Top 1200 Discovering The World Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Discovering The World quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I always want to be on the cusp of being in the best shape that I can be. What I'm discovering is that the older you get, the more work you have to do to stay there.
I know every girl has her own form of beauty, its just a matter of discovering it and celebrating it.
The essence of design... lies in the process of discovering a problem shared by many people and trying to solve it. — © Kenya Hara
The essence of design... lies in the process of discovering a problem shared by many people and trying to solve it.
Torture, as the art of discovering the truth, is barbaric nonsense; it is the application of a material means to a spiritual end.
I write about reconciliation, but not as a miracle, as a slow, gradual process of mutual discovery - discovering one another.
With all their damned talk of modern painting, I've been forty years discovering that the queen of all colours is black!
I'd grown up in a production company, but discovering the importance of the work, I realized I had something to bring here.
The talent for discovering the unique and marketable characteristics of a product and service is a designer's most valuable asset.
Living in Malibu is like being in a bubble, so discovering others that are so different from me has been incredibly gratifying.
'Blue Valentine' was a really sad movie, but I loved the moments when they're discovering each other for the first time.
I still remember discovering the classic rock station when I was in high school and being totally blown away by it.
No one undertakes research in physics with the intention of winning a prize. It is the joy of discovering something no one knew before.
Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness. — © Aleister Crowley
Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness.
I find his films about as funny as getting an arrow through the neck and discovering there's a gas bill tied to it.
having someone think of me that way was like discovering a new window in the room i'd lived in all my life.
We primarily grow as human beings by discovering new truths about ourselves and our reality.
Just about every error has a technical and psychological component: get good at discovering those connections
As a fan of pop music myself, I hate discovering that a favourite track has a completely different meaning from the one I thought.
My first hero, as a teenager, was James Connolly. I remember discovering that he was a feminist, and that was an eye-opener, coming from a man of such poverty.
There's nothing better than discovering, to your own astonishment, what you're meant to do. It's like falling in love.
Happiness is being stuck in an elevator and discovering the ravishing blonde with you is a liquor salesman with a case of samples.
In a way, 'Billy Elliot' was autobiographical. I can't dance, but I think his dancing was me discovering about writing and literature.
I think the best SF writers are very aware of what we, in the scientific community, are doing, thinking, and discovering.
I remember discovering that I loved recording - that breakthrough when I was in high school getting to record for the first time.
Once you discover Ladakh, I have never stopped discovering new things every time I travel there.
Writing, like any art, is a continuing process of discovering the infinite possibilities of Life.
It is true that neither the ancient wisdoms nor the modern sciences are complete in themselves. They do not stand alone. They call for one another. Wisdom without science is unable to penetrate the full sapiential meaning of the created and the material cosmos. Science without wisdom leaves man enslaved to a world of unrelated objects in which there is no way of discovering (or creating) order and deep significance in man's own pointless existence. (p. 4)
Discovering a richer quality of being-ness means to keep surrendering and letting go of resistance.
I love discovering compelling new ideas and doing what I can to help spread the word about them.
People love discovering you. The thing about not being historically a mainstream writer is that everyone feels like you're theirs, you're their friend.
I'm not afraid to be bluntly honest in my songs, even if it means I'm discovering things about myself that I'd rather not.
We're into discovering ourselves as 2NE1. Since all four of us are different, we inspire and push each other.
Part of the act of creating is in discovering your own kind. They are everywhere. But don't look for them in the wrong places.
Keep this point clear: central to discovering an experience's perceptual meaning is a recognition of its identity and its individuality.
I started coming into my own at 30, discovering what's important to me, not caring what other people think.
I am awaiting the day when people remember the fact that discovery does not work by deciding what you want and then discovering it.
I've always known what I'm meant to do. The path of my life has been about discovering what I need to do to support myself as a writer.
Elsewhere is a negative mirror. The traveler recognizes the little that is his, discovering the much he has not had and will never have. — © Italo Calvino
Elsewhere is a negative mirror. The traveler recognizes the little that is his, discovering the much he has not had and will never have.
Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.
Funds raised create hope for kids with cancer. Research is our top priority for discovering a cure.
Retiring and discovering that you no longer have enough energy to enjoy life and dying a few years out of sheer boredom.
I find that in the process of making a film you're constantly discovering things that you never even imagined would work at the beginning.
I think there's a lot of pressure on young people to really be the thing that everyone is telling them that they are, opposed to discovering it for themselves.
There’s nothing better than discovering, to your own astonishment, what you’re meant to do. It’s like falling in love.
It took four days from discovering I had cancer to finding out how serious the problem was.
Discovering the beauty and joy of faith is a path that every new generation must take on its own.
The process of discovering who we are and what we are here to do . . . is dependent . . . on our ability to stay positive and to find a silver lining in all events.
I spent a lot of time in college. I was just being academic and discovering myself through reason and analysis. — © Kelela
I spent a lot of time in college. I was just being academic and discovering myself through reason and analysis.
I had always liked blind dates. If nothing else, it was an interesting way of discovering what people thought of you.
The experience of life in a finite, limited body is specifically for the purpose of discovering and manifesting supernatural existence.
The way one approaches a wilderness story is to fashion a quest - find something that you are truly interested in finding or discovering.
Starting each day with a positive mindset is the most important step of your journey to discovering opportunity.
It is no longer a question anywhere of inventing interconnections from out of our brains, but of discovering them in the facts.
You might like it as a joke or because you liked it then, but there isn't a whole new generation discovering Wham!.
Courage lies in being oneself, in showing complete independence, in loving what one loves, in discovering the deep roots of one's feelings.
Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering other people's weaknesses.
My first care the following morning was, to devise some means of discovering the man in the grey cloak.
What matters is discovering myself under the veneer, under the layers that are wrapped around me. There are two 'yous'; there's 'you', the real you, and then there's the image.
It's tiny out's inconsequential. It's ironic that we had come to study the Moon and it was really discovering the Earth.
The voice of a person thinking, discovering, revising, is ever-present without any loss in grace or ease.
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