Top 1200 Discovery Of America Quotes & Sayings - Page 10

Explore popular Discovery Of America quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
America must be burned! America is no good at all.
The startling reality of things is my discovery every single day.
The journey toward self-discovery is life's greatest adventure. — © Arianna Huffington
The journey toward self-discovery is life's greatest adventure.
The process of scientific discovery is, in effect, a continual flight from wonder.
The most wonderful discovery made by scientists is science itself.
I also discovered that I was a poet. From the standpoint of one's family this is probably a regrettable discovery.
The discovery of heroes is rarely linear or obvious. They usually sneak up on you.
Authentic discovery, when captured on camera, I think, is tremendous acting.
The left think they've got a monopoly on this silly idea that we are a nation of immigrants, America's greatness is traceable to its immigrants. I'm sorry. I don't buy that as a stand-alone idea anyway because really what they're trying to say with that is that America's greatness is due to America's diversity, and that has not a thing to do with it. American Greatness is because of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and our country.
Iran should not be denied the human right to knowledge...the fear of America is Iran's attitude to Israel, and the cornerstone of America's foreign policy is the protection of Israel... If Iran believes in Allah, and if Iran believes in the power of Allah, Iran can't be frightened by America.
Let America be America, where equality is in the air we breathe.
I watch the Discovery Channel, and you know what I've discovered? I need a girlfriend.
Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. — © Langston Hughes
Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be.
Hoover was a globalist and a technologist, and he understood America's rising position in the world. He believed that America could extend its power not just with arms, but also with assistance.
There are many similarities between India and America. If you look at the last few centuries, two things come to light. America has absorbed people from around the world and there is an Indian in every part of the world. This characterizes both the societies. Indians and Americans have coexistence in their natural temperament. India and the United States of America are bound together, by history and by culture. These ties will deepen further.
No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.
We can make America what America must become.
From secrecy and deception in high places; come home, America. From military spending so wasteful that it weakens our nation; come home, America. From the entrenchment of special privileges in tax favoritism; from the waste of idle lands to the joy of useful labor; from the prejudice based on race and sex; from the loneliness of the aging poor and the despair of the neglected sick - come home, America.
I loved being in America. It was a great experience. People will be drawn to China because of the money but the lifestyle, everything about America, I couldn't recommend it enough.
To many people holidays are not voyages of discovery, but a ritual of reassurance.
I like to keep changing because discovery is always interesting.
If America ever passes out as a great nation, we ought to put on our tombstone: America died from a delusion she had Moral Leadership.
Eureka! [I have found it!] On discovery of a method to test the purity of gold.
Man's progress is but a gradual discovery that his questions have no meaning.
Ethics are pre-determined and a matter of discovery, not a evolved concept.
Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.
America isn't easy. America takes work.
Anything that's on Discovery or Nat Geo, I'm pretty much watching it.
To start with, pharma was an industry based on innovation, drug discovery.
I wasn't the biggest Captain America fan, but increasingly, I see him as a great character. Winter Soldier really got into what it meant to actually represent America.
Those who do not know the torment of the unknown cannot have the joy of discovery.
Every discovery contains an irrational element or a creative intuition.
Basically, there are two kinds of stereotypes out there in the world about America. There's America the Goliath - the big, powerful, bullying country that pushes its way around the world and gets its ways, pursues its own interests nakedly, irrespective of what others want. And the other stereotype is America, the land of opportunity, where everyone can go and do anything, be anything, make any dreams come true.
I usually find that the process of discovery is more interesting than the answers.
The very discovery of the New world was the by-product of a dietary quest.
It's time to permanently lower America's tax gate so that the $2 trillion in stranded U.S. profits can flow back into America to be invested in new jobs, research and growth.
America is great, because America is free.
I like America. I don't want to hurt America. — © Nadia Comaneci
I like America. I don't want to hurt America.
It isn't life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for some - it is declared for all of us. So let's celebrate America by defending the right to vote - for every eligible citizen, everywhere in America.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Actually, bizarrely, in America, I get more appreciation from the odd, unusual stuff I've done, almost because I'm not, if you like, famous in America as I am in England.
When I came to America, I saw the inequality right away with the food industry. And I don't really talk about it in the book, but the racism here, it's so predominant and so impregnated in the history of America.
Growing up I never imagined a little girl from a border town could one day become a governor. But this is America. In America algo es possible.
Téa Obreht is the most thrilling literary discovery in years
Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.
An alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid.
The gain is not the having of children; it is the discovery of love and how to be loving.
Just as it is important in Latin America to discuss ideas that come from North America, I think it is interesting for North Americans to discuss ideas that come from Latin America or Africa and do not insert themselves into capitalist interests.
I said to my kids, 'Learn the business of America if you want to be an artist in America. The rest of that stuff, the art part, you could pick up in an hour and a half.'
Poetry is essentially the discovery, the love, the passion for the name of everything. — © Gertrude Stein
Poetry is essentially the discovery, the love, the passion for the name of everything.
We have come so far. It's become a real bipartisan cause, which I'm very happy to see. And in the case of America, and it's - certainly, without America, we'd be facing catastrophe.
I believe in America. America's made my fortune.
Discovery requires courage and acceptance that we are not in control, and that the future is uncertain.
Discovery is the ability to be puzzled by simple things. Noam Chomsky
That is America. That is America. Those bonds of affection; that common creed. We don't fear the future; we shape it. We embrace it, as one people, stronger together than we are on our own.
There is in writing the constant joy of sudden discovery, of happy accident.
I think the prime reason for existence, for living in this world is discovery.
I think going to another country and being able to evolve past my thinking and what actually went on in America was a little bit different from what athletes experience here in America.
The 'Discovery' album was quite a successful record but we didn't tour after that.
We would do the same thing that America did when the Jap[an] - when, when Pearl Harbor was attacked. America defended itself. They said praise the Lord, but they passed the ammunition.
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