Top 1200 Dna Evidence Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Dna Evidence quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
Let one persuade many, and he becomes confirmed and convinced, and cares for no better evidence.
Only 20 percent of our longevity is genetically determined. The rest is what we do, how we live our lives and increasingly the molecules that we take. It's not the loss of our DNA that causes aging, it's the problems in reading the information, the epigenetic noise.
The first cause of waste is probably even buried in our DNA. Human beings have a need for maintaining consistency of the apperceptive mass. What does that mean? What it means is, for every perception we have, it needs to tally with the one like it before, or we don't have continuity, and we become a little bit disoriented.
I'm a bit of a freak for evidence-based analysis. I strongly believe in data. — © Gus O'Donnell
I'm a bit of a freak for evidence-based analysis. I strongly believe in data.
The Marvel cinematic universe and the Marvel animation universe are things that are very true, in terms of the DNA of what it is. But if, at the end of the day, all we're doing is telling stories that have appeared in the comic books already, then we're not really challenging anybody.
In Greek myth, a chimera is a creepy combination of lion, goat, dragon - in humans, chimeras are one person who contains two sets of DNA. That's right. One person comes up in tests as two different people.
I also believe, without any supporting evidence, that cats are evil.
Cancer is a disease of the genome. And that's what happens. You make mistakes in a cell somewhere in your body that causes it to start to grow when it should've stopped, and that's cancer. And those mistakes are mistakes of DNA.
There's actually a lot of evidence in primates and other animals that they return favors.
The real evidence of growing older is that things level off in importance.
Beliefs: Those things we hold to be true despite evidence to the contrary.
I don't think that humans are, in our nature, we're evil or anything like that. But I do think there's a demon in our DNA, in our tribal subconscious that affects the way we work and we operate as a group.
A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence.
Variation must be taken as random until there is positive evidence to the contrary. — © Harold Jeffreys
Variation must be taken as random until there is positive evidence to the contrary.
We have now seen that there is no particle of evidence for the Egyptian origin of Tarot cards.
I was 16 when I got married, and I must say he was not a normal man but a very special man. There are so many things I want to say about him, but one thing which strikes me is that he had a DNA of a superstar.
What evidence would you need to see to change your mind about this?
The way we love people we disagree with is the best evidence of what we really believe.
Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.
Chimps are unbelievably like us - in biological, non-verbal ways. They can be loving and compassionate and yet they have a dark side... 98 per cent of our DNA is the same. The difference is that we have developed language - we can teach about things that aren't there, plan for the future, discuss, share ideas
A funeral eulogy is a belated plea for the defense delivered after the evidence is all in.
The chief use of servants is the evidence they afford of the master's ability to pay.
My grandma always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way." I think it's just naturally in our DNA to be able to survive. We was always taught that: to survive. When you talking about slavery, it's to survive.
My Ph.D. thesis problem was to determine if the DNA content of rat tissues increased if there was B12 in the diet. This problem was suggested by my adviser based on the observation that thymine could replace vitamin B12 in a lactobacillus.
The river of my title is a river of DNA, a river of information, not a river of bones and tissues
It's a twin type of telepathy. My sister and I, we share the same DNA, so on paper, we're the same person. I knew she was pregnant, like, right away - it's so crazy - but I asked her, and she said yes.
The blazing evidence of immortality is our dissatisfaction with any other solution.
Entrepreneurship is baked into the DNA of the Kansas Third District, and I'm proud to work with my colleagues in both parties to make sure our local businesses have the tools they need to take care of their employees, grow their companies, and contribute to our economy.
Ever since we achieved a breakthrough in the area of recombinant DNA in 1973, left-wing nuts and environmental kooks have been screaming that we will create some kind of Frankenstein bug or Andromeda Strain that will destroy us all.
The reason that you have statutes of limitations is because evidence goes stale sometimes.
It's important to celebrate the monogram. It's the DNA of Vuitton. I think - I hope - there is an interest in the philosophy and culture of the Vuitton name. It's quite coherent and intellectual, and the products are great. These are things you will want to pass on - things you treasure.
I think the Christ-myth stories make great stories, whether it's 'The Matrix' or 'Braveheart,' they all are tapping into some kind of deep myth in our DNA, and by myth I don't necessarily mean false.
A motto I've adopted is, if at first you don't succeed, hide all evidence that you ever tried.
The fact that a man is a newspaper reporter is evidence of some flaw of character.
Scientific beliefs are supported by evidence, and they get results. Myths and faiths are not and do not.
The final and conclusive evidence against evolution is the fact that the Bible denies it.
You can always make a loan at a bank if you can show sufficient evidence that you don't need it.
There is no direct evidence, so how could you ask me to believe in God.
I would be able to defend my actions, no matter what [evidence] they had on me. — © Hermann Goring
I would be able to defend my actions, no matter what [evidence] they had on me.
It has been mentioned that in Trench I there is evidence of three successive stages of these defences.
True art must be evidence of happiness, contentment and purity of its authors.
The learned ignore the evidence of their senses to preserve the coherence of the ideas of their imagination.
Before speaking without knowledge, saying lies, you have to present evidence.
I get that a lot of people love 'Star Wars' - and I could see that you can love both and they can coexist in our lives. But the DNA of 'Star Trek' is different in as far as it's human beings, it's us in the future.
It's in the DNA of River fans to prefer attractive and technical football with plenty of possession. I noticed that quickly, and I was made aware just how important that was to River fans, and so I tried to adapt with my characteristics and ability.
In 1978, Elizabeth Blackburn, working with Joe Gall, identified the DNA sequence of telomeres. Every time a cell divides, it gets shorter. But telomeres usually don't. So there must be something happening to the telomeres to keep their length in equilibrium.
There's evidence that one of the Paris attackers may have entered Europe posing as a refugee.
It is vital that our work be grounded in the evidence and thus accepted by the public.
The case I shall find evidence for is that when literature arrives, it expels science. — © Peter Medawar
The case I shall find evidence for is that when literature arrives, it expels science.
I'm not quite sure precisely when social and political activism became a visible brand of my DNA, but it seems to me that I was born into it. It is hard to be born into the experience in the world of poverty and not develop some instinct for survival and resistance to those things that oppress you.
Sometimes having a good time can be the outward evidence of a deep re-thinking.
James Leininger's story is the most compelling evidence so far for reincarnation.
In another couple centuries I'm sure that worldview won't even exist. There's no evidence for it.
There is no evidence that super PACs have led to a greater percentage of negative ads.
I do indeed think that cinema is mortal. There is a lot of evidence already that it is dying on its feet.
Sitting in a Court of law, I can receive no evidence but what comes under the sanction of an oath.
I am so superstitious that I think even discussing this subject is dangerous and will probably bring me terrible luck. Having been raised a Catholic, superstition becomes almost part of your DNA. The challenge is to slowly rid yourself of these little delusions.
The idea of disembodied spirits is wholly unsupported by evidence, and I cannot accept it.
Let's say intelligence is your ability to compose poetry, symphonies, do art, math and science. Chimps can't do any of that, yet we share 99 percent DNA. Everything that we are, that distinguishes us from chimps, emerges from that one-percent difference.
There's no evidence that large, diversified food companies win over time.
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