup comedy writing.
I was someone who wanted to be a writer but who wasn't writing. I was someone buying books on writing. I was someone telling people that I was writer. But I was not writing.
In a sense, journalism can be both helpful and detrimental to a writer of fiction because the kind of writing you need to do as a journalist is so different. It has to be clear, unambiguous, concise, and as a writer often you are trying to do things that are more ambiguous. I find that writing fiction is often an antidote to reading and writing too much journalism.
As you continue writing and rewriting, you begin to see possibilities you hadn't seen before. Writing a poem is always a process of discovery.
THE WRITER can get free of his writing only by using it, that is, by reading oneself. As if the aim of writing were to use what is already written as a launching pad for reading the writing to come. Moreover, what he has written is read in the process, hence constantly modified by his reading. The book is an unbearable totality. I write against a background of facets.
I love a lot of American writers, but I think that for the most part the scope of what's accepted as great American writing is very limited. What we have is good, but it's limited. There's not enough engagement with the world. Our literature's not adventurous enough. The influence of MFA writing tends to make things repetitive. The idea that writing can be taught has changed the whole conversation in the U.S.
People don't stress enough that when they're writing lyrics, they are writing.
News writing and sports writing have become synonymous. And it started with, you know, free agency, and now it's in the concussion debate.
Writing books isn't a drastic departure from writing for the stage. — © George Carlin
Writing books isn't a drastic departure from writing for the stage.
Ninety percent of the difficulty in your intellectual life would never have happened if you just had better taste.
Do not beat up on yourself. Do not criticize your writing as lousy, inadequate, stupid, or any of the evil epithets that you are used to heaping on yourself. Such self-bashing is never useful. If you indulge in it, your writing doesn't stand a chance. So when your mind turns on you, turn it back, stamp it down, shut it up, and keep writing.
The best kind of writing, and the biggest thrill in writing, is to suddenly read a line from your typewriter that you didnt know was in you.
Not-writing is a good deal worse than writing.
There are more and more women writing. And there are more and more good male writers who are writing and who learned and decided it's worth writing for women.
Most men are reasonably useful in a crisis. The difficulty lies in convincing them that the situation has reached a critical point
Writing is one way to go about thinking, and the practice and habit of writing not only drain the mind but supply it, too.
I started writing when I was around 6. I say 'writing,' but it was really just making up stuff! I started writing and doing my own thing. I didn't really know what a demo was or anything like that, so I started getting interested in studio gear and started learning about one instrument at a time. My first instrument was an accordion.
He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered , with difficulty recognizing the beauty for which he picked and ruined it.
I've always been an all around creative person. Song writing and writing are great ways for me to express myself.
It's insane to be a writer and not be a reader. When I'm writing I'm more likely to be reading four or five books at once, just in bits and pieces rather than subjecting myself to a really brilliant book and thinking, "Well what's the point of me writing anything?" I'm more likely to read a book through when I take a break from writing.
Through all this other stuff I was doing, I always went back to the writing, and it was writing that made me feel whole, complete.
Painting should never look as if it were done with difficulty, however difficult it may actually have been.
For me, writing is something that I need to do. If I'm not writing, I'm not happy.
I love writing fiction because I can totally lose myself and I get to make up the rules of the world that I'm writing.
Writing is a form of talking, although writing is such an odd thing in and of itself. People go about it in such different ways.
This is the problem for which revolutionary theory has yet to find the right solution, if there is one. The difficulty is that the economic interests of the two classes are antagonistic.
I tend to elongate the sentences as I'm writing and editing, and there is just something about the feeling of writing longhand that I really love.
All writers have periods when they stop writing, when they cannot write, and this is always painful and terrible because writing is like breathing.
They ask me what I'm writing for - I'm writing to show you what we're fighting for.
When you are writing, of course, you have to do all that writing and correcting for yourself. When I was a librarian it was expected that I would know about a wide range of books.
I've spent most of my life writing and developing everything that I've wanted to be in - which is why I started writing in the first place.
The amount of money we receive will always be in direct ratio to the demand for what we do; our ability to do it; and the difficulty in replacing us.
There is no way of writing well and also of writing easily.
The first writing of the human being was drawing, not writing. — © Marjane Satrapi
The first writing of the human being was drawing, not writing.
If your husband has difficulty getting to sleep, the words 'we need to talk about our relationship' may help.
Writing music is just like writing a book.
Liberals and international diplomats (a distinction without a difference) have notorious difficulty understanding how to deal with totalitarian regimes.
When we complain about our current situation, we remain in it; when we praise God in the midst of difficulty, He raises us out of it.
What I've learned about my self over the years is that I'm pretty restless. If I multitask it's probably because I have difficulty just focusing on one thing.
There's exceptional work being done on television. Some of our great writers are writing for television. When you have things to choose from, you typically go after the writing - unless you're going after the money. There are fewer opportunities in film to make money with good writing, unless you're an action hero.
I think it's dangerous to think you know what you're writing. I usually don't know, and usually I just discover it in the course of writing. I envy those writers who can outline a beginning, a middle, and end. Fitzgerald supposedly did it. John Irving does. Bret Easton Ellis does. But for me, the writing itself is the process of discovery. I can't see all that far ahead.
My job is to work at song writing and singing and telling the truth in song writing. My job is to be courageous enough to go on stage and tell the truth, the same truth that's gone into my song writing.
I suppose I often think of my writing as quite impersonal. But it turned out, when my father died, writing was exactly what I wanted to do.
On the Internet, everyone is writing. There is a great flowering of writing. — © James Salter
On the Internet, everyone is writing. There is a great flowering of writing.
I write for somebody who has my own limitations. My reader has a certain difficulty with concentrating, which in my case comes from being a film viewer.
When I turned to writing fantasy, and writing for young people, it was joyous. It was like discovering an underground lake of ideas that went on forever.
The greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will it be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and faith.
In my writing classes, I don't outlaw any genre writing.
My father always told me I should be a writer, and I found I loved writing my autobiography; writing is such an interesting process.
Writing is a sedentary gig unless one has a treadmill desk. But I have long believed writing and working out are complementary disciplines.
Despite all that I know rationally, and everything that I can put into words, I can say that I have difficulty giving up the notion of the nobility of art.
The difficulty with humanity's previous attempts at reinventing itself is that we've always started with behaviors rather than with beliefs.
I have always believed that writing advertisements is the second most profitable form of writing. The first, of course, is ransom notes.
Mr. Knightley seemed to be trying not to smile; and succeeded without difficulty, upon Mrs. Elton's beginning to talk to him.
I do labor - it's part of the process. Writing is no easier today than it was in the beginning: writing well is very hard to do. Always.
Ignorance, according to the Buddha, is our basic difficulty. Psychedelics and the process of aging make that clear to me all the time.
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