Top 1200 Discovery And Invention Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Discovery And Invention quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
It is not advisable to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener.
I start each of my scripts by going on a journey of painstaking research and discovery, much as I do a piece of long-lead journalism.
Take the whole range of imaginative literature, and we are all wholesale borrowers. In every matter that relates to invention, to use, or beauty or form, we are borrowers.
The progress of science is the discovery at each step of a new order which gives unity to what had seemed unlike. — © Jacob Bronowski
The progress of science is the discovery at each step of a new order which gives unity to what had seemed unlike.
The Internet has destroyed irony in the world, or at least wounded it considerably. What are we to do about an invention whose end result is that starving people in China are looking up things on
Lyon is unusual and seems to be exceptionally incompetent at publicising itself. In fact, it doesn't want visitors. It fears discovery.
My father-in-law gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning and watches the Discovery Channel. I don't know why there's this big rush to do this.
The next big invention that will change the way we live should be things like ways of generating energy like electricity.
Sometimes when we awaken from the bad dream of disowning ourselves, we think that the sojourn to self-discovery is a new one. But it is an ancient quest.
You fill up the frame with feelings, energy, discovery, and risk, and leave room enough for someone else to get in there.
A good means to discovery is to take away certain parts of a system to find out how the rest behaves.
In fact, the whole of Japan is a pure invention. There is no such country, there are no such people.... The Japanese people are ... simply a mode of style, an exquisite fancy of art.
Take nothing for granted. Make an emotional discovery as often as you can find one in every scene. Ask yourself: What is new?
I'm not a big TV watcher, but I know that Discovery is a teaching network. And they've been so awesome to me, I love those people.
No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world. — © G. H. Hardy
No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world.
Bankruptocracy is as much a European predicament as it is an American 'invention.' The difference between the experience of the two continents is that at least Americans did not have to labour under the enormous design faults of the eurozone.
But if you want to know the truth, the weirdest thing that has happened has been my discovery that people who attend the conventions are filled with love.
I didn't realize that, in doing a documentary, there is this process of discovery. It's not like a film or a play with a set script. It sort of reveals itself.
The very first discovery of beauty strikes the mind with an inward joy, and spreads a cheerfulness and delight through all its faculties.
Death seems to have been a rather late invention in evolution. One can go a long way in evolution before encountering an authentic corpse.
The most beautiful thing in the world is, precisely, the conjunction of learning and inspiration. Oh, the passion for research and the joy of discovery!
Criticism is properly the rod of divination: a hazel switch for the discovery of buried treasure, not a birch twig for the castigation of offenders.
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother.
I look forward to the invention of faster-than-light travel. What I'm not looking forward to is the long wait in the dark once I arrive at my destination.
In the end, everyone loses everyone. There was no invention to get around that, and so I felt, that night, like the turtle that everything else in the universe was on top of.
The coming to consciousness is not a discovery of some new thing; it is a long and painful return to that which has always been.
Gaining insight into one's underlying motives, it seems, is more like a belief conversion than a self-discovery process
For thirty years, beginning with the invention of a privacy right in the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, the Left has been waging a systematic assault on the constitutional foundation of the nation.
When I go to Fire Island, it's always sort of the same thing. Everyone is coexisting, and isn't that nice? But also, the risk of people co-opting what is a queer invention is okay, as long as it's not for capital.
Flying was a very tangible freedom. In those days, it was beauty, adventure, discovery - the epitome of breaking into new worlds.
A system needs to be alive and workable even when other people than the first enthusiasts start using it. Reinvention and revolution are enthusiast stuff. Invention and evolution are engineering.
The charm of a woodland road lies not only in its beauty but in anticipation. Around each bend may be a discovery, an adventure.
I made the unexpected but happy discovery that the answer to several of the questions that most occupied me was in fact one and the same: Cook.
I believe that in every person is a kind of circuit which resonates to intellectual discovery-and the idea is to make that resonance work
I am awaiting the day when people remember the fact that discovery does not work by deciding what you want and then discovering it.
Participants in dance, both dancers and viewers, may experience catharsis and develop a sense of mastery or self-discovery.
Failure is in a sense the highway to success, as each discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true.
It took me forty years of dealing with buddhism to finally realize that actually Buddha's discovery was happiness and bliss.
In Zen, and in other forms of self discovery, we do have a transference that occurs where psychically, information, blocks of attention, are transferred to the student.
The US patent system adds the fuel of interest to the fire of genius in the discovery and production of new and useful things — © Abraham Lincoln
The US patent system adds the fuel of interest to the fire of genius in the discovery and production of new and useful things
Medicinal discovery, It moves in mighty leaps, It leapt straight past the common cold And gave it us for keeps.
The reality of en-masse inner transformation of human beings by self-realisation is the most revolutionary discovery of the present age.
Writing is a journey of discovery because until you start, you never know what will happen, and you can be surprised by what you do - expect the unexpected!
It is an unfortunate discovery certainly, that of a law which binds us where we did not know before that we were bound.
Because, once alone, it is impossible to believe that one could ever have been otherwise. Loneliness is an absolute discovery.
In love, fidelity signifies this extended victory: the randomness of an encounter defeated day after day through the invention of what will endure.
The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.
NASA projects often have romantic names that link into a long history of exploration and adventure: Atlantis and Discovery, for example.
Nobody in my family was musical. I had no idea you could be a songwriter and make a living at it. It was all discovery. It was all just thrown at me.
For my grandmother's generation, the big invention was cake mix; for our moms, it was the microwave, and for me, it's the iPhone. And that's enabled us to do so many different things more efficiently at home.
I don't recall exactly when I first began reading about Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery, but I suspect that it was in fourth grade. — © Joseph Bruchac
I don't recall exactly when I first began reading about Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery, but I suspect that it was in fourth grade.
I love going to museums, especially the Met, because there's always room for discovery, or the Neue Galerie. It's a great jewel box.
Only when creative people take ownership of cosmic discovery will society accept science as the cultural activity that it is.
Education can and should do much influence social, moral and intellectual discovery by stimulating critical attitudes of thought in the young
My only incentive is to write music that changes me, where the process of making it is a discovery and is true in some way, at that moment.
Our understanding of the world is achieved more effectively by conceptual improvements than by discovery of new facts
Experiences are everything. And businesses must create experiences that mean something. If necessity is the mother of invention, then vision is the father of innovation.
I think every discovery of the world plunges us into jubilation, a radical amazement that tears apart the veil of triviality.
This [discovery of a cell-free yeast extract] will make him famous, even though he has no talent for chemistry.
This is the greatest discovery of the scientific enterprise: You take hydrogen gas, and you leave it alone, and it turns into rosebuds, giraffes and humans.
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