Top 891 Distinct Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Distinct quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I tried to make a distinct point that I wasn't retiring - that I was moving on.
Nothing is distinct and separate.
Donald Trump is certainly an American original. Barack Obama, he's an American original. Where else but in America could that man become president? George W. Bush, a very different man from his father. These guys, they have their distinct voice and their distinct agenda.
Emotion and thinking are not distinct substances. — © Lucrecia Martel
Emotion and thinking are not distinct substances.
I do not deny God, because that word conveys to me no idea, and I cannot deny that which presents to me no distinct affirmation, and of which the would-be affirmer has no conception. I cannot war with a nonentity. If, however, God is affirmed to represent an existence which is distinct from the existence of which I am a mode, and which it is alleged is not the noumenon of which the word I represents only a speciality of phenomena, then I deny God, and affirm that it is impossible God can be.
I advance it therefore as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments of both body and mind.
Cities have distinct personalities. It's a matter of knowing it.
Possible ideas and thoughts are vast in number. A distinct word for every distinct idea and thought would require a vast vocabulary. The problem in language is to express many ideas and thoughts with comparatively few words.
In 'Raabta' I've two personalities to project, and yes, there are distinct shades of grey. is certain that I am really distinct from my body, and can exist without it.
We want our villains and antagonists to have distinct motivations.
I have very distinct things that I like. I have very distinct opinions. Just because I choose to be a little less overt out on the campaign [trail] doesn't mean I'm anything less than very opinionated and very intelligent.
It's a very distinct difference between Romney and Obama and myself.
The only way you can be free is to know is that you are worthwhile as a distinct human being. — © Russell Means
The only way you can be free is to know is that you are worthwhile as a distinct human being.
I have the distinct pleasure of doing exactly what I want to do and get paid for it. It's a joy.
I like using LEGO bricks as a medium because I enjoy seeing people’s reaction to artwork created from something with which they are familiar. …My goal is to elevate this simple plaything to a place it has never been before. I also appreciate the cleanliness of the LEGO® brick. The right angles. The distinct lines. But, from a distance, those right angles and distinct lines offer new perspectives, changing to curves.
Horses have really distinct personalities, and they're magical in many ways.
It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management.
Leftism seeks to undo most of the values that are distinct to Judeo-Christian religion.
The combination of such characters, some, as the sacral ones, altogether peculiar among Reptiles, others borrowed, as it were, from groups now distinct from each other, and all manifested by creatures far surpassing in size the largest of existing reptiles, will, it is presumed, be deemed sufficient ground for establishing a distinct tribe or sub-order of Saurian Reptiles, for which I would propose the name of Dinosauria.
The practice of the law is a perfectly distinct art.
There are distinct categories of consumers, each of which needs to be addressed in a different way.
You have two choices in life - you can dissolve into the main stream or you can be distinct. To be distinct, you must be different. To be different you must strive to be what no one else but you can be. Don’t be so concerned with the opinions of others; those who follow the quiet, creative voice from within are both fortunate and correct.
What's great about [Guettel] is his very distinct voice as a composer. And that distinct voice is something worth cherishing and expressing so we just didn't want to screw that up.
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.
To discover and to teach are distinct functions; they are also distinct gifts, and are not commonly found united in the same person.
What I do isn't radical. It's just distinct in small ways.
In the compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and then the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate governments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself.
The soul consists of two parts, one irrational and the other capable of reason. (Whether these two parts are really distinct in the sense that the parts of the body or of any other divisible whole are distinct, or whether though distinguishable in thought as two they are inseparable in reality, like the convex and concave of a curve, is a question of no importance for the matter in hand.)
The best teaching I ever experienced was at Exeter. Yale was a distinct letdown afterward.
Has anyone...any distinct notion of what poets of a stronger age understood by the word inspiration? ... There is an ecstasy such that the immese strain of it is sometimes relaxed by a flood of tears, along with which one's steps either rush or involuntarily lag, alternately. There is the feeling that one is completely out of hand, with the very distinct consciousness of an endless number of fine thrills and quiverings to the very toes... Everything happens quite involuntarily, as if in a tempestuous outburst of freedom, of absoluteness, of power and divinity.
And I think I have a distinct voice.
..and that was the one distinct time in my life, the strangest moment of all, when I didnt know who I was
I feel like I have a distinct voice.
Each cat has a distinct purrsonality.
The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit: a separate and distinct member of the Godhead.
To offend and judge are distinct offices, And of opposed natures.
Journalism has a distinct place in familiarizing and expressing public opinion.
There has always been a tendency to classify children almost as a distinct species. — © Hugh Lofting
There has always been a tendency to classify children almost as a distinct species.
My face is distinct. It's hard to confuse me with anyone else.
Existence is self-enjoyment, by means of some object distinct from ourselves.
But, I think that as long as you have a distinct voice and personality, you can kind of dress how you want.
For a taste that's a bit more distinct, eat a bird before it's extinct.
When we saw 'The Knick' or 'True Detective,' they had very distinct scores that were doing very distinct things.
Arbitrariness and true liberty are as distinct from each other that the empirical nature is distinct from the higher nature of man.
On the one hand I have a clear and distinct idea of myself, in so far as I am a thinking, non-extended thing; and on the other hand I have a distinct idea of body, in so far a this is simply an extended, non-thinking thing. And, accordingly, it is certain that I am really distinct from my body, and exist without it.
A good cover has a distinct silhouette
The Olympic movement is divided into two very distinct eras.
Every true work of art must express a distinct feeling. — © Caspar David Friedrich
Every true work of art must express a distinct feeling.
The smaller the society, the fewer probably will be the distinct parties and interests composing it; the fewer the distinct parties and interests, the more frequently will a majority be found of the same party; . . . the more easily will they concert and execute their plans of oppression.
Early experiences convinced me that animals can and do have quite distinct personalities.
Creativity is a catchall term for a variety of distinct thought processes.
I like business and personal life to be distinct.
Remember my mantra: distinct... or extinct.
Even hostile parodies admit from the start that the target has a distinct voice.
I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods.
Various epochs of the past have had their own characteristic struggles and interests. Each of these great epochs has left behind itself a kind of cultural deposit, like a geologic stratum. These deposits have found their way into educational institutions in the form of studies, distinct courses of study, distinct types of schools.
There is a very thin line that differentiates and gives a song its distinct flavour.
I'm distinct, really.
Indeed, it is a proven mathematical theorem that a doughnut is topologically distinct from a sphere.
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