Top 246 Dinosaurs Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Dinosaurs quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Writing is a matter of finding the appropriate balance of dinosaurs and sodomy
I've always loved dinosaurs.
If the Bible is correct, and the Earth is only 6,000 years old, that means there were no dinosaurs, and museum curators have been messing with us. Or the dinosaurs were here, and we never noticed them. Or a lot of people saw them but didn't want to say anything.
Many dinosaurs were smaller than chickens. — © Ken Ham
Many dinosaurs were smaller than chickens.
I have no patience with dinosaurs.
As a kid, I knew all of the dinosaurs. It's one of those tragedies that I've forgotten what dinosaurs are cool.
The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program.
The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Kids go through a stage where they love dinosaurs - boy or girl.
You can hardly tell where the computer models finish and the real dinosaurs begin
The dinosaurs invented Jesus to test our confidence in science.
By the way, it was his simulations that helped out in Jurassic Park - without them, there would have been only a few dinosaurs. Based on his techniques, Industrial Light and Magic could make whole herds of dinosaurs race across the screen.
The difference between the dinosaurs and us is that we have a space program and we can vote...
This isn't about guilt or innocence, he says. The dinosaurs weren't morally good or bad, but they're all dead. — © Chuck Palahniuk
This isn't about guilt or innocence, he says. The dinosaurs weren't morally good or bad, but they're all dead.
And I'm sorry for us The dinosaurs roam the earth The sky turns green.
Dinosaurs were huge and powerful; they could not adapt and they died out. And so the big difference between dinosaurs and cockroaches is adaptability: one is able to adjust, while the other, apparently, couldn't... The same analogy applies to fighting, and probably any other sport. It's not always the strong that survive. It takes brains, guts, tolerance and forward thinking. We've seen this since the beginning of mixed martial arts.
back from when they watched black and white TV and hunted dinosaurs.
There's something about dinosaurs that should be very humbling to human beings.
Give a talk to children and tell them dinosaurs didn't drag their tails, and you get arguments.
Now, to find dinosaurs, you hike around in horrible conditions looking for a dinosaur. It sounds really dumb, but that's what it is. It's horrible conditions, because wherever you have nice weather, plants grow, and you don't get any erosion, and you don't see any dinosaurs.
Children have a great urge to learn about dinosaurs.
Almost all of my graduate students say that they got interested in dinosaurs because of 'Jurassic Park.'
Certainly what happened to the dinosaurs was not good - that was a terrible day for the dinosaurs, very sad. But I have to say, there are a lot of threats we face as people and, as someone who lives in Los Angeles, I'm personally more likely to die from driving on the freeway than I am from an asteroid, so you have to put that risk in perspective.
God created dinosaurs. God destroyed dinosaurs. God created Man. Man destroyed God. Man created dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man...Woman inherits the earth.
Dinosaurs are built just like birds - they can squat down, they can get up. Mammals, when we lay down, we throw our legs out to the sides - birds cannot do that. Dinosaurs could not do that either.
The public image of dinosaurs is tainted by extinction. It's hard to accept dinosaurs as a success when they are all dead. But the fact of ultimate extinction should not make us overlook the absolutely unsurpassed role dinosaurs played in the history of life.
Christians are a lot like dinosaurs - about to become extinct.
God creates dinosaurs, God kills dinosaurs, God creates man, man kills God, man brings back dinosaurs.
It’s very simple why kids are crazy about dinosaurs — dinosaurs are nature’s Special Effects. They are the only real dragons. Kids love dragons. It’s not just being weirdly shaped and being able to eat Buicks. It’s that they are real.
I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs.
Based on the Bible, I believe that all the land animals were made on day six, and Adam and Eve were made on day six, and people try to make fun of us for believing that dinosaurs lived with people, but there are a lot of animals living today that evolution says lived with dinosaurs.
Zombies are eternal. They're like dinosaurs.
I grew up playing with dinosaurs instead of Barbie dolls.
I've loved dinosaurs since I was teeny tiny.
The evidence is overwhelming that birds are dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs did not walk with humans. The evolutionary record says different. They gambled.
The dinosaurs never saw that asteroid coming. What's our excuse?
You know what killed off the dinosaurs, Whateley? We did. In one barbecue.
Boys like either dinosaurs or airplanes. I was very much an airplane boy. — © Jim Lovell
Boys like either dinosaurs or airplanes. I was very much an airplane boy.
We have been called old rockers, rock pensioners, and dinosaurs.
I'm trying to figure out the biology of dinosaurs and what they were like as living creatures.
The Big Five publishing companies are dinosaurs trying to survive in a post-meteor world. They won't.
Sixty-five million years ago the dinosaurs had a bad day.
I had a lot of funky things as a kid. I had dinosaurs and comic book stuff. I was eccentric; imagination drove my decor. Dinosaurs, for sure, were in there!
Imagine if the dinosaurs had tried picturing the rulers of their planet 100 million years hence. They'd undoubtedly envision these creatures as... dinosaurs! Conceiving of aliens as polished versions of ourselves is appealing, but unconvincing.
Scientists are complaining that the new dinosaur movie shows dinosaurs with lemurs, who didn't evolve for another million years. They're afraid the movie will give kids a mistaken impression. What about the fact that the dinosaurs are singing and dancing?
Observation: I can't see a thing. Conclusion: Dinosaurs.
I've gone back in time to when dinosaurs weren't just confined to zoos.
Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations. — © Steve Miller
Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations.
It has been argued that dinosaurs did not die out, but just evolved wings and flew away. At a certain level, this reasoning is sound.... Birds, as a group, did descend from dinosaurs and ... all 8,600 species of birds living today carry some inheritance from their reptilian ancestors.
Man, I so sick of dinosaurs. They wasn't extinct, I'd go out an' kill 'em myself.
The dinosaurs are remember only by their bones. What will we be remembered for with humanity?
We can be the new brand of self-extincting dinosaurs or we can evolve.
I was gaga about dinosaurs as a kid.
Dinosaurs are the best way to teach kids, and adults, the immensity of geologic time.
In pre-school, I was drawing dinosaurs - I was huge into dinosaurs. I wanted to be a paleontologist, not a cartoonist or a filmmaker or anything like that - just a paleontologist. So I would draw dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs are the jumper cables to the human mind. Kids can't curb their enthusiasm when they're in a hall of dinosaurs and mammoths and mammoth hunters and trilobites and giant fish that could chomp up a shark. These natural objects in motion and context make kids want to read; you can't stop them from reading and thinking.
The most difficult challenge that Governments have faced since the dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Now, once again, we find ourselves facing rising gas prices, and the question is: This time, are we going to learn from the past? Are we finally going to get serious about energy conservation? Of course not! We have the brains of mealworms! So we need to get more oil somehow. As far as I can figure, there's only one practical way to do this. That's right: We need to clone more dinosaurs. We have the technology, as was shown in two blockbuster scientific movies, Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park Returns with Exactly the Same Plot. Once we have the dinosaurs, all we need is an asteroid.
In 1941 Richard Owen said that the dinosaurs were almost hot blooded.
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