Top 1200 Dirty Jobs Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Dirty Jobs quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Probably the TV show I've watched the most is 'How It's Made' on the History Channel. I could watch 24 hours of 'How It's Made' and never get bored. Or 'Dirty Jobs' - that's even better!
The amazing thing about IBM is that it's a company where I have had 10 different careers - local jobs, global jobs, technology jobs, industry jobs, financial services, insurance, start-ups, big scale. The network of talent around you is phenomenal.
You can't do anything with anybody's body to make it dirty to me. Six people, eight people, one person - you can do only one thing to make it dirty: kill it. Hiroshima was dirty.
How I feel is cheap and used, dirty and humiliated. Dirty and tricked and thrown away. — © Chuck Palahniuk
How I feel is cheap and used, dirty and humiliated. Dirty and tricked and thrown away.
James Cain - faugh! Everything he touches smells like a billygoat. He is every kind of writer I detest, a faux naix, a Proust in greasy overalls, a dirty little boy with a piece of chalk and a board fence and nobody looking. Such people are the offal of literature, not because they write about dirty things, but because they do it in a dirty way.
When I think about political races, and certain consultants, the word that comes to mind is dirty. Dirty, dirty, DIRTY!
I can be just as dirty. I could use my head or my elbows and we can we all dirty.
The thing that makes 'Dirty Jobs' different is that it's one of the few shows that portrays work in a way that doesn't highlight the drudgery. Instead, it highlights the humor.
In addition to building the skills needed for the jobs of today and connecting individuals to these jobs, it is imperative to foster entirely new ideas and industries that will create the jobs of tomorrow.
Coal is tied to steel jobs, trucking jobs, and manufacturing jobs.
You think sex is dirty. You have a dirty mind.
Some jobs are so dirty you can only send in someone who has the finely honed hatred of liberals acquired at elite universities to do them.
The president [Donald Trump] said his three-part agenda is jobs, jobs, jobs.
I never thought that sex was wrong, sinful, dirty. When you take away the thought of things being dirty or forbidden, then you can really enjoy your sensuality. — © Gioconda Belli
I never thought that sex was wrong, sinful, dirty. When you take away the thought of things being dirty or forbidden, then you can really enjoy your sensuality.
I was very dirty; I was a very dirty comic. There was no way I would have gotten on TV with the act I had when I first started.
We've got rights the right to starve We've got jobs waiting for work We're all brothers lousy and dirty We're all free and equal to die like dogs
The most important thing we can do is to make sure that we are creating jobs in this country. But not just jobs, good paying jobs. Ones that can support a family.
Hurricane Sandy is a disturbing sign of things to come. We must heed this warning and act quickly to solve the climate crisis. Dirty energy makes dirty weather.
Winston Churchill famously said that meeting jaw-to-jaw is better than war. With Trump, the strategy seems to be jobs jobs jobs - at home and abroad.
People with dirty jobs are happier than you think. As a group, they're the happiest people I know.
Sport is dirty if you want to win, but I am not a dirty player.
I see robotic technology getting rid of the dangerous, the dirty, and the just plain boring jobs. Some people say, 'You can't. People won't have anything to do.' But we found things that were a lot easier than backbreaking labor in the sun and the fields. Let people rise to better things.
I'll be as dirty as I please, and I like to be dirty, and I will be dirty!
I never did a dirty armpit. You can look dirty, but you can't be dirty.
'Dirty Jobs' is a fun, simple little show with huge themes under it. For me, it's penance, it's redemption, it's a sweaty mess.
There's a lot of negative speak about what it means to be an immigrant. I'm like, 'OK, I don't know where that came from.' We do the dirty jobs. We do the good jobs. We get the job done.
Let me make our goal in this program very clear: jobs, jobs, jobs, and more jobs. Our policy has been and will continue to be: What is good for the American worker is good for America.
I walk into the kitchen, look at the typer down there on the floor. It's a dirty floor. It's a dirty typer that types dirty stories
Women understand that men must often be kept from soiling themselves with the dirty little details of life in order to accomplish the big shinny jobs unimpeded.
It's funny; it's a real balancing act. In TV, everybody's talking about authenticity. In order to make 'Dirty Jobs' authentic, I really can't be overly informed. The minute I am, I become a host... It's a very tricky business paying a tribute to work, because TV is very bad at it.
We need to tell better stories of men and women who master a trade. We have to stop telling kids to blindly follow their passion and show them the opportunities that exist. That was the big, overarching message of 'Dirty Jobs.'
Every team, in some sense, plays dirty. The game of football is dirty.
When I had jobs, I was always doing manual jobs because I couldn't think. I worked at the docks, unloading trucks, and did ridiculous jobs.
Around comics, I've always been known for, oh, that's not dirty, this is dirty.
Politics is dirty, and I don't like to talk about dirty things... My conscience is clear.
I'm not insensitive to the jobs. I'm desperately concerned about those jobs. But you don't fix them by pandering to people and telling them you're going to shut the door. You have to grow jobs.
You've got criminal courts and child welfare officials refusing to do their jobs and protect children so they can shift the cases over to family court where predatory professionals can turn a dirty buck off the atrocities committed against children.
There are no dirty words, only dirty minds.
I've never been to the Himalayas, and I'm not really interested in them. I'm more interested in a dirty old quarry in Lancashire, and by god, they can be dirty. — © M. John Harrison
I've never been to the Himalayas, and I'm not really interested in them. I'm more interested in a dirty old quarry in Lancashire, and by god, they can be dirty.
Trump can bring jobs back, but they will be minimal-wage jobs, not the high-paying jobs of the 1950s.
The greatest philosopher of all time was Dirty Harry. And if you remember, Dirty Harry took the words right out of my mouth: "A good man needs to know his limitations."
It's funny; it's a real balancing act. In TV, everybody's talking about authenticity. In order to make 'Dirty Jobs' authentic, I really can't be overly informed. The minute I am, I become a host It's a very tricky business paying a tribute to work, because TV is very bad at it.
We're either going to be dependent on dirty oil from the Gulf or dirty oil from Canada.
There must be 15 shows about people's jobs: 'Ice Road Trucker,' 'Axe Men,' 'Dirty Jobs.' Unemployment is so high, we're watching people work.
There's two kinds of dirty - dirty and sewer-dirty. Danny Ferry is sewer-dirty and has been ever since he was at Duke.
I did every thing, even dirty jobs like dishwashing or delivery boy for a grocer.
The president has said Republicans want dirty air and dirty water.
I am going to bring back infrastructure jobs, advanced manufacturing jobs, clean renewable energy jobs, innovation, technology, small business.
We cannot put cinema in parallel with the political, because politics are something dirty and cinema is not dirty. — © Ali Suliman
We cannot put cinema in parallel with the political, because politics are something dirty and cinema is not dirty.
There's no reason that young girls shouldn't feel like they can't smash people on the field. Nothing dirty. You want to keep it clean. You just want to play hard. Get your jersey dirty, shorts dirty, and just have fun out there.
If you find my stories dirty, the society you are living in is dirty. With my stories, I only expose the truth
Green jobs - those are jobs that feel like new economy jobs; they do require some training.
Clearly, dirty election rolls can mean dirty elections.
I'm a dirty, filthy animal and I'm a dirty comedian, but I got a lot of charisma and charm.
The trouble with quick and dirty is that dirty remains long after quick has been forgotten.
'Dirty Jobs' is maybe the simplest show in the history of TV, with the possible exception of 'The Gong Show'. I go around the country; we've shot in every state. And we spend a day with people who do jobs that are dirty or dangerous or ridiculous or difficult.
Well people love to go dirty and stuff like that. It's funny, because even really dirty things can kind of inspire, but all things inspire really dirty improv and monologues. So then really dirty things can inspire the exact opposite. It's kind of a crapshoot.
-Do you think it's dirty money? -All money is dirty. If it were clean nobody would want it.
I've been on jobs where there's that one actor who is just a miserable, miserable no-good, dirty bastard, and it just turns the whole process sour.
I've always thought that the stereotype of the dirty old man is really the creation of a dirty young man who wants the field to himself.
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