Top 716 Distinguish Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Distinguish quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I personally don't distinguish between artistic and commercial films.
It is invidious to distinguish particular men as adventurers: we are all such.
I have to do so much to distinguish myself. — © Austin Rivers
I have to do so much to distinguish myself.
The laws of science do not distinguish between the past and the future.
Distinguish between the person and the behavior or performance.
We need to develop a better descriptive vocabulary for lying, a taxonomy, a way to distinguish intentional lies from unintentional ones, and a way to distinguish the lies that the liar himself believes in-a way to signal those lies that could more accurately be understood as dreams.
At long last, you may no longer distinguish what binds you from what is you.
Of course, we can distinguish between males and females; we can also, if we choose, distinguish between different age categories; but any more advanced distinction comes close to pedantry, probably a result of boredom. A creature that is bored elaborates distinctions and hierarchies. According to Hutchinson and Rawlins, the development of systems of hierarchical dominance within animal societies does not correspond to any practical necessity, nor to any selective advantage; it simply constitutes a means of combating the crushing boredom of life in the heart of nature.
At the extremes it is difficult to distinguish pseudoscience from rigid, doctrinaire religion.
We're so many, we're so hard to distinguish from each other, but we long to be distinguished.
Few people can distinguish the genuinely good from the reverse.
I've learned to distinguish between the greatness of God and the inexcusable evil that has been done by those professing his name. And so I do not deduce [as Christopher Hitchens does] that God is not great, and that religion poisons everything. After all, if I failed to distinguish between the genius of Einstein and the abuse of his science to create weapons of mass destruction, I might be tempted to say science is not great, and technology poisons everything.
I must like my profession, since I can hardly distinguish myself from it. — © Mason Cooley
I must like my profession, since I can hardly distinguish myself from it.
Distinguish between real needs and artificial wants and control the latter.
Politics is ultimately not that complicated a profession; it's where the mediocre distinguish themselves.
I simply do not distinguish between work and play.
Once you hear the details of victory, it is hard to distinguish it from a defeat.
States are doomed when they are unable to distinguish good men from bad.
Learn to distinguish the difference between errors of knowledge and breaches of morality
We must distinguish judging from guessing.
I always direct the same film. I can't distinguish one from the other.
It's very difficult to distinguish between what a person believes and what they say they believe.
God made sun and moon to distinguish the seasons, and day and night; and we cannot have the fruits of the earth but in their seasons. But God hath made no decrees to distinguish the seasons of His mercies. In Paradise the fruits were ripe the first minute, and in heaven it is always autumn. His mercies are ever in their maturity.
When we distinguish between Israel's right to defend itself and settlements, then we legitimize its security needs; when we distinguish between isolated settlements and the blocs, then we legitimize the settlement blocs.
The first step is to distinguish the loving parts of your personality that are active from the frightened parts of your personality that are active - in other words, to learn to distinguish love from fear in you. The second step is to choose love, no matter what.
I do worry that we're failing in a whole bunch of fundamental ways to distinguish for our kids between needs and wants. And we're failing to distinguish between production and consumption.
It is difficult to distinguish where the feminine ends and nature begins.
We must learn to distinguish morality from moralizing.
I have always learned to distinguish the important from the urgent.
In the last few years we have learned to distinguish the means of Socialism from the ends.
Breakthrough is how to distinguish a leader and who followed
I try to distinguish my characters from each other.
It's not always easy to distinguish between existentialism and a bad mood.
I always try and distinguish between facts and opinions.
There is no body but eats and drinks. But they are few who can distinguish flavors.
We must distinguish between speaking to deceive and being silent to be reserved.
It's important though to distinguish between religion and spirituality.
Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts? — © Confucius
Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?
If you can't distinguish people from lap-dogs, you shouldn't undertake philanthropic work.
I do not distinguish by the eye, but by the mind, which is the proper judge of the man.
Wherever I am, let me never forget to distinguish want from need
I used to distinguish between my fiction and nonfiction in terms of superiority or inferiority.
It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.
A religion that never suffices to govern a man will never suffice to save him; that which does not sufficiently distinguish one from a wicked world will never distinguish him from a perishing world.
The learned compute that seven hundred and seven millions of millions of vibrations have penetrated the eye before the eye can distinguish the tints of a violet. What philosophy can calculate the vibrations of the heart before it can distinguish the colours of love?
By what criterion... can we distinguish among the numberless effects, that are also causes, and among the causes that may, for aught we can know, be also effects, - how can we distinguish which are the means and which are the ends?
When you fail to distinguish Law and Gospel, you lose both.
In every author let us distinguish the man from his works. — © Voltaire
In every author let us distinguish the man from his works.
The only way I can distinguish proper from improper fractions is by their actions
The best physician is he who can distinguish the possible from the impossible.
It's very important to be able to distinguish the actors from the characters they play.
I always direct the same film. I cannot distinguish one from the other.
Rarely affirm, seldom deny, always distinguish.
If a victory is told in detail, one can no longer distinguish it from a defeat.
Women of quality are so civil, you can hardly distinguish love from good breeding.
This is the reason why it is crucial to distinguish anger from hatred. There is a kind of anger (nonsinful kind) in God himself, while hate is not in God but is in Satan. If we do not clearly distinguish anger from hatred, then we do not clearly distinguish God from Satan!
I distinguish, between nationalism and patriotism.
I don't distinguish between men and women. This is irrelevant to me, and I don't think in these terms.
I don't have time to distinguish between the unfortunate and the incompetent.
Titles distinguish the mediocre, embarrass the superior, and are disgraced by the inferior.
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