Top 1200 Discovery Of America Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Discovery Of America quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
America is great, because America is good. And it really is up to all of us to make that true, now and in the future, and particularly for our children and our grandchildren.
I have said repeatedly that America doesn't torture and I'm going to make sure that we don't torture. Those are part and parcel an effort to regain America's moral stature in the world.
The thing about television is that you can't fake it. Your sense of discovery must be genuine; you can't pretend to be surprised. — © Trevor McDonald
The thing about television is that you can't fake it. Your sense of discovery must be genuine; you can't pretend to be surprised.
Today, many people are coming to America from very unstable situations. A hundred years ago, people came to America because they wanted to be Americans.
It's important to let kids be themselves and to let them make mistakes. Self-discovery goes a long way.
Writing to me is a voyage, an odyssey, a discovery, because I'm never certain of precisely what I will find.
The time has come to make the difficult decision. Charity begins at home. We can no longer afford to rebuild Afghanistan and America. We must choose. And I choose America.
...the discovery, that at no time did this man (Hitler) pose or intend a real threat to Britain or the Empire.
It is not surprising that most Pakistanis do not support America's bombardment of Afghanistan. The Afghans are neighbours on the brink of starvation and devastated by war. America has shown itself to be untrustworthy, a superpower that uses its values as a scabbard for its sword.
We're now interested in finding those who may attack America and arrest them before they do. We've had over nearly a thousand people have been detained in America and questioned about their motives and their intentions.
Slavery is, as an example of what white America has done, a constant reminder of what white America might do.
By the time we made the discovery in 2015, the National Science Foundation had put close to $1.1 billion into it.
The biggest difference between England and America is that England has history, while America has geography. — © Neil Gaiman
The biggest difference between England and America is that England has history, while America has geography.
America used to say that hip-hop was a cancer. Then it embraced that cancer and realized, 'Hey, this isn't a bad thing. It is part of us, just more America.'
I've seen a lot of government try to solve problems, and it didn't work. And my view is that the right course for America is to have someone who understands how the economy works who will passionately get America back on track.
My experience of ships is that on them one makes an interesting discovery about the world. One finds one can do without it completely.
I think that America will not trust a party to defend America that isn't willing to defend itself.
The principles that should guide American foreign policy are simple: the world is safer when America leads, only strength ensures peace and freedom, and America must stand with its allies and challenge its adversaries.
I like George W. At a time when this country was hit hard, he stood up for America. He's been the leader of the free world during the hardest time America's ever had.
True leadership is an attitude that naturally inspires and motivates others, and it comes from an internalized discovery about yourself.
We need to have a president that's going to pledge, as I have - I'm going to make America the number-one manufacturer so working men and women can have good paying jobs again in America.
When the Jews leave Russia, Communism will collapse there. World Jewry is today relocating to America. Thus the real threat of Communism in America has just begun.
It is worth noting that the notation facilitates discovery. This, in a most wonderful way, reduces the mind's labour.
It is extraordinary to see how the discovery of one single free stroke of paint can fill you with such joy and amazement.
Learning is a process of mutual discovery for teacher and pupil. Keep an open mind to their unexpected responses.
We had avoided discovery by the Sioux scouts, and we were confident of giving them a complete surprise.
America is a melting pot of immigrants. So actually, if you took all of the immigrants outside of America, you'd be missing a lot of flavor, starting with the food, with the culture, with the dance, with everything.
The difficult part of the process is the long exploration and discovery of your own soul and living with the results.
Editors seek out the first novels with the seductiveness of Don Juans; the pleasure of discovery is one of the obvious reasons.
Father Ted' would be impossible to remake it in America. The whole situation of being Irish and being a priest in Ireland is so different than anything else in America.
A truth discovered always seems so plain and simple that we wonder why the discovery was so long delayed.
America is old tobacco: gold and green. It's lush and literally feels like wealth, like optimism, turn of the century America where everything was blooming.
I came to America with a dream and I made it. The dream became reality. America is built for success.
America was founded by religious people; devout people who came here because they wanted freedom of religion, It's what made America different from every other country.
New Brown America represents a whole generation of kids that are descendants of either immigrants or immigrants themselves, that are coming to America, enriching what it means to be an American.
We think, fundamentally, that the future story of Latin America, not only of Mexico but for all of Latin America, will be constructed from the bottom - that the rest of what's happening, in any case, are steps.
You don't have to be satisfied with America as you find it. You can change it. I didn't like the way I found America some sixty years ago, and I've been trying to change it ever since.
Liberals like me love America. We just love America in a different way. — © Al Franken
Liberals like me love America. We just love America in a different way.
It isn't just that Obama's policies have failed; it's that he has essentially given up and is asking us to accept a lesser America going forward, as if resigned to the fatalistic belief that America has begun an inevitable and unavoidable decline.
An America that inspires hope in its ideals must complement an America that inspires awe in its strength.
When Trump says America first, it doesn't mean cheering for America only. It means if you want to care for your neighbors, you have to make sure that you are yourself, first, healthy.
My family had to flee Iran... the revolution, and we were very, very lucky to come to America and have opportunities presented to us. And that's... one of the things that makes America great.
There's always opposition when you speak on topics like I'm speaking on. But I'm a black man in America. I grew up black in America. You can't tell me that what I've experienced and what I've seen is not true.
I envy those writers who outline their novels, who know where they're going. But I find writing is a process of discovery.
If I knew what the photograph was going to look like, I wouldn't bother taking it. It's the voyage of discovery that fascinates me.
Data-intensive graph problems abound in the Life Science drug discovery and development process.
Our democracy must be not only the envy of the world but the engine of our own renewal. There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.
We're the Fascist States of America today, not the United States of America, because the corporations are in power. — © Jesse Ventura
We're the Fascist States of America today, not the United States of America, because the corporations are in power.
The settlement of America had its origins in the unsettlement of Europe. America came into existence when the European was already so distant from the ancient ideas and ways of his birthplace that the whole span of the Atlantic did not widen the gulf.
A classic is a book which with each rereading offers as much of a sense of discovery as the first reading.
I forget what his name was, but Tucker Carlson said, "Well, look, do you think that anybody who wants to come into the country should be allowed?" He said, "Yes. Anybody who wants to come to America should be allowed to come to America. That's what America's for."
What America needs is not just another politician or more promises. What America needs is a revival.
America is a powerful country. America is a great country. We have enormous resiliency. Any time we have had our back to the wall, we have come out a winner.
When I moved to America, everybody was asking, 'Why the hell are you going to America? It's over; you should be going east.' But it turned out our timing was miraculous.
Today, America can regain the sense of pride that existed before Vietnam... These events, tragic as they are, portend neither the end of the world nor of America's leadership in the world.
The cliché of the 'Eureka!' moment easily obscures the doubt and uncertainty that are also part of the discovery process.
Writing poetry is a process of can smell the poem before you see it....Like some animal.
America has always been a land of diversity, basically made up of immigrants, and that is something I want to see continued. It's something I'm proud of when people think of America.
Voices were heard from the United States of America which made it clear that America wanted a peaceful and united Europe as a basis for mutual cooperation.
I realize that Kenya and America are very different, but experiences like this warned me that my own favorite beliefs in the miracles of free enterprise and the boundless opportunities to be had in America were largely untrue.
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