Top 252 Divides Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Divides quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
What unites the church is infinitely more important than what divides us.
Party politics divides friendships sometimes.
My music divides people! — © Flying Lotus
My music divides people!
The way politics divides the world is into friend and enemy
Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast.
Look, the Black community is diverse. We have generational divides. We have class divides. We have parts of the Black community that are fairly centrist, parts that are extremely activist.
The devil divides the world between atheism and superstition.
There's a floating distraction in the contemporary world, life at a distance enabled by technology. I want people to commit at the level of their subjectivity. The idea of subjective commitment is at the core of ethics, something that divides the self from itself. I become an ethical self. I cannot meet that ideal, I cannot fulfill it, it divides me from myself and it makes me strive harder. This ideal subjective ethical drive is at the heart of an absolutely earnest, radical politics that insists that people will be able to engage with each other, and they're lifted from irony at that point.
Democracy divides people into workers and loafers. It makes no provision for those who have no time to work.
The country already has a leader who divides us with the bitter politics of envy. We have to offer an alternative vision.
In diversity we find our strongest bonds and most violent divides.
Too many people think that the faith line divides Muslims and Christians or Jews and Hindus, or just to say that there is this clash of civilizations and people from different religions are inevitably against each other, inherently opposed to each other. I don't believe that for a second. I think the faith line divides totalitarians and pluralists, which is to say that totalitarians from different religious backgrounds.
What is constitutive is the action that divides madness, and not the science elaborated once this division is made. — © Michel Foucault
What is constitutive is the action that divides madness, and not the science elaborated once this division is made.
Co-mingling really disturbs a lot of the purists, who want to see the historical and cultural divides instead of the meshing.
This country already has a leader who divides us with the bitter politics of envy. We have to offer an alternative vision.
Nothing divides one so much as thought.
The mind defines, decides, doubts and divides - only the heart truly binds.
I'm not one who divides music, dance or art into various categories. Either something works, or it doesn't.
London clubland divides itself between the St James's refuge for toffs, and the Conquest of Cool, for the arts and media.
Worry divides the mind.
Why do we have to live with divides between different types of communication?
Propriety and single interest divides the people of a land and the whole world into parties and is the cause of all wars and bloodshed and contention everywhere
There is one taboo against meat-eating. It divides Hindus into vegetarians and flesh eaters. There is another taboo which is against beef eating. It divides Hindus into those who eat cow's flesh and those who do not.
Early in life, the world divides crudely into those who have had sex and those who haven't. Later, into those who have known love, and those who haven't. Later still - at least, if we are lucky (or, on the other hand, unlucky) - it divides into those who have endured grief, and those who haven't. These divisions are absolute; they are tropics we cross.
Love makes you wise. Love unites. Pain divides. Hate divides even more. Hate separates and brings us down to a very physical plane. Love elevates us to a plane of spirit.
Our political divides have become our personal divides.
Love joins and then divides. How else would we be growing?
Where the eye divides, the ear connects.
Commerce unites; religion divides.
Class is a way of looking at society that divides people into different categories based on how much money they're willing to make.
A hair divides what is false and true.
Only one letter divides the comic from the cosmic.
What's exciting is there's a curtain that divides the audience from this other world. You want to see behind.
Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.
Gardening transcends everything that otherwise divides us.
Some people seem born with a head in which the thin partition that divides great wit from folly is wanting.
What divides men is less a difference in ideas than a likeness in pretensions.
Multitasking divides your attention and leads to confusion and weakened focus. — © Deepak Chopra
Multitasking divides your attention and leads to confusion and weakened focus.
My life divides into three parts. In the first I was wretched; in the second ill at ease; in the third hunting.
Speech, not violence, is how we will bridge the divides between us.
Excessive stop-and-frisk divides communities. That's why the New York City Police Department has moved away from it.
Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us.
Like life, peace begins with women. We are the first to forge lines of alliance and collaboration across conflict divides.
The human being taken in his profound reality as well as in his great tension of becoming is a divided being, a being which divides again, having permitted himself the illusion of unity for barely an instant. He divides and then reunites.
The divides are not Islam and western society, the divide is between people who have different values. We must promote connections between people who want to contribute to human values. People who share that commitment can collaborate across cultural divides.
It is not our diversity which divides us; it is not our ethnicity, or religion or culture that divides us. Since we have achieved our freedom, there can only be one division amongst us: between those who cherish democracy and those who do not.
Silence is a form of communication. Speech divides us.
Remembrance and reflection how allied. What thin partitions divides sense from thought. — © Alexander Pope
Remembrance and reflection how allied. What thin partitions divides sense from thought.
It's amazing how close I have been, all this time, to my old life. And yet the distance that divides me from it is vast.
At Kilmarnock we are all inclusive, there are no divides.
My belief is that despite all the media hoopla, there is much more that unites Republicans than divides us.
The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope.
The way politics divides the world is into friend and enemy.
Pride divides the men, humility joins them.
Mankind divides itself into two classes,--benefactors and malefactors. The second class is vast; the first a handful.
Action from principle, the perception and the performance of right, changes things and relations; it is essentially revolutionary, and does not consist wholly with anything which was. It not only divides States and churches, it divides families; ay, it divides the individual, separating the diabolical in him from the divine.
The world divides into facts.
Music absolutely played a massive role in bridging many gaps in the racial divides I would encounter.
Friendship multiplies joy and divides sorrow.
The profound difference that divides the human race is a question of bait - whether to fish with worms or not.
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