Top 1200 Dna Evidence Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Dna Evidence quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
Hope is not what we find in evidence, it's what we become in action.
There is nothing like first-hand evidence.
Women can have all the evidence but they still want the confession. — © Chris Rock
Women can have all the evidence but they still want the confession.
Don't leave inferences to be drawn when evidence can be presented.
Is our species crazy? Plenty of evidence.
History is what the evidence compels us to believe.
I don't know what it is I'm doing. But it's not that. Despite all evidence to the contrary.
The evidence of God exists in the roundness of things.
I know that history is simultaneously a bloody mess and a collection of feats so inspiring and amazing they make you proud to share the same DNA structure with the rest of humanity. I know you'd better focus on the good stuff or you're screwed.
Liberal Democrats are proud to be the main U.K. political party leading the Remain campaign. Being pro-E.U. is in our DNA: internationalism, tearing down walls rather than building them, is at the heart of who we are as a party.
You had to look at it as sales, as costumer service. Costumer's alwasy right, you know? Service with a smile. Those type of things so it's just kinda in me. In my DNA.
He [the Statist] is unmoved by reason, evidence, and history.
Considering the very close genetic relationship that has been established by comparison of biochemical properties of blood proteins, protein structure and DNA, and immunological responses, the differences between a man and a chimpanzee are more astonishing than the resemblances.
We're wired to be empathetic and to care about the needs of others, but also to be curious about others. And I think that's just sort of in our DNA. And so portraiture is a very human act.
Forget politics. The real story is the advancements being made in medicine. We're on the verge of conquering cancer and Alzheimer's and numerous other diseases. The DNA revolution has just begun. Scientific advancement usually trumps politics.
Human unhappiness is evidence of our immortality. — © Richard Rodriguez
Human unhappiness is evidence of our immortality.
Unless mankind redesigns itself by changing our DNA through altering our genetic makeup, computer-genera ted robots will take over our world.
I still don't have a real appreciation for music because I didn't really start listening to it until my 20s. My wife knows everything about music, and I try and get her to educate me, but it's just not part of my DNA.
Religion isn't in your DNA. you don't believe just because your parents believe.
All reasoning ends in an appeal to self-evidence.
There is the finest line between data and evidence.
There is nothing in the nature of a miracle that should render it incredible:;: its credibility depends upon the nature of the evidence by which it is supported. An event of extreme probability will not necessarily command our belief unless upon a sufficiency of proof; and so an event which we may regard as highly improbable may command our belief if it is sustained by sufficient evidence. So that the credibility or incredibility of an event does not rest upon the nature of the event itself, but depends upon the nature and sufficiency of the proof which sustains it.
No chaos, no creation. Evidence: the kitchen at mealtime.
There's no evidence that I'm aware of that guns protect liberty.
My music is evidence of my souls will to live.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
Faith: a firm belief for which there is no evidence.
There is no such thing as absolute proof. There is only evidence.
I suppose we are what we are, and we use the evidence to confirm what we believe.
Giving youth a chance is part of our philosophy, part of our DNA.
Gethsemane is where He died; the cross is only the evidence.
The faith of religion is belief on insufficient evidence.
The Zodiac letters from 1978 on were driven to Sacramento in a cardboard box, and these letters have never been refrigerated, which, for letters going back - what? - 30 years almost is a must for DNA.
I don't see much evidence of an equity bubble.
I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible.
RNase H is a specific RNase that will cleave the RNA of a DNA/RNA duplex.
It is the things for which there is no evidence that are believed with passion.
We can't bypass our heritage. We can't bypass the knowledge of who we are. You don't take a DNA test to see if you believe in freedom. Freedom is taught, and teaching the Constitution - I won't go on too much.
I'm going to get controversial here and say that monogamy isn't natural, especially not for men. It's a concept society birthed a few hundred years ago, even though men's DNA is busy telling them to spread the seed.
I make my decisions and my judgments not based on what a prime minister of another country says, but based on what my principles tell me... how may DNA guides me. — © Steve Israel
I make my decisions and my judgments not based on what a prime minister of another country says, but based on what my principles tell me... how may DNA guides me.
There are certain things that make restaurants work and a certain kind of DNA that people who excel in restaurants need. But it's a lot like life, in the sense that you get out of it what you put into it.
If my interlocutor desires to convince me that Jupiter has inhabitants, and that his description of them is accurate, it is for him to bring forward evidence in support of his contention. The burden of proof evidently lies on him; it is not for me to prove that no such beings exist before my non-belief is justified, but for him to prove that they do exist before my belief can be fairly claimed. Similarly, it is for the affirmer of God's existence to bring evidence in support of his affirmation; the burden of proof lies on him.
The positive evidence for Darwinism is confined to small-scale evolutionary changes like insects developing insecticide resistance....Evidence like that for insecticide resistance confirms the Darwinian selection mechanism for small-scale changes, but hardly warrants the grand extrapolation that Darwinists want. It is a huge leap going from insects developing insecticide resistance via the Darwinian mechanism of natural selection and random variation to the very emergence of insects in the first place by that same mechanism.
I wasn't interested in holding onto the evidence of things.
There is no evidence that the business cycle has been repealed.
Let us beware of repentance without evidence.
You are walking, talking evidence of your beliefs.
Metaphysics of Evolution: What is Matter & Life? 'Recent discoveries from Russia confirm that DNA / Genes are resonant structures which are subtly interconnected to their environment. i.e. Genetic material can be manipulated by waves with certain resonant frequencies.'
If you accept the belief that baptism incorporates us in the mystical body of Christ, into the divine DNA, then you might say that the Holy Spirit is present in each of us, and thus we have the capacity for the fullness of redemption, of transformation.
[E]xceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
I am compelled to continuously see the bright side. It is in my DNA. My kids look at me and say: 'Mom, you're so happy!' And I do feel happy. I feel joyful inside. I can't explain it.
Providing for the ones he loves and care about, whether it's monetarily or with sweat equity, is part of a man's DNA, and if he loves and cares for you, this man will provide for you all these things with no limits.
My music is evidence of my soul's will to live. — © Charles Mingus
My music is evidence of my soul's will to live.
Neutrality, as a lasting principle, is an evidence of weakness.
It is in your DNA to love a good story. You know, neat tales with heroes and villains and conflicts to resolve. A good story pushes our buttons, is exciting and memorable.
There's no evidence that I'm aware of that guns reduce crime.
My approach is that all policy ought to be evidence-based.
We stand in the shadow of the Bible today as opposed to in the pages of the Bible. I think that the biblical illiteracy comes as a direct result of a failure to recognize that the DNA of western civilization comes from a biblical worldview.
Rhetoric is cheap, evidence comes more dearly.
I just had that conversation this morning with my doctor. I just got back from the hospital a half-hour ago, and nothing will make me happier than to replicate the DNA of my amazing husband. I'm optimistic.
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