Top 359 Dishonest Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Dishonest quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I think schools generally do an effective and terribly damaging job of teaching children to be infantile, dependent, intellectually dishonest, passive and disrespectful to their own developmental capacities.
If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain
A culture exists within the [Ted] Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way. — © Benjamin Carson
A culture exists within the [Ted] Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way.
Anyone who has been the victim of the social-media furies knows just how distorting and dishonest those furies can be.
In pursuit of their commercial ambitions, Huawei relied on dishonest business practices that contradict the economic principles that have allowed American companies and the United States to thrive.
It appears the Kochs are among the most defensive billionaires, preferring the comfy confines of their callous and intellectually dishonest world view.
The media, folks, is no good. They're no good - very dishonest.
Suspicious.- To admit a belief merely because it is a custom - but that means to be dishonest, cowardly, lazy! - And so could dishonesty, cowardice and laziness be the preconditions for morality?
I've never been afraid of being vulnerable on stage. It's a large part of life, and I think it's being dishonest to disallow an audience to see that side.
I had an abortion when I was 16. Because that's what I should have done. Otherwise I would now have a 20-year-old kid. Anyway, those are things that people shouldn't be dishonest about it.
The most that can be said of flattery is that it is sometimes a cheap psychological trick with which charlatans and dishonest people lull others into a state of carelessness while they pick their pockets.
I was a reluctant convert, and I am by no means a zealot. But the evidence is compelling: to write off wind-power is either ill-informed or dishonest.
I will not let you (or me) make me dishonest, insincere, emotionally tied-up or constricted, or artificially nice and social, if I can help it.
A good face they say, is a letter of recommendation. O Nature, Nature, why art thou so dishonest, as ever to send men with these false recommendations into the World!
Compromise is not popular. It's not at all popular among young people who these days call themselves "activists." They think compromises are dishonest, opportunistic, humiliating. Not in my vocabulary.
It is intellectually dishonest to lump venture investors with hedge fund and buy-out investors. — © Jose Ferreira
It is intellectually dishonest to lump venture investors with hedge fund and buy-out investors.
I'd rather have cancer than a dishonest heart. Which isn't being pious. Just practical. Cancer may cool you, but the other's sure to.
I'm very disturbed at the picture that was painted by Senator Ted Kennedy that Samuel Alito is not a man of his word, that he is dishonest. The implication that he is not reliable I don't think is a fair characterization of what I've read.
I believe we are being dishonest with language minority groups if we tell them they can take full part in American life without learning the English language.
No matter how small the dishonest deed is, at the end of the day, cheating is cheating.
I thought the coverage of the election 2017 was disgraceful, and it was dishonest. It was ideologically driven and I think that the news agencies that did that will never return to a level of credibility ever.
Any candidate who claims his religion has no influence on his decisions is either a dishonest politician or a shallow follower of his faith.
Sometimes music helps. If I feel that it's bogus, I'll literally just call myself out on camera and say that it's dishonest. You do whatever it takes.
Is it less dishonest to do what is wrong because it is not expressly prohibited by written law? Let us hope our moral principles are not yet in that stage of degeneracy.
I'm not going to let people get away with either a dishonest or inaccurate premise to what we're talking about because I think that does the viewer a disturbance.
I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favour, and who then asketh: "Am I a dishonest player?" - for he is willing to succumb.
It's hard to live in a blind and aimless - or dishonest, rather - narrative when somebody in your family is going farther toward - or at least think they are and say they are - their true self.
On every dishonest man, there are two watchmen, his possessions, and his way of living.
It is always dishonest for a reviewer to review the author instead of the author's book.
I think that is just about as dishonest as a person giving a bad interview. I despise people like that; they don't get two tries. It's all just sensation. It is always bullshit.
This is a dishonest administration, because it is becoming clear that the unemployment statistics of the [Barack] Obama administration are not believable.
In many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report [terrorists attacks].They have their reasons, and you understand that.
It is flagrantly dishonest for an advertising agent to urge consumers to buy a product which he would not allow his own wife to buy.
You can't just skim the surface of any role. You have to find the depths, because any other way would be dishonest.
Dishonest people conceal their faults from themselves as well as others, honest people know and confess them.
I wrote a book called The Taste of New Wine because I couldn't find a book that talked about the reality of the situation and how we were dishonest and afraid.
Putting labels on entire groups of people makes things much simpler. If all New Yorkers are pushy, or all politicians are dishonest, we don't have to do the hard work of figuring out who's who.
I'm interested in acting because I'm interested in exploring humanity, and we're all nuts, we're all damaged, and we're all gorgeous, so anything less than that is dishonest to me.
A man without enemies is a dishonest man. — © Dan Rice
A man without enemies is a dishonest man.
I just want to unify people. A crowd full of people singing one song... that doesn't derive from anything dishonest... It's someone's truth.
Donald Trump`s meeting with the president of Mexico comes after months of bashing that country and its political leadership. Trump has called the Mexican government corrupt and dishonest.
There's a dishonest tyranny in the liberal/progressive/socialist agenda that comes down and says 'we are here because we care about you; we want what's best for you'. But really what they want is the control of your life.
I think The New York Times is one of the most dishonest media outlets I`ve ever seen in my life. The worst. The worst. The absolute worse. They have an agenda that you wouldn`t believe.
Somehow [Barak] Obama's is much more disgusting than others, because he is smart and we all "know that he knows". He is thoroughly dishonest and it is clear.
I am often dishonest in my techniques ... I happily admit to cheating, it's all part of the game. I hope some of the fun for the viewer comes from not knowing what's real and what isn't
There are times when you simply have to pose your model. The difference is in the kind of posing. It can be honest and dishonest, interesting and as wooden as a cigar store Indian.
There are rules in advertising, and those rules are self-imposed by the client companies because they don't want their products to be seen as dishonest.
I will not deny but that the best apology against false accusers is silence and sufferance, and honest deeds set against dishonest words.
These attacks prove one thing for certain: the liberal establishment is desperate to keep leaders like me out of office, and we are sure to hear more wild, dishonest smears during this campaign.
If you are honest, you will live life safely. But if you are dishonest, you will get hurt.
Alas, poor Yorick!" he said. "She heard mermaids, so it follows that there is something rotten in the state of Denmark. I have caught an everlasting cold, but luckily I am terribly dishonest. I cling to that.
A man who makes a one-dollar profit on his expense account is dishonest. A man who loses five cents on one is a damned fool. — © Gene Fowler
A man who makes a one-dollar profit on his expense account is dishonest. A man who loses five cents on one is a damned fool.
To me, nothing in the art world is neutral. The idea of 'disinterest' strikes me as boring, dishonest, dubious, and uninteresting.
It is not true that men can be divided into absolutely honest persons and absolutely dishonest ones. Our honesty varies with the strain put on it.
Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it oftener happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which would be more disreputable.
Tomorrow, they [mass media] will say, Donald Trump rants and raves at the press. I'm not ranting and raving. You're dishonest people.
For dishonest thinking, however well-intentioned, can only discredit the cause it serves, and must in the long run boomerang disastrously on those who indulge in it.
Integrity is built by defeating the temptation to be dishonest; humility grows when we refuse to be prideful; and endurance develops every time you reject the temptation to give up.
The course of the United States in World War II, I said, was dishonest, dishonorable, and ignominious, and the Sunpapers, by supporting Roosevelt's foreign policy, shared in this disgrace.
In the long run, I believe that honesty is definitely the best policy. One can get away by being dishonest for a short term, but ultimately, honesty is what pays.
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