Top 295 Disbelief Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Disbelief quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
To believe that what has not occurred in history will not occur at all, is to argue disbelief in the dignity of man.
I spend a lot of time balancing between faith and disbelief.
I have gradually learned to be cautious even in disbelief — © Carl Jung
I have gradually learned to be cautious even in disbelief
If the actors aren't reacting the way people would react, that's where you step into disbelief.
Belief in form, but disbelief in content - that's what makes an aphorism charming.
A disbelief in God does not result in a belief in nothing; disbelief in God usuallyresults in a belief in anything.
Disbelief is more resistant than faith because it is sustained by the senses.
What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?
I've always been interested in moments of disbelief... I don't know if they possess any magic, but they do have something.
Skepticism requires disbelief and curiosity, not conformity to conventional wisdom. There's no science here. This is pure politics.
Your life as a Christian should make non believers question their disbelief in God.
I regret my disbelief in God.
Disbelief in the consequences of wrongdoing has coarsened our society and alienated us one from another. — © Michael J. Knowles
Disbelief in the consequences of wrongdoing has coarsened our society and alienated us one from another.
People don't come up to me very often. Everyone is always in such disbelief that I can go to the market.
I get a lot of disbelief that my accent could actually be real, which seems strange.
The word 'Antichrist', to me, is the collective disbelief in god.
In order to have faith, or follow any other organized religion, I'd have to suspend a degree of disbelief.
The distracting feeling of disbelief when you're finally doing something you've procrastinated on for notable amounts of time.
The infrastructure of the US is a long-term suspension of disbelief that such things won't be exploded deliberately by people who don't create anything.
It is not disbelief that is dangerous to our society; it is belief.
That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.
One of the most crucial aspects of a haunted house movie is the fear and disbelief of the characters, because they don't know what's happening to them.
For any true stickler, you see, the sight of the plural word “Book’s” with an apostrophe in it will trigger a ghastly private emotional process similar to the stages of bereavement, though greatly accelerated. First there is shock. Within seconds, shock gives way to disbelief, disbelief to pain, and pain to anger. Finally (and this is where the analogy breaks down), anger gives way to a righteous urge to perpetrate an act of criminal damage with the aid of a permanent marker.
If there is a soul, what is it, and where did it come from, and where does it go? Can anyone who is guided by his reason possibly imagine a soul independent of a body, or the place of its residence, or the character of it, or anything concerning it? If man is justified in any belief or disbelief on any subject, he is warranted in the disbelief in a soul. Not one scrap of evidence exists to prove any such impossible thing.
The decline of witch-belief was . . . entirely the product of religious skepticism. . . . The Catholic Church did not reform itself on this matter; it was forced by outside pressure to reform. To be sure, the Protestant churches were no better in this regard; it is simply that they had less time - only two or three centuries - to engage in the torching of witches. After all, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, stated quite correctly that disbelief in witches meant a disbelief in the Bible.
The people has no definite disbelief in the temples of theology. The people has a very fiery and practical disbelief in the temples of physical science.
Those who write need that "willing suspension of disbelief ", as Coleridge called it.
The stage is suspension of disbelief. Film is a literal medium.
Have a belief in yourself that is bigger than anyone's disbelief.
There's a bit of hazing when it comes to the youth performers and a disbelief that you're capable of handling dramatic or comedic material on an adult level.
He is no longer mine to lose, but the grief is there, a gnawing sense of disbelief.
As belief is a passion of the mind, no degree of criminality is attachable to disbelief.
Suspension of disbelief is a necessary ingredient in all storytelling. So it has been with the government's narrative that it is delivering Brexit.
The more you can create that magic bubble, that suspension of disbelief, for a while, the better.
The biggest obstacle to creativity is breaking through the barrier of disbelief.
It's so inspiring to be able to look a child in the eyes and just shake their hands and see the disbelief that this is actually happening.
Disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but at last it was complete.
Suspension of disbelief and that whole question is part of the heart of the 'Leaves of Grass'movie. — © Edward Norton
Suspension of disbelief and that whole question is part of the heart of the 'Leaves of Grass'movie.
No one thinks Las Vegas is real; it is illusion, but visitors willingly suspend disbelief and pretend.
The art of movies is to allow the audience to suspend their disbelief. They need to use their imaginations.
I'm not a media personality, I'm an actress. I want to protect that thing: the suspension of disbelief. The rest of it is just distraction.
Question: What is the opposite of faith? Not disbelief. Too final, certain, closed. Itself is a kind of belief. Doubt.
So little is actually worthy of belief or disbelief. Better to strive to coexist than seek to disapprove . . .
You can't really do a big character in an action film; you're already suspending your disbelief in the action, then to suspend your disbelief in the character is too much.
Certainly the affirmative pursuit of one's convictions about the ultimate mystery of the universe and man's relation to it is placed beyond the reach of law. Government may not interfere with organized or individual expressions of belief or disbelief. Propagation of belief - or even of disbelief - in the supernatural is protected, whether in church or chapel, mosque or synagogue, tabernacle or meeting-house.
There are, however, exceptions to this reliance on feelings as evidence of truth: if, for instance, your feelings lead to disbelief instead of belief, they're apt to be dismissed as some form of denial. This is not a common problem. Usually intellectualism, not feeling reality, is blamed for disbelief. But, some angel experts suggest, there may be emotional as well as intellectual barriers to belief: unwillingness to believe in angels can reflect low self-esteem.
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.
I've lost all capacity for disbelief. I'm not sure that I could even rise to a little gentle scepticism. — © Tom Stoppard
I've lost all capacity for disbelief. I'm not sure that I could even rise to a little gentle scepticism.
Belief and disbelief have divided humankind into so many sects, blinding its eyes to the vision of the Oneness of all Life.
I guess love is the real suspension of disbelief.
Disbelief held me down inside my footsteps, making my body heavy but my heart wild.
I'm a great audience. I cry very easily. I suspend disbelief in two seconds.
Cinema, which demands suspension of disbelief, is an increasingly naive proposition.
One of the most difficult things in opera is for people to suspend disbelief.
No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness than disbelief in great men.
When it comes to acting, people talk about the suspension of disbelief that you ask of the audience. Before that starts, you have to, as an actor, suspend your own disbelief.
Disbelief is catching. It rubs off on people.
Suspend for a moment your disbelief and encounter once again the sense of wonder you knew when there was... magic!
It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.
Emotional honesty transcends reality; it's what allows disbelief to be suspended and yet what makes a story stay true.
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