Top 1200 Divided Heart Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Divided Heart quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
People are divided into two classes - those who profit by experience and those who do not. The unfortunate part of it all is that the latter class is by far the larger of the two.
Broadly speaking, nervous women may be divided into two classes - those who are really nervous, and those who imagine themselves to be so.
Equipment has heart, human heart, inside it. — © Ichiro Suzuki
Equipment has heart, human heart, inside it.
All problems are divided into two classes, soluble questions, which are trivial and important questions which are insoluble.
Abstraction is the way to the heart - it is not the heart itself.
Fat is one of the chief enemies of the heart because it has to be plentifully supplied with blood and thus needlessly increases the pumping load that the heart must sustain.
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.
Beshrew the heart that makes my heart to groan.
If at any time all labour should cease, and all existing provisions be equally divided among the people, at the end of a single year there could scarcely be one human being left alive--all would have perished by want of subsistence.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Salifist parties are a real force in the Egyptian society. No civil, liberal government can succeed, even after new elections, if the Islamists are forced to work underground as a foe and the country remains divided.
War has been more common than peace, and extended periods of peace have been rare in a world divided into multiple states
What message is needed when heart speaks to heart?
Your work life is divided into two distinct areas - what matters most and everything else. You will have to take what matters to the extremes and be okay with what happens to the rest. Professional success requires it.
Actually, 'Phir Na Mile Kabhi' is a very emotional and a heartbreak song and somewhere it does touch the heart of the listeners as it touched my heart as well.
I'm sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don't think there's any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock.
The heart says what only the heart knows. — © Lou Reed
The heart says what only the heart knows.
Even virtue is an art; and even its devotees are divided into those who practise it and those who are merely amateurs.
I love everybody and they, in turn, love everybody, and that's spreading love heart to heart to heart. That's my approach of my work.
I had it all: congestive heart failure, malignant high blood pressure, kidney damage, enlarged heart, sleep apnea, borderline diabetic, etc.
Love is a light that shines from heart to heart.
I'm an actor and a writer, that's how I think of myself. Sometimes my time is divided equally, sometimes less equally, but that's what I do.
The world is divided into 2 streams - the one of 'Vistarvaad' & and the other of 'Vikasvaad'. Vikasvaad is indispensable in 21st Century! India & Japan need to join hands to take the pride of Vikasvaad to greater heights.
The difference between me and Tyron Woodley is that Tyron Woodley fights nervous; he fights scared. He doesn't wanna get tired, so the thing with Tyron Woodley is that he doesn't know how to push the pace. He doesn't have cardio. He doesn't have heart. He has a heart, but he doesn't have heart. There's a difference.
There are no events but thoughts and the heart's hard turning, the heart's slow learning where to love and whom. The rest is merely gossip, and tales for other times.
Arsenal is in my blood as well as my heart. I will always, always, always remember you guys. I said I was going to be a Gooner for life and I did not lie because when you are a Gooner, you will always be a Gooner. This club is in my heart and will remain in my heart forever.
I still find that a kind of stricture of the heart happens when I see any form of bigoted or racist behaviour. I get an actual pain in my heart.
Nothing stirs God’s heart more than a humble heart and a merciful spirit. God responds to mercy, because it is through compassion that we fully come to know Him. This is the defining quality of a true follower of Christ. We are never closer to the heart of God than when we are forgiving someone. And we are never farther from it than when we are holding a grudge.
I have a heart of gold, but I'm really a marshmallow in my heart.
I run with heart and determination, and that's what you can't measure-heart.
There are days when my heart is troubled, and just being in the Lord's presence and thinking about His love for me fills my heart with inexplicable peace and joy.
At the heart of excessive individualism is a broken heart
Today, I think the attitude is that governing is not necessarily good politics, and the result is that it's much more partisan and much more divided.
Bores can be divided into two classes; those who have their own particular subject, and those who do not need a subject.
The mass of mankind is divided into two classes, the Sancho Panza's who have a sense for reality, but no ideals, and the Don Quixote's with a sense for ideals, but mad.
Biologists can be divided into two classes: experimentalists who observe things that cannot be explained, and theoreticians who explain things that cannot be observed.
People who have a seeking heart still make mistakes. But their reaction to rebuke and correction shows the condition of that heart. It determines what God is able to do with them in the future.
Chess is a game where all different sorts of people can come together, not a game in which people are divided because of their religion or country of origin.
It is clear that we must find an African solution to our problems, and that this can only be found in African unity. Divided we are weak; united, Africa could become one of the greatest forces for good in the world.
I am a divorced child, of divided, uncertain background. Within this division I - supposed fruit of their love - no longer exist. It happened nearly forty years ago, yet to me nothing is sadder than my parents' divorce.
The crisis in America that we barely notice anymore is that we've become two nations - divided by poverty, opportunity, and race. It's like a neighbor's car alarm that we don't hear anymore because it rings so often.
Why does ice cream go with a broken heart?" Kylie asked. "Because if you eat enough of it, it freezes the heart and numbs the pain for a bit. — © C.C. Hunter
Why does ice cream go with a broken heart?" Kylie asked. "Because if you eat enough of it, it freezes the heart and numbs the pain for a bit.
A wedding is at once a crowded place and a private room, packed with trusts and empty of all but the heart's letters which one other heart may read and decipher.
A feeling heart is a blessing that no one, who has it, would be without; and it is a moral security of innocence; since the heart that is able to partake of the distress of another, cannot wilfully give it.
When getting help with money, whether it is insurance, real estate or investments you should always look for a person with the heart of a teacher, not the heart of a salesman.
Chennai has changed a lot. I knew Adyar as a village which has now become the heart of the metropolis. But my heart still beats for the old Madras.
Just like the bones and muscles, the heart is designed to work in one gravity here on Earth, so when you put the heart in space, it operates differently and changes shape.
Human beings are divided into mind and body. The mind embraces all the nobler aspirations, like poetry and philosophy, but the body has all the fun.
And most people have a woman in their heart, most men have a woman in their heart and most women have a man in their heart.
Mankind are divided into sects, and individuals think very differently on religious subjects, from the purest motives; and that gracious common Parent, who loves all his children alike, beholds with approbation every one who worships him in sincerity.
My daughters are the heart of my heart and the center of my world
The worker can unionize, go out on strike; mothers are divided from each other in homes, tied to their children by compassionate bonds; our wildcat strikes have most often taken the form of physical or mental breakdown.
Redistribution divided society into two social classes: the beneficiaries of transfer, who are calling for ever more; and the victims, who submit unwillingly. It could hardly fail to injure social peace and harmony.
If historians of philosophy are to be divided into those who focus on discontinuities and those who focus on continuities, I belong in the latter camp. — © Gail Fine
If historians of philosophy are to be divided into those who focus on discontinuities and those who focus on continuities, I belong in the latter camp.
If we represent knowledge as a tree, we know that things that are divided are yet connected. We know that to observe the divisions and ignore the connections is to destroy the tree.
In the Europe which was created by the Second World War, divided into two blocks, each in need of a revolution that would end the abuses and injustices of capitalism and the privileges of a bureaucratic caste, collective faith does not exist.
It is tougher for a dog to live without rules because he doesn't know what is expected of him. It is the mind, the body, the heart, not just the heart. Love is not enough.
Is there room in my heart for you to follow your heart?
Pain throws your heart to the ground Love turns the whole thing around Fear is a friend who's misunderstood But I know the heart of life is good
Leading a group of players who want to win is much easier than leading a group that doubt themselves, aren't committed or are divided.
I am a divorced child, of divided, uncertain background. Within this division I - supposed fruit of their love - no longer exist. It happened nearly forty years ago, yet to me, nothing is sadder than my parents' divorce.
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