Top 1200 Divine Justice Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Divine Justice quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
The mystery of a person, indeed, is ever divine to him that has a sense for the godlike.
Physical love must end up as a creative love. And creative love must end up as a divine love. And divine love must end up as a unison love. And unison love must become God Itself. These are the known stages of love.
Ability in a man is knowledge which emanates from divine light — © Zoroaster
Ability in a man is knowledge which emanates from divine light
The veil between us and the divine is more permeable than we imagine.
It is my unmistakable belief that not a blade of grass moves but by the divine will.
[S]tand aside and watch the working of the divine power in yourself.
Christ is the Divine answer to the Devil's overthrow of our first parents.
And Chaucer, with his infantine Familiar clasp of things divine.
Man is lonely mainly because he has been disconnected from the Divine presence.
All loves are a bridge to Divine love. Yet, those who have not had a taste of it do not know!
Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.
When politicians presume to do God's work, they do not become divine but diabolical.
The Bible is the divine means of developing spiritual maturity. There is no other way. — © Howard G. Hendricks
The Bible is the divine means of developing spiritual maturity. There is no other way.
I drink life's happy water, which is bottled at the divine source.
As the witnessing deepens, you start becoming drunk with the divine. This is what is called ecstasy.
The imagination is never governed, it is always the ruling and divine power.
The Bible, itself the ultimate curse, is an in-depth profile of the divine spleen.
All law is from God, not from man. So, all laws are derived from the divine text, or the Koran.
All truth is precious, if not all divine; and what dilates the powers must needs refine.
Man is in part divine, A troubled stream from a pure source.
The divine love of God turns ordinary acts into extraordinary service.
The Divine flow that wants to move through me requires stillness.
For, when with beauty we can virtue join, We paint the semblance of a form divine.
The cup has to be left clean and empty for the divine liquor to be poured into it.
When in love or inspired, An eternal kiss from the divine Awaits us all.
Men do not go out to meet misfortune as we do. They learn it; and we--we divine it.
All truth and understanding is a result of a divine light which is God Himself.
Temperance is corporeal piety; it is the preservation of divine order in the body.
Each of us is a moving center, a space of divine mystery
A divine falsehood is more powerful than any human truth.
The idea of a divine creator belittles the elegant reality of the universe.
As proof of this statement, consider this question: Have the people ever been known to rise against the Court of Appeals, or mob a Justice of the Peace, in order to get higher wages, free credit, tools of production, favorable tariffs, or government-created jobs? Everyone knows perfectly well that such matters are not within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals or a Justice of the Peace. And if government were limited to its proper functions, everyone would soon learn that these matters are not within the jurisdiction of the law itself.
Once man's connection to the divine is denied, you can reason yourself from here to anywhere.
Under divine blessing, we must rely on the bayonet when firearms cannot be furnished
Given a situation, a system with a Leerstelle [a gap], whether a given completion (Lueckenfuellung) does justice to the structure, is the "right" one, is often determined by the structure of the system, the situation. There are requirements, structurally determined; there are possible in pure cases unambiguous decisions as to which completion does justice to the situation, which does not, which violates the requirements and the situation.
Man is a centaur, a tangle of flesh and mind, divine inspiration and dust.
No bad break, no disappointment, no accident can shorten one second of my divine destiny.
When you realize that prosperity is your divine 
 heritage, you should persist in claiming it. — © Catherine Ponder
When you realize that prosperity is your divine heritage, you should persist in claiming it.
Divine Law is not subject nor affected by the majority vote of humanity
The highest goal of music is to connect one's soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment
I am totally free to choose thoughts of joy. It is my Divine right to do so.
Grace renders us like God and a partaker of the divine nature.
The actor doesn't merely command the stage, he seems to own it by divine right.
Truth is never determined by majority opinion, but by divine revelation.
With our divine connection we are always in touch with the solutions we are seeking.
If you want to write a novel, it's the Divine mind wanting to express.
I can stand on stage and do nothing, and people will write, 'Divine was outrageous.'
Regeneration, however it is described, is a divine activity in us, in which we are not the actors but the recipients. — © Sinclair B. Ferguson
Regeneration, however it is described, is a divine activity in us, in which we are not the actors but the recipients.
What we usually call human evolution is the awakening of the divine nature within us.
We are this divine energy. It's not something we have to attain. We just have to realize it, to be present to it.
There is no human life so poor and small as not to hold many a divine possibility.
There is a divine plan and there is a reason for this, and my choice is to create the most positive reaction I can.
It is human misery and not pleasure which contains the secret of the divine wisdom.
Maybe the tragedy of the human race was that we had forgotten that we are each divine.
And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?
The sovereigns of the Internet are acting like they have a divine right to govern.
The world was no doubt made, that it might be a theatre of the divine glory.
We are dwellers in a divine universe where no desires are in vain - if only they be large enough.
People never hurt others in moments of personal strength and bravery, when they are feeling good about themselves, when they are strong and confident. If we spent all of our waking moments in that place, then fighting for social justice would be redundant; we would simply have social justice and be done with it, and we could all go swimming, or fishing, or bowling, or dancing, or whatever people do. But it is because we spend so much of our time in that other place, that place of diminished capacity, of flagging energy, or wavering and somewhat flaccid commitment, that we have to be careful.
Divine is Love and scorneth worldly pelf, And can be bought with nothing but with self.
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