Top 189 Disservice Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Disservice quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
To break R&B into subcategories does a disservice to the music. I like to live in a zone where I can do whatever I want, where I don't have to worry about genre.
We do ourselves a disservice when some of us cave to the myth that Social Security somehow drives the deficit.
It's a big universe. To stay in one tiny place is doing a disservice to yourself. — © Janelle Monae
It's a big universe. To stay in one tiny place is doing a disservice to yourself.
I think I'd be a really good dad. So perhaps I'm doing society a disservice by not having as many kids as possible.
I am not supporting Donald Trump. I think he does this country such a disservice. And I'm gonna leave it there.
We have done a tremendous disservice, not only to Middle East, we've done a tremendous disservice to humanity.
Exposure to defeat is a very important thing. Anyone who doesn't look to get beaten is doing a disservice to himself.
You get one chance to make an impression and coasting through is a disservice.
We are constantly protecting the male ego, and it's a disservice to men. If a man has any sensitivity or intelligence, he wants to get the straight scoop from his girlfriend.
The Federal Narcotics Bureau does a grave disservice by disseminating a lot of misinformation. Most of what they say is such nonsense that I didn't believe them about addiction.
If you go into something saying, 'I'm the bad guy,' you do yourself a disservice as an actor. It's always about trying to find the humanity in a character.
You get one chance to make an impression, and coasting through is a disservice.
I learned early on that you do yourself a disservice trying to replicate the record onstage every night. As a player, and for the audience I think, it's a mistake. — © Samuel Ervin Beam
I learned early on that you do yourself a disservice trying to replicate the record onstage every night. As a player, and for the audience I think, it's a mistake.
If we`re going get back into hypotheticals, I think it does a disservice to a lot of people that sacrificed a lot.
It's a disservice, really, when we put celebrated people on a pedestal and don't allow them to be human. It's a very lonely experience for the individual. It's not a sustainable way to live.
I'm saying the excessive focus on what gender a person is, rather than what they do, does a disservice to women.
I think you are doing a disservice to a novel just by transposing it wholesale onto the screen, because it doesn't work. They are completely different beasts.
There are a lot of people out there who lie about their age and I think it does us all a disservice. It can't all be over when you hit 30. That would be rubbish.
China should be developing through the various foreign investments it receives. I hope for its level-headed and rational understanding that anything to discourage that is a disservice to itself.
The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.
If we believe that a person seeking refuge is to be pitied, feared, despised, and looked down upon, we are doing ourselves a disservice.
I think it's a little insulting, a bit insulting to American workers when Rand Paul says that unemployment insurance is a disservice.
You were doing a sadistic little disservice to your country.
We're really doing children a disservice when we underestimate what they're capable of.
History has done a great disservice to Anne Boleyn.
I love a web series. But to me, it does the girl in Detroit a disservice who just watches television. It does a disservice to the girl on the south side of Chicago who doesn't go online.
We do a disservice to society if we ignore the evidence which shows that stable families tend to be associated with better outcomes for children.
When it comes to your creative life and what it's going to take, you will do a disservice to everybody if you just dabble.
The good times and the bad times both will pass. It will pass. It will get easier. But the fact that it will get easier does not mean that it doesn’t hurt now. And when people try to minimize your pain they are doing you a disservice. And when you try to minimize your own pain you’re doing yourself a disservice. Don’t do that. The truth is that it hurts because it’s real. It hurts because it mattered. And that’s an important thing to acknowledge to yourself. But that doesn’t mean that it won’t end, that it won’t get better. Because it will.
Apple's advantage is that it designs and builds software together, so if the software isn't excellent, it does the superlative hardware a disservice.
I've probably done myself a disservice as a brand because the movies I've made. They've all been completely different.
I think people that are, you know, voting in the blind are doing a disservice to America by not being better informed.
I believe that we do our country a disservice when we make it harder for new American immigrants to abide by the rules of the road and obtain drivers licenses.
Trump is doing the country a disservice making things up about the integrity of our elections.
The idea of competition, particularly in a creative atmosphere, is always there. And, if you don't acknowledge that, you are doing yourself and the process a disservice.
Movies are the greatest art form the world has come up with yet. If you don't use them to the full extent and you don't give people as much as you possibly can, you're doing a disservice to it.
We do ourselves and others a disservice when we make old age something to be feared...The longer we live, the more life we possess.
There's nothing like a little fear or hunger to motivate one's inspiration. To take that away from a young artist can offer quite a disservice. — © Ken Danby
There's nothing like a little fear or hunger to motivate one's inspiration. To take that away from a young artist can offer quite a disservice.
Fighters who speak disparagingly about fighters from years gone by do us all a disservice. It is treacherous.
Trump's anti-China trade demagoguery may work in firing up his base, but it does a disservice to the truth.
If you're inclined to dismiss L.A. as a place of unrelenting vapidity and generic 1980s architecture, then you're doing yourself and L.A. a huge disservice, and you're just not looking hard enough.
I am constantly evolving. The moment I stop my evolution is the moment I disservice myself and, ultimately, those I love.
Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.
The press has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. Tremendous disservice. We have to talk to find out what's going on, because the press honestly is out of control. The level of dishonesty is out of control.
What he said was: "You obviously don't know where the bar should be, and you're only going to do a disservice by putting it anywhere." And boy was that good advice. Because what he said was, you obviously don't know where the bar should be, and you're only going to do them a disservice by putting it anywhere.
We do ourselves a disservice when we self-servingly massage the record.
When you are trying to express things with metaphors and much more subtlety, that's when you are doing yourself a disservice by making a video.
Playing a cop on TV and working closely with actual cops on set, I do think the media does a disservice to our first responders. — © Jesse Lee Soffer
Playing a cop on TV and working closely with actual cops on set, I do think the media does a disservice to our first responders.
I think it's a big disservice to our country and to our democracy to continue to raise these doubts.
If you leave songs sitting around, you do yourself a disservice. You have to put them out there.
We do students a great disservice by implying that one set of students is more important than another.
Don't say I was an inspirational teacher - my former pupils would laugh their heads off. I was grossly incompetent, but I hope I didn't do the children a disservice.
And yet, those who speak loudly and call anyone who disagrees with them a wimp often do a disservice to the cause they are promoting.
If you are approaching the music with more reverence than the original guys invested into it, you are effectively doing it a disservice.
I think we do people a great disservice by putting them on a pedestal and not allowing them to be human.
The press has become so [word missing] about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people, a tremendous disservice.
To take the ugly language out of 'Ragtime' is to sanitize it, and that does it a great disservice.
I think that the candidates who are doing it [not debating] are doing a great disservice to the party. It`s a sign of an unhealthy institution.
There's something very sinister about a woman who is predatory but has an absurd voice working as a disservice to her.
The American Cancer Society has done the American public a really great disservice.
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