Top 1200 Dinner With Friends Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Dinner With Friends quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
My father was never around. It was almost as if he didn't exist. I would tell my friends he was in Cleveland, on business. Sometimes, every six months or so, he would come by for dinner.
Challenging is good, like good conversation, yes? Who wants to have dinner with the same old easy listening music sounding friends all the time?
I like thieves. Some of my best friends are thieves. Why, just last week we had the president of the bank over for dinner. — © W. C. Fields
I like thieves. Some of my best friends are thieves. Why, just last week we had the president of the bank over for dinner.
I haven't been invited to anyone's for dinner since the show began. I like eating with friends in restaurants instead. You all choose what to eat, have a starter, main and dessert, and then you go home.
A dinner invitation, once accepted, is a sacred obligation. If you die before the dinner takes place, your executor must attend.
I have very non-eccentric hobbies. I like to read, to have dinner with friends, and junk out on TV like everybody else.
The cabbage surpasses all other vegetables. If, at a banquet, you wish to dine a lot and enjoy your dinner, then eat as much cabbage as you wish, seasoned with vinegar, before dinner, and likewise after dinner eat some half-dozen leaves. It will make you feel as if you had not eaten, and you can drink as much as you like.
If you really hate George Bush, you don't want to read about his hobbies or that he's nice to his friends or that he's good company at dinner.
EAT, v.i. To perform successively (and successfully) the functions of mastication, humectation, and deglutition. 'I was in the drawing-room, enjoying my dinner,' said Brillat-Savarin, beginning an anecdote. 'What!' interrupted Rochebriant; 'eating dinner in a drawing-room?' 'I must beg you to observe, monsieur,' explained the great gastronome, 'that I did not say I was eating my dinner, but enjoying it. I had dined an hour before.'
Alcohol is certainly one of the most abused drugs since ever and ever, since Dionysus. They say have a glass of wine at dinner, which was done in the Latin countries. In Italy we always had a glass of wine at dinner. It is a good thing. But if you have dozens of glasses of wine at dinner it is not so good.
My best friends are just girls who go to school. They're not in the industry, and we have dinner nights and learn how to cook together and go on hiking trails and the beach.
The dinner even is only the parable of a dinner, commonly.
The compartmentalizing is so severe, that we kind of lose track. When you sit down to dinner with friends, you're going to talk about everything, sharing this polyphony of experiences, this spectrum of culture, and it's all cross-pollinating all the time.
We were the last generation to have the experience of going out with our friends to the woods or the train tracks and the only way our parents could connect with us was to say, 'It's time for dinner.'
One year, I was a patron of a new opera. It was, to put it kindly, unpleasant to the ear. The friends I went with hated it. Keeping quiet about my contribution, I was outed when one of them, reading the program at the restaurant during dinner, saw my name.
Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless. Christmas dinner's dark and blue. When you stop and try to see it From the turkey's point of view. — © Shel Silverstein
Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless. Christmas dinner's dark and blue. When you stop and try to see it From the turkey's point of view.
When I cook, I mean when I'm working crazy hours I always do Sunday dinner and I'm not afraid to ask for help, whether it's from Boston Market or from my friends to bring a dish ... it's all about community and really connecting.
I am not someone who likes cocktail parties or large dinner parties, but I have to attend them often. I much prefer very small dinners with close friends.
When I would see my friends with their kids, I was envious that you can use children to get out of just about anything. If you don't feel like going to a dinner party, you could say, 'My kid's sick. I can't make it.' Who's gonna argue with you?
All my Dominican friends live in an area called Los Venaga. Their houses are shacks. They'd invite us over to dinner, and we'd sit in plastic chairs on the dirt inside a house.
What's the most humiliating thing? When you take someone to dinner or you cook somebody dinner and they get food poisoning. I mean, how bad do you feel?
We've come a long way from having one land line that was forbidden to be answered during dinner. We had no answering machine, just a dad who barked, 'Who calls during dinner? If it's important, they'll call back.' He was right.
You could be a rebel, a profound thinker, and a rock and roll maniac and still eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and drink a nice cup of tea with your friends.
To my great surprise and pleasure, I have had dinner with most of the people living with whom I would like to have dinner.
I try to greet my friends with a drink in my hand, a warm smile on my face, and great music in the background, because that's what gets a dinner party off to a fun start.
Get your friends together, even if it's just once a week or twice a month, and make dinner together.
Some nights, a romantic dinner can be killed by having to do dishes afterward, so it probably suits you better to go out for dinner. But I love cooking and always have.
Our family dinner table was my first platform - every dinner was all about sharing stories and jokes and points of view.
For a while, even in the house of good friends for dinner or for cocktails, they would really be upset. They thought I had single-handedly destroyed the best phone service in the world.
I really enjoy making breakfast and dinner. But breakfast is a good excuse to have some dessert before dinner.
There are very diminishingly few United States senators who you would like always want to have dinner with. It used to be in the Senate there were an awful lot of them. There are very few of them today that you would just be dying to go out and have dinner with. John McCain is someone I`d have dinner with seven nights a week.
Friends say, 'Shall we go out to dinner at 8?' I say, 'I can't, I'm a 10 A.M.-till-6:30 P.M. kind of guy.' I keep that very regular, no matter what.
There's always a dinner to go to. There're always loads of people around. I was having fun working with my friends. For a while it all just kind of rolled together in a great way.
One of the pleasures of staying with friends is that you get to browse their shelves. I always arrive with a book, but I almost never read it. It would be like sitting at their dinner table and opening a packet of sandwiches.
Whether you are seeing family, a dinner with your friends, or meeting new people for the first time, you should still have fun with your look!
If you're having dinner with friends and they're always on the phone or always texting, it's just impolite. Unless it's something important - like someone is in the hospital or something - don't do it.
I remember going round to my friends' houses and asking them to ask their mum and dad if I could stay for dinner because I wasn't going to get fed.
I don't have dinner parties - I eat my dinner in bed. — © Hugh Hefner
I don't have dinner parties - I eat my dinner in bed.
I knew exactly what I wanted to do since I could remember. As a kid, if my friends came round after school for dinner, I'd put on shows; I'd write plays and charge the parents £1.50 for a ticket for sweetie money.
I like to go out for dinner in Belfast with my friends, I like to work on the house. I like working on music.
Actually, I don't even like parties. I would much prefer a room with four friends who sit around and have dinner. I detest nightclubs. And I don't like places where the noise is so loud you can't talk to people.
Americans are just beginning to regard food the way the French always have. Dinner is not what you do in the evening before something else. Dinner is the evening.
I'm not a type of grandmother sitting in a rocking chair. I'm a lot in the theater. I'm a lot at concerts. I'm a lot at friends.' I like to go out for dinner. I don't have to be home one night a week if I don't want to.
At night, I don't do business meetings, because I think it sends the wrong message. I do dinner with friends, game night, or concerts.
My favorite thing in the world is to have just a big dinner with friends and just sit and talk about their life and their difficulties and all of that.
I'll just be sitting down having dinner with girlfriends or something and people come up and ruin the dinner.
Buenos Aires is less than an hour's drive from the ranch, and in the evening, we might meet friends for dinner there. I get recognised a bit, but I'm lucky that polo isn't as popular as other sports.
I came from dinner, went downtown with my friends, the elevator was down, I ran down the hall toward my room at 10 at night, having had two glasses of wine.
I grew up in a racially mixed neighborhood. So going over to friends' houses for dinner, their parents listened to Al Green and Luther Ingram. It was something that hit me early on, the feeling that came across.
It's not like I'm starved for company - I have a few very good lady friends - but there's only a certain amount of times a woman wants to see you and never go out for dinner.
There should be no rules at your dinner party except for people to eat a lot and enjoy a long night where they feel like they could fall asleep at the dinner table at the end.
I try not to become friends with musicians, but life happens and dinner happens and going out happens - it becomes interwoven in L.A. — © Ariel Rechtshaid
I try not to become friends with musicians, but life happens and dinner happens and going out happens - it becomes interwoven in L.A.
I had very few friends. We always ate dinner with our parents. We didn't want to go out. American adolescence was a lot wilder than I would have felt comfortable with.
Religion is like going out to dinner with friends. Everyone may order something different, but everyone can still sit at the same table.
I'm not invited to the Vanity Fair dinner where they watch the Oscars - or even the Oscars themselves - so I sit at home and watch it with a bunch of close friends.
This was a good dinner enough, to be sure, but it was not a dinner to ask a man to.
I'm very aware that when my friends and I sit around over dinner these days, the conversation invariably turns to how crass the world has become. Tweeting? It's one of the silliest things ever.
I was invited to a dinner party by an ex, and I was convinced that he wanted to rekindle our relationship. I prohibited my friends from coming with me because I didn't want to make it awkward for them when he professed his love to me.
Never, ever ask a former clergyman to say the blessing over a holiday dinner. Not if you like your dinner warm, anyway.
A lot of my friends are doctors, and the difference between me and them is there's no musical emergencies to pull me away from dinner. 'I need the chords for that song right now!' No, it can wait.
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