Top 1200 Distance Running Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Distance Running quotes.
Last updated on October 28, 2024.
You can't know how weird your own life is until you get some distance on it. Everything seems mundane or boring or embarrassingly small.
I've always loved the idea that you think you know what you're looking at from a distance, yet when you come up close, it gets intricate and nutty and obscene and provocative.
I mean, I think from the competitive side, especially as a defensive back, you don't mind that pressure, going out there on fourth-and-15 or whatever the down and distance.
Some men of the line regiment who had appeared on our right started running back. I shouted out to them to halt, but they took no notice. I pulled out my revolver and very nearly shot at them, but I thought it wouldn't do any good, as they all had their backs to me so would have thought that anyone hit was hit by a German bullet. If I ran after them my men might think I was running away. So I took my men on!
Stereotypes abound when there is distance. They are an invention, a pretense that one knows when the steps that would make real knowing possible cannot be taken or are not allowed.
All I had done for five years was work 18 hours a day all over the world. I needed to step back and distance myself from it. — © David Cassidy
All I had done for five years was work 18 hours a day all over the world. I needed to step back and distance myself from it.
It helps to resign as the controller of your fate. All that energy we expend to keep things running right is not what's keeping things running right. We're bugs struggling in the river, brightly visible to the trout below. With that fact in mind, people like me make up all these rules to give us the illusion that we are in charge. I need to say to myself, they're not needed, hon. Just take in the buggy pleasures. Be kind to the others, grab the fleck of riverweed, notice how beautifully your bug legs scull.
I wanted to make photographs that were immediate and revealing - different from traditional portraiture that called for formal distance between artist and subject.
If then, at this great distance, our human vision can discern that sight, why, pray, are we to think that the divine splendor of the stars can be cast into darkness?
If I'm really jet-lagged and need to get to sleep, I just try and watch cartoons. As long as it's animated, I don't care - it has to have that distance from real life.
One of the beauties of working in radio is the way a whole setting can be richly evoked simply by the addition to the track of a little birdsong and a church bell in the distance.
In solitude we find psychic distance, the perspective from which we can see, in the light of eternity, the created things that trap, worry, and oppress us.
To those who view the voyage of life from the port of departure the bark that has accomplished any considerable distance appears already in close approach to the farther shore.
I'm not a social animal, and I had a reputation that came before me of being very difficult, of screaming at everybody, so people tended to keep their distance.
From a distance, at a time of urbanization and connectivity, rodeo and ranching may seem anachronistic notions - quaint and sepia-toned from an America that no longer exists.
Passion and platonic friendliness, often contrary siblings, frequently wear similar faces to hide the great distance between them.
I've had to realize I need to distance myself a bit from relying on the feedback. I think it's wonderful but can also be poison. You don't want to buy into it too much.
The distance between glorified spirits in heaven and militant saints on earth seems great; but it is not so. We are not far from home-a moment will bring us there.
Q: Do you really distance yourself from your subject? I mean, what would you do if you were presented with a young girl burning to death? A: About 1/60 at f5.6.
I don't think I'd ever start making a film until I had both the intimacy with the subject and the distance to make it live in a certain way. — © Ira Sachs
I don't think I'd ever start making a film until I had both the intimacy with the subject and the distance to make it live in a certain way.
Running has taken me on adventures great and small, at home and around the world. It has provided me with hope and perseverance on days when I had none-and even, once every great while, warmed me with that fleeting ray of sunshine known as glory. Running has taught me that I can do anything, just so long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes that notion is metaphorical and sometimes not. In this way, I have been inspired to attempt things I would have never dreamed possible. And it all started with a single step.
Anybody can play decent golf like me, but people trip on their own minds. They need to create a little distance between what they think and what they do.
...and the distance between them, millimeters only, the space of a breath, opened up and deepened, became a cavern at whose edge he stood.
These 'messengers' will not be hindered from accomplishing at their best speed the distance which they have to go, either by snow, or rain, or heat, or by the darkness of night.
Southward, two mighty ranges of the Appalachians shouldered their way into the blue distance like tremendous caravans marching across eternity.
Prana (life energy) colored by the tought of the sender may be projected to persons at a distance, who are willing to receive it, and the healing can be done this way.
The variety of colour in objects cannot be discerned at a great distance, excepting in those parts which are directly lighted up by the solar rays.
You go the whole distance as a player, the last thing you probably want is the coach to say, 'Okay, you've gone this far, I'm going to take you out.'
I make sure to keep a good distance between us, just in case she decides to get happy with a knife or something.
Perhaps there is a minimum distance that should separate one exhibit from another... Indeed those specialized in psychophysics have actually come up with some rules.
Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.
Im like the painter with his nose to the canvas, fussing over details. Gazing from a distance, the reader sees the big picture.
My second marriage was to a girl I met in Manchester, kept a long-distance relationship going for two years, then we got married... disaster.
Ten properties of an object, according to Leonardo: light and dark, color and substance, form and position, distance and nearness, movement and stillness.
Most American cities shop to their best advantage when seen from a height or from a distance, at a point where the ugliness of the buildings dissolves into the beauty of an abstraction.
I use the Internet a lot. I don't necessarily constantly communicate with my fans or whatever, but it would be hard to distance myself. I just couldn't do it. It's like not having a phone.
I grew up in Birmingham, but my parents are originally from Barbados. My dad, Romeo, was a long-distance lorry driver, and my mother, Mayleen, worked in catering.
I developed friends in the community that were in walking distance or a bicycle ride away, so that I socialized and did a lot of things that children do in their early years.
What? Men dodging this way for single bullets? What will you do when they open fire along the whole line? I am ashamed of you. They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance.
One rule that will work if it is used everywhere, is that when you have a free-kick, the referee puts the mark on the floor to make sure the defenders keep their distance.
We are all at risk of something. Of ending up exactly where we began, of failing to imagine and find and know and actualize who we could be. The only difference is the distance of the leap.
Never have I found the limits of the photographic potential. Every horizon, upon being reached, reveals another beckoning in the distance. Always, I am on the threshold.
Distance is a bad excuse for not having a good relationship with somebody. It's the determination to keep it going or let it fall by the wayside; that's the real reason that the relationships continue.
I had grown up as an Irish poet in a country where the distance between vision and imagination was not quite as wide as in some other countries. — © Eavan Boland
I had grown up as an Irish poet in a country where the distance between vision and imagination was not quite as wide as in some other countries.
We are within measurable, or imaginable, distance of a real Armageddon. Happily there seems to be no reason why we should be anything more than spectators.
[The loss-of-strength gradient is] the degree to which military and political power diminishes as we move a unit distance away from its home base.
If you are situated at a great distance from the enemy, and the strength of the two armies is equal, it is not easy to provoke a battle, and fighting will be to your disadvantage.
But too many people now climb onto the cross merely to be seen from a greater distance, even if they have to trample somewhat on the one who has been there so long.
From their breakout 2002 single, 'Losing My Edge,' LCD Soundsystem have offered a unique combination of geek knowledge, passion and intelligent, ironic distance.
It's very easy, when we're reading those articles on the 20th page of 'The New York Times,' to distance ourselves and say, 'It's someone else.'
Sometimes I do have something in my head. But, for me, I think it usually ends up being about considering all of the elements, and trying to understand the distance from where we are to where we want to go.
The word hammockable (describing two trees that are the perfect distance apart between which a hammock can be hung) is not in the dictionary, but it should be. [Of lying in hammocks]
But just as it sometimes happens that the most temperate people, who have never acquired the habit of drinking alcohol, or even a taste for it, are tormented by the fear that somehow or other they will one day find themselves drunk, so Isabelle perpetually feared that she might be betrayed into an impulsive act that was destructive to such order as reason had imposed on life. Therefore she was forever running her faculty of analysis over in her mind with the preposterous zeal of an adolescent running a razor over his beardless chin.
I like the storytelling and reading the letters, the long-distance dedications. Anytime in radio that you can reach somebody on an emotional level, you're really connecting.
Typography must be as beautiful as a forest, not like the concrete jungle of the tenements It gives distance between the trees, the room to breathe and allow for life. — © Adrian Frutiger
Typography must be as beautiful as a forest, not like the concrete jungle of the tenements It gives distance between the trees, the room to breathe and allow for life.
Politicians are at a great distance from the academic world. Barack Obama was my colleague at Chicago - but could i ever talk to him now? Never.
I've thrown or broken a few clubs in my day. In fact, I guess at one time or another I probably held distance records for every club in the bag.
Value gives the artist the means of showing subtle changes in a form's surface-state, and it helps clarify the relative distance between forms.
Cuba is only 90 miles from Florida, but for a long time, the distance between our two countries seemed a lot greater.
I have worked out I can quite happily jog the distance to work as long as I hail a cab first and leave my high heels on the back seat.
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