Top 1200 Divorced Parents Quotes & Sayings - Page 9

Explore popular Divorced Parents quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
First off, I am 35 years old, I am divorced, and I live in a van down by the river.
In Cambodia, education is really a luxury, and many kids are thrown into work as early as possible. This means they can help support their parents, as often the parents don't even earn a living wage.
One of the benefits of being divorced is that you no longer need to listen to your ex's assessment of the appropriateness of your actions. — © Amy Dickinson
One of the benefits of being divorced is that you no longer need to listen to your ex's assessment of the appropriateness of your actions.
It was one of those ridiculous arrangements that couples make when they are separating, but before they are divorced - when they still imagine that children and property can be shared with more magnanimity than recrimination.
We've got the best kind of parents for us, in this situation. My parents are super supportive of me and really into our band. They get just as excited as we do, about stuff that we do. So, it's pretty cool.
Like most Russians, I am very superstitious, and if I don't get married, I don't get divorced.
I don't think anybody whose ever been divorced can tell you divorce is easy or fun or feels like anything other than a tremendous failure.
There are things that are hard about coming from a divorced family, but having two houses is not one of those things.
My parents were travelers. Every time my parents got ten dollars ahead they went somewhere. That's what they did. So I got the bug from them.
Too many people try to please their parents. My parents were Republicans, which is too bad, but they allowed me to be who I wanted to be.
I am reminded that no matter how hard you try, you can never be more than twelve years old with your parents. Parents earnestly try not to inflame, but their comments contain no scale and a strange focus. Discussing your private life with parents is like misguidedly looking at a zit in a car's rearview mirror and being convinced, in the absence of contrast or context, that you have developed combined heat rash and skin cancer.
People have a comic bent or an angularity to their thinking, and those are the people who make jokes. And it's usually people who were in an environment, when they were young, where jokes were at a premium, or at least considered important to a life. My parents always listened to the comedy radio shows, we went to the comedy movies, and my parents appreciated comedy. So kids listen and follow what their parents like.
My parents did their best - that earns a lot of forgiveness. But they say children grow up in spite of their parents, and I think I did. — © Larry Drake
My parents did their best - that earns a lot of forgiveness. But they say children grow up in spite of their parents, and I think I did.
My mother was so ignorant of what could have befallen me and was probably so exhausted - she was one of the first generation of single parents as well - that it was all a bit overwhelming. So the naivety of parents meant we did have a certain amount of freedom.
Some parents let kids "learn on their own skin" and many of those kids end up, as adults, languishing on their parents' sofas.
didn't come from a particularly political family. My parents were regular voters. My parents didn't make enough money to contribute to campaigns, and they didn't really knock on doors for candidates when I was growing up.
I came out to myself when I was about 15 or 16, and to my parents when I was 18. When you come out to your parents, that's when it's properly official.
Children need parents who will let them grow up to be themselves, but parents often have personal agendas they try to impose on their children.
Playing guitar was one of my childhood hobbies, and I had played a little at school and at camp. My parents would drag me out to perform for my family, like all parents do, but it was a hobby - nothing more.
Worship that is in some way divorced from mission is counterfeit worship
If we had been less reliant on technology and the security that we enjoy in being divorced from what we used to know, maybe things would have turned out differently.
What kind of programmer is so divorced from reality that she thinks she'll get complex software right the first time?
American husbands are the best in the world; no other husbands are so generous to their wives, or can be so easily divorced.
The Incarnation is the ultimate reason why the service of God cannot be divorced from the service of man.
When speech is divorced from speaker and word from meaning, what is left is just ritual, language as ritual.
When you’re young, your world is pretty limited. My parents, my family, my church dominated my world. And because Birmingham was so segregated, I didn’t really have to encounter the slings and arrows of racism on a daily basis. Obviously, from time to time I did, like when my parents took me to see Santa Claus and he wasn’t letting black children sit on his knee. But my parents tried to insulate me as much as they could.
I used to say that my own father was dead, because he might as well have been. He was in Argentina and didn't play a part in my life. He and my mother divorced when I was only two.
To help the parents make the choice of which school to send their child to, I would insist that schools are graded on a simple basis that parents can understand, A through F. The way Florida is done.
When you change showrunners, it's like getting divorced and getting remarried.
Till now, society has protected the adult and blamed the victim. It has been abetted in its blindness by theories, still in keeping with the pedagogical principles of our great- grandparents, according to which children are viewed as crafty creatures, dominated by wicked drives, who invent stories and attack their innocent parents or desire them sexually. In reality, children tend to blame themselves for their parents' cruelty and to absolve the parents, whom they invariably love, of all responsibility.
Certain people are not going to connect with a book about the effect a dog has on a family. But every one of us has parents and has either said goodbye to those parents or knows that someday they will.
Hollywood - that's a place where love is viewed both pragmatically and philosophically in the saying, 'Tis better to have loved and divorced than never to have had any publicity at all.
My parents weren't involved in show business but my parents would show me. We'd watch old films in the house.
It's difficult for democracy to function properly under the most favorable circumstances, but it has no chance at all when millions of voters are divorced from objective reality and incapable of understanding what is going on in Washington.
My second husband, Eric Villency, is the father of my beautiful boy Ronan Anthony. Even though we're divorced, I'm still very close with his family.
My parents, or Asian parents in general, they're like, 'You should be a doctor, a lawyer, or a banker' - all that's laid out. As a kid that's what I bought into, which is why I ended up going the corporate route initially.
It's a really weird thing, modern divorce. I found out I was getting divorced on television. That was kind of weird.
My parents' greatest wish was that I graduated from college. Neither of my parents had a college education, and they really wanted me to have one. — © Linda McMahon
My parents' greatest wish was that I graduated from college. Neither of my parents had a college education, and they really wanted me to have one.
Patients are almost always preceded by their parents, because no matter how fast an ambulance can drive, terrified parents can drive faster.
Kids need to open up to their parents. And parents should realize that when kids are pushing you away, that's the time to really step in.
People worry more about girls, for a good reason: I don't think my parents thought I was going to be raped by a classmate or attacked when I was walking alone in some neighborhood. So it's not just paranoid parents.
Discipline divorced from wisdom is not true discipline, but merely the meaningless following of custom, which is only a disguise for stupidity.
I had an idyllic childhood and when my parents bought me a Punch and Judy Show and a ventriloquist's dummy, I'd perform anywhere, anytime. My parents were wonderful when I told them I wanted to be an entertainer.
Love itself cannot be divorced from the suffering which comes from being separated from the object of love.
I think the people who believe that works can and always should be divorced from the context are people who have the privilege to do so.
People forget that public people and celebrities, they too have to go to the bathroom and get divorced.
People should never be afraid that Foo Fighters are ever going to break up, it's like your grandparents getting divorced - it's not gonna happen.
To me, the main difference between young people now and the people I was young with isn't so much style, it's the relationships they have with their parents. Their parents like them much more than ours liked us. Our parents weren't our friends. But now I see my friends on the phones with their, what, 30 - year - old kids? And they're talking about feelings.
Of wanting to pay my own way. I never asked my parents for money. I preferred to steal from my parents than ask them for money. — © Anjelica Huston
Of wanting to pay my own way. I never asked my parents for money. I preferred to steal from my parents than ask them for money.
The sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow from which we refuse to be divorced.
There can be no greater stretch of arbitrary power than is required to seize children from their parents, teach them whatever the authorities decree they shall be taught, and expropriate from the parents the funds to pay for the procedure.
It is important for children to understand that some of the disappointment their parents feel for them is often really the parents' disappointment in their own lives.
I got into guitar because no parent will buy their eight-year-old kid drums, unless they're divorced and trying to get back at their wife.
Now that we're essentially an indoor species, walled off from the world of other life forms, we're divorced from the very domain that supports and sustains our lives.
I felt I had to work even harder in order to help two sets of parents. Most of my money I send home to let my parents manage. The rest I use for living expenses in America.
When I was a kid, people who got divorced were people who had no gumption.
Old people they lose their sex life and that's not a good time. That's why they get divorced all the time.
I've got the best parents you could ever ask for. My parents are from New Jersey, and they met in Vermont in college. My Dad grew up listening to heavy, psychedelic music. He's my biggest fan.
My parents wanted to light my artistic candle. But over time, the definition of 'the arts' began to stretch. And as I got older, they suddenly realized, Oh, my God, we're the parents of Iggy Pop.
Babies aren't really born of their parents. They are born of every kind word, loving gesture, hope, and dream their parents ever had.
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