Top 395 Distorted Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Distorted quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
This is a fallen world. People lie, the truth gets distorted, and that's the way it is. What's for dinner ?
Our mental maps are distorted by who are the 'winners' of history and who are the powers of today.
Dreams are distorted representations of desire. So are dream- analyses. — © Mason Cooley
Dreams are distorted representations of desire. So are dream- analyses.
The relentless pressures of the so-called marketplace have distorted all our culture industries.
People say I have a distorted lens. I think I see things as they really are.
Life isn't complicated. The reason it appears complicated to you is because you are in a very distorted state of mind. That's the basic premise of Buddhism - that you're in a very distorted state of mind.
Donald Trump reflects a distorted view of the American people and what this country is all about.
I have bad vision, but it's not distorted. It's low power!
In the case of Stalinism, people actually distorted science because it was for the good of the Communist Party.
There have been a lot of stories written about me, some of them fantastically distorted.
The recounting of a life is a cheat...even our own stories are obscenely distorted.
Crime is a product of a distorted mind.
At the best and even unexpurgated, diaries give a distorted or one-sided portrait of the writer. — © Leonard Woolf
At the best and even unexpurgated, diaries give a distorted or one-sided portrait of the writer.
The understanding of Syria's devastating civil war has been distorted by the immense danger and difficulty of covering it.
Black people don't have an accurate idea of their history, which has been either suppressed or distorted.
Recognition of one's fellows is distorted when money is prioritized as value itself.
It's probably listening to country music that got me to start playing a lot cleaner, not as distorted.
In the case of Stalinism, people actually distorted science, because it was for the good of the Communist Party.
'Bag of Bones' was a big, distorted yet wonderfully entertaining novel that rode high on the bestseller lists in 1998.
The most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted.
Time flows in strange ways on Sundays, and sights become mysteriously distorted.
My time in high school and college, more than 30 years ago, has been ridiculously distorted.
When you're depressed, everything becomes distorted.
The Catholic novelist in the South will see many distorted images of Christ, but he will certainly feel that a distorted image of Christ is better than no image at all. I think he will feel a good deal more kinship with backwoods prophets and shouting fundamentalists than he will with those politer elements for whom the supernatural is an embarrassment and for whom religion has become a department of sociology or culture or personality development.
All maps are distorted, they are not literal fact.
The church arises only from the gospel. And a distorted church usually coincides with a distorted gospel.
To force a female to do things in male fashion is not equal opportunity, it is distorted idealism.
If you're watching cable news, you are going to get a distorted picture.
There is no feeling so simple that it is not immediately complicated and distorted by introspection.
The glass of your life is darkened, and darkly through it you see distorted and ghastly fragments of duty and destiny.
Because of the feminist perspective, we have gotten a view of the world that is distorted.
The ugliest man was he who came to Troy; with squinting eyes and one distorted foot.
Actors are always outsiders. It's necessary to be able to interpret - and that gets distorted when you become famous.
I admit I distorted intelligence to please Stalin because I feared him.
I won't do any print interviews anymore. No matter what I say, it gets distorted.
...a distorted development of autonomy is the root cause of the pathological and, ultimately, evil element in human beings.
The problem remains that the market is grossly distorted by Canadian unfair trade practices.
A hobby is the result of a distorted view of things. It is putting a planet in the place of a sun. — © John Lancaster Spalding
A hobby is the result of a distorted view of things. It is putting a planet in the place of a sun.
I came to filmmaking because it's my passion. I decided I can't have it distorted or marred by someone else deciding what it should be.
Each community has a curious and distorted image of itself which is always flattering.
Now I just don't know who to tell to go to hell Who put the old devil in the distorted angel?
Moving forward in science is as much unwinding the distorted thinking of the past as it is putting a clearer idea on the table.
It was a distorted form of inverse logic: If hopes never come true, then hope for what you don't want.
Unless we look at a person and see the beauty there is in this person, we can contribute nothing to him. One does not help a person by discerning what is wrong, what is ugly, what is distorted. Christ looked at everyone he met, at the prostitute, at the thief, and saw the beauty hidden there. Perhaps it was distorted, perhaps damaged, but it was beauty none the less, and what he did was to call out this beauty.
Even the absurdest report may in nearly every instance be traced to an actual occurrence; and had there been no such actual occurrence, this preposterous misrepresentation of it would never have existed. Though the distorted or magnified image transmitted to us through the refracting medium of rumour, is utterly unlike the reality; yet in the absence of the reality there would have been no distorted or magnified image.
'Carol' is so distorted by point-of-view.
The way I'm distorted and intentionally misquoted has been going on since 1985.
We do have a distorted view of our fantasies in society, but that's because we don't talk about them enough. — © Sasha Grey
We do have a distorted view of our fantasies in society, but that's because we don't talk about them enough.
It induced us to conduct government according to lies. It distorted justice. It undermined American morality.
Distorted realities have always been my cup of tea.
I think a lot of magazine covers are heavily photoshopped and bodies are distorted to look a certain way.
My views on birth control are somewhat distorted by the fact that I was seventh of nine children.
People who believe themselves to be the incarnation of good have a distorted view of the world.
What I read is so distorted that I cannot believe that the person they are talking about is myself.
Alone everything changes. Some might call it distorted reality but it's exactly the place I need to be.
The longer we view ourselves through a distorted lens, the more likely we are to believe a distorted truth.
Things get very distorted when you do a movie, weirdly so.
The religion-builders have so distorted and deformed the doctrines of Jesus, so muffled them in mysticism, fancies, and falsehoods.
The best teacher is experience and not through someone's distorted point of view
I think Russians today have a distorted picture of capitalism, liberal democracy and market economy.
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