Top 152 Disturbance Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Disturbance quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm not going to let people get away with either a dishonest or inaccurate premise to what we're talking about because I think that does the viewer a disturbance.
While I was girl of the year and superstar and all that crap, everything I did was really...motivated by psychological disturbance.
There's need to be some sort of disturbance in your psyche for creativity to be sparked. — © Damon Albarn
There's need to be some sort of disturbance in your psyche for creativity to be sparked.
But it is possible that, in the days ahead, these years we have lived through may eventually be thought of simply as a period of disturbance and regression.
In the mental disturbance and effort of writing, what sustains you is the certainty that on every page there is something left unsaid.
The map is not the territory, the word is not the thing it describes. Whenever the map is confused with the territory, a 'semantic disturbance' is set up in the organism. The disturbance continues until the limitation of the map is recognized.
Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeosis epoch from all earlier ones.
By skepticism . . . we arrive first at suspension of judgment, and second at freedom from disturbance.
It is odd enough to see how the entrance of a person of the opposite sex into an assemblage of either men or women calms down the little discordances and the disturbance of mood.
Be persistent with your disturbance until you get face to face with the Lord himself. Don't deify common sense.
If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak. If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot. If the officers are angry, it means that the men are weary.
A snick by Jack Hobbs is a sort of disturbance of a cosmic orderliness.
In cheerful souls there is no wit. Wit shows a disturbance of the equipoise. — © Novalis
In cheerful souls there is no wit. Wit shows a disturbance of the equipoise.
The charm of variety there was not, nor the excitement of incident; but I liked peace so well, and sought stimulus so little, that when the latter came I almost felt it a disturbance, and rather still wished it had held aloof.
My tears will keep no channel, know no laws to guide their streams, but like the waves, their cause, run with disturbance till they swallow me as a description of his misery.
The great thing about faith in God is that it keeps a man undisturbed in the midst of disturbance.
Only when a disputed point has long caused bloodshed and disturbance, or when a successful invader (military or theological) insists on a change, is it necessary to draw up a code.
To be misunderstood can be the writer's punishment for having disturbed the reader's peace. The greater the disturbance, the greater the possibility of misunderstanding.
To train the mind to move with the maximum speed and energy, with the utmost possible accuracy in the chosen direction, and with the minimum of disturbance or friction. That is Magick. To stop the mind altogether. That is Yoga.
A popular disturbance never remains long in the full control of those who start it.
America is the world's policeman, all right -- a big, dumb, mick flatfoot in the middle of the one thing cops dread most, a "domestic disturbance.
Bayern fulfilled every wish, no matter what Guardiola wanted: the players, the coaches, and even the doctors. He caused much disturbance off the field. But he is one of the best coaches on the planet.
...the moment of passage from disturbance into harmony is that of intensest life.
I got into trouble a lot in school. They say you're a disturbance in class. You're a distraction, they're moving you around. You never really get rewarded in class for being funny. You're a disturbance. But the funny kid is often witty and clever and quick... they finally get a chance to express themselves when they get out of school.
Organized Christianity that fails to make a disturbance is dead.
I go from a corruptible, to an incorruptible Crown; where no disturbance can be, no disturbance in the World.
Achieve order within inward tranquility which knows no disturbance at any the daily life of the home and the office.
To those who seek to protect their ego true Peace brings only disturbance.
Ministry of Disturbance, a regulated source of annoyance; a destroyer of routine; an underminer of complacency.
I think audiences sometimes mistakenly assume a quality performance comes from some great emotional disturbance rather than really intense concentration. Concentration and flow is what it's all about.
Listen for silence in noisy places; feel at peace in the midst of disturbance; awaken joy when there is no reason.
Slavery is not penal in character and planned by that law which commands the preservation of the natural order and forbids disturbance.
Strong mental agitation and disturbance was no novelty to him, even before his late sufferings. It never is, to obstinate and sullen natures; for they struggle hard to be such.
But it is possible that, in the days ahead, these years we have lived through may eventually be thought of simply as a period of disturbance and regression
Am I always in contact with Reality, or do I only pray when things have gone wrong, when there is a disturbance in the moments of my life?
All disturbance and chaos folds up in the teeth of truth. Dont ever try to stop truth. Its the only thing that can go through 16-inch armor plate.
If there are quarrels between the parents or if their marriage is unhappy, the ground will be prepared in their children for the severest predisposition to a disturbance of sexual development or to neurotic illness.
Too much clutter is a disturbance to the energy of a space for me. It's big no-no for me. — © Gauri Khan
Too much clutter is a disturbance to the energy of a space for me. It's big no-no for me.
A man who is supposed to have caused a disturbance between two married people, in a certain rank of life, does generally receive a certain meed of admiration.
Our breathing reflects every emotional or physical effort and every disturbance.
Evil is a superficial manifestation of a deep disturbance and imbalance in our collective psyche. The only way for us to help heal the wounds is to be sober, sane, quiet, loving, and attentive to each other.
We are ripples of consciousness of the vast ocean of consciousness. If we get agitated and become part of the reactionary and vitriolic behavior sometimes around us, we will only add to the disturbance.
The oppressed should rebel, and they will continue to rebel and raise disturbance until their civil rights are fully restored to them and all partial distinctions, exlusions, and incapacitations are removed.
Resistance to the disturbance is the disturbance.
Those who like tranquility and dislike clamor tend to avoid people to seek quietude. They do not know that when one wishes there were no one around, that is egotism; and when the mind is attached to quietude, that is the root of disturbance. How can they reach the state where others and oneself are seen as one, where disturbance and quietude are both forgotten.
The incapacity to name is a good symptom of disturbance.
This is a strange, little, complacent country [Switzerland], in many ways a USA in miniature but of course nearer the center of disturbance!
It is an in, a grave evil and a disturbance of the right order, for a larger and higher organisation, to arrogate to itself functions which can be performed efficiently by smaller and lower bodies.
During civil disturbance adopt such an attitude that people do not attach any importance to you - they neither burden you with complicated affairs, nor try to derive any advantage out of you.
In the spring and summer of 1989, a serious political disturbance took place in China. — © Li Peng
In the spring and summer of 1989, a serious political disturbance took place in China.
Is self-esteem a sickness? That's according to the way you define it. In the usual way it is defined by people and by psychologists, I'd say that it is probably the greatest emotional disturbance known to man and woman.
Gestation requires protected space; ripening requires both permeability to the outer — and non-disturbance.
Mental illness is no myth, as some have claimed. It is a disturbance in our sense of possession of a stable inner self that survives its personae.
If someone remains in a peaceful and tranquil state of mind, external surroundings can cause them only a limited disturbance.
[A] science fiction story is one which presupposes a technology, or an effect of technology, or a disturbance in the natural order, such as humanity, up to the time of writing, has not in actual fact, experienced.
Peace can reign only where there is no disturbance, and disturbance is due to thoughts that arise in the mind.
I have no desire to be a cat, which walks so lightly that it never creates a disturbance.
There was a disturbance in my heart, a voice that spoke there and said, I want, I want, I want! It happened every afternoon, and when I tried to suppress it it got even stronger.
Because He moves against faults, God is said to be angered, although He is moved by no disturbance of equanimity.
A particular modern problem is that megalomania, especially when it involves real estate development, is the disturbance of many faceless men. And a faceless man is a difficult enemy.
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