Top 1200 Discovery Of America Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Discovery Of America quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Bill Clinton was not a symbol. People did not invest in him their idea of what America should be or, worse, their pride in what they thought America had become. There was no great moral self-congratulation in having elected a president from Arkansas.
Events in America show the extent to which democracy there is fuelled by populism - Barack Obama's victory is a manifestation not of Washington's need for change, but of America's. That is not how democracy works in England.
America would have a disaster on trade, and America will have a disaster with open borders. — © Donald Trump
America would have a disaster on trade, and America will have a disaster with open borders.
BP is accused of destroying the wildlife and coastline of America, but if you look back into history, you find that BP did something even worse to America. They gave the world Ayatollah Khomeini.
America has a hold on imaginations that no other country does. I think that is partly because it is an immigrant country and there is still a kind of innocence in America that translates very well everywhere in the world.
The safety of our country demands an end to the doctrinaire, ineffective policies that currently grip Washington. Enough is enough! A safe America - a just America - that's what we want, that's what we need.
If only America would realize that the art of Europe is finished - dead - and that America is the country of the art of the future, instead of trying to base everything she does on European traditions!
The more Trump emphasises America First, the more it turns into America Alone.
The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.
Who owns history? Everyone and no one--which is why the study of the past is a constantly evolving, never-ending journey of discovery.
...stand with me today and pledge to work for an America that doesn't ignore those in need and lifts up those who wish to succeed. Pledge to hold your government accountable for ignoring the suffering of so many for far too long. And pledge to do your part to build the America that we have dreamed of - where the bright light of opportunity shines on every person - an America where the family you are born into, or the color of your skin, will never control your destiny.
I want America to be more like America, if you will. I want the songs, that patriotism we have.
I made the unexpected but happy discovery that the answer to several of the questions that most occupied me was in fact one and the same: Cook.
Flying was a very tangible freedom. In those days, it was beauty, adventure, discovery - the epitome of breaking into new worlds. — © Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Flying was a very tangible freedom. In those days, it was beauty, adventure, discovery - the epitome of breaking into new worlds.
Medicinal discovery, It moves in mighty leaps, It leapt straight past the common cold And gave it us for keeps.
Today, the world looks to America for leadership. And America looks to its Corps of Marines.
NASA projects often have romantic names that link into a long history of exploration and adventure: Atlantis and Discovery, for example.
I am awaiting the day when people remember the fact that discovery does not work by deciding what you want and then discovering it.
Participants in dance, both dancers and viewers, may experience catharsis and develop a sense of mastery or self-discovery.
To be an American is to be part of the world because America, all the people of the world come to America.
America is very conservative. It is not a very modern country. If you look at the population, they are very serious, very nice, very good people. I love the Americans. But they are too serious to be modern. But it's not too late. With the last election, America has proven that it's a very young country at heart. We have big hopes in the world that we can again love America for what it is.
Writing is a journey of discovery because until you start, you never know what will happen, and you can be surprised by what you do - expect the unexpected!
America can take man to the moon, and America can take men to Mars - and beyond.
Nobody paid any attention career-wise to me in America until 'Bronson.' It gave me a calling card and passage into America, where I've always wanted to work.
God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her, and guide her, Through the night, with the light from above, From the mountains, to the prairies To the oceans, white with foam God bless America, my home sweet home, God bless America! My Home Sweet Home!
I've gone to China, bought a manufacturing company and moved it to America. Now China wants to buy back some of that new technology from me. That's a great story for America.
America's entire war on terror is an exercise in imperialism. This may come as a shock to Americans, who don't like to think of their country as an empire. But what else can you call America's legions of soldiers, spooks and special forces straddling the globe?
Is America truly a democracy? Has America ever been a democracy with the institution of slavery?
America is ready for livable communities. America is ready for high-speed rail.
The US patent system adds the fuel of interest to the fire of genius in the discovery and production of new and useful things
America wants solutions. America wants a leader. No more tabloid politics.
Immigration reform doesn't impact me personally; nothing my foundation works on does. But the truth is I have a long history of ties to Latin America. Some of my best friends are in Latin America.
Take nothing for granted. Make an emotional discovery as often as you can find one in every scene. Ask yourself: What is new?
I'm not really a political animal but I am rather fascinated by the meltdown of England and America. In the end, it seems as if America might come out of it, but I'm not sure if England is ever going to recover.
From education to broadband, from building roads and bridges to supporting the military, Barack Obama is delivering for North Carolina. And he is delivering for America. A growing middle class is the foundation for a strong America.
This [discovery of a cell-free yeast extract] will make him famous, even though he has no talent for chemistry.
I said I liked what I am looking at because I felt he had a strength required of anyone who wished to save America, or move away the Wrath of Allah (God) plaguing not only America but the world with the forces of nature.
I went to sleep with the hope that made America famous. I had the kind of a dream that maybe they're still trying to teach in school. Of the America that made America famous...and Of the people who just might understand That how together yes we can Create a country better than The one we have made of this land, We have a choice to make each man who dares to dream, reaching out his hand A prophet or just a crazy God damn Dreamer of a fool
Gaining insight into one's underlying motives, it seems, is more like a belief conversion than a self-discovery process — © Albert Bandura
Gaining insight into one's underlying motives, it seems, is more like a belief conversion than a self-discovery process
No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world.
The charm of a woodland road lies not only in its beauty but in anticipation. Around each bend may be a discovery, an adventure.
I didn't realize that, in doing a documentary, there is this process of discovery. It's not like a film or a play with a set script. It sort of reveals itself.
I think every discovery of the world plunges us into jubilation, a radical amazement that tears apart the veil of triviality.
People in the U.K. share my bemusement with the United States that America doesn't share with itself. They have a sense of irony, which America doesn't have, seeing as it's being run by fundamentalists who take things literally.
There are no gods here, no ghosts and spirits in America, there are no angels in America, no spiritual past, no racial past, there's only the political, and the decoys and the ploys to maneuver around the inescapable battle of politics.
I think it's wrong for North America in particular, the West in general to make a comparison between the economic situation in Cuba and the extraordinarily developed industrial complex of North America.
America's growth historically has been fueled mostly by investment, education, productivity, innovation and immigration. The one thing that doesn't seem to have anything to do with America's growth rate is a brutal work schedule.
Criticism is properly the rod of divination: a hazel switch for the discovery of buried treasure, not a birch twig for the castigation of offenders.
I don't recall exactly when I first began reading about Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery, but I suspect that it was in fourth grade. — © Joseph Bruchac
I don't recall exactly when I first began reading about Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery, but I suspect that it was in fourth grade.
The majority of people who come to America come to America for a better life for their family.
The very first discovery of beauty strikes the mind with an inward joy, and spreads a cheerfulness and delight through all its faculties.
Only when creative people take ownership of cosmic discovery will society accept science as the cultural activity that it is.
Watching everybody have such a fantastic time, loving life, loving America - I wish that was the feeling year-round, that it didn't take the Fourth of July for us to be like, 'Yeah, America is awesome.'
Latin America seemed to be a land where there were only dictators, revolutionaries, catastrophes. Now we know that Latin America can produce also artists, musicians, painters, thinkers, and novelists.
My father-in-law gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning and watches the Discovery Channel. I don't know why there's this big rush to do this.
Taking the entire globe, if North America and Western Europe can be called the 'cities of the world', then Asia, Africa and Latin America constitute 'the rural areas of the world'.
I write about race in America in hopes of undermining the notion of race in America.
I'm not a big TV watcher, but I know that Discovery is a teaching network. And they've been so awesome to me, I love those people.
Most of the time in America, we're surrounded by oppressive inequality such that the wealthiest 1 percent collectively own substantially more than the bottom 90 percent. One escape from that is America's wild places.
The reality of en-masse inner transformation of human beings by self-realisation is the most revolutionary discovery of the present age.
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