Top 1200 Don't Ever Give Up Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Don't Ever Give Up quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Kids take work, effort, love, blood, sweat and tears and are a full time job. You have to commit, for better or worse and then give your all and hope for the best. The one thing you can never, ever do is give up and say, 'Oooops, never mind, my bad, you can take this one back!'
Never give up...never ever give up.
Whatever you're going through in your life, don't ever give up. — © Mariah Carey
Whatever you're going through in your life, don't ever give up.
Never give up on your dreams. No matter how many people say it’s impossible, no matter how difficult your journey is, you can create your ideal life. Your heart’s desires can become reality. Make things better now by taking steps every day to get closer to the life you want. And never, ever give up.
I give myself this advice: Do not fear truth, let it be ever so contrary to inclination and feeling. Never give up the search after it; and let me take courage, and try from the bottom of my heart to do that which I believe truth dictates, if it lead me to be a Quaker or not
God can dream a bigger dream for me, for you, than you could ever dream for yourself. When you've worked as hard and done as much and strived and tried and given and pled and bargained and hoped... Surrender. When you have done all that you can do, and there's nothing left for you to do, give it up. Give it up to that thing that is greater than yourself, and let it then become a part of the flow.
I've wanted to be a starter ever since I was a little kid, so I wasn't going to give up on that dream.
Who would ever give up the reality of dreams for relative knowledge?
There have been a few times when I wondered if I was ever going to take a wicket, but you never give up.
Don't ever give up on something or someone that you can't go a full day without thinking about.
Get yourself prepared, educationally and emotionally, and develop mental toughness. Don't ever give up.
Nonetheless, I'm not sure this entirely accounts for my Buddhist voice, which tells me forever to give up writing, to give up on relationships, simply to give up. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to me to be the voice of innocence.
Back in my mind, I never, ever wanted to give up swimming; it was something that I would carry on with. — © Natalie du Toit
Back in my mind, I never, ever wanted to give up swimming; it was something that I would carry on with.
Before you ever receive the wonderful treasures of a happy life, you must first give. Give of yourself. Be of service to others. Only what you give can be multiplied back into your own life.
You could not give up a human heart as you could give up drinking. The drink was yours, and you could give it up: but your lover’s soul was not your own: it was not at your disposal; you had a duty towards it.
I will never give up politics. I've tried to give it up three times, but I never made it. Politics mobilizes me. I won't last long if I give it up.
You don't ever lose your dream. You don't give that up. I tell that to the players. If you don't have dreams, you don't have anything to live for.
Don't ever give up on yourself. Keep pushing because the change of guards is what life's all about.
But I honestly don't read critics. My dad reads absolutely everything ever written about me. He calls me up to read ecstatic reviews, but I always insist that I can't hear them. If you give value to the good reviews, you have to give value to the criticism.
The only thing you have to have is patience and an attitude that you aren't ever going to give up.
The single most important route of success is persistence - never, ever give up!
Every time that I wanted to give up, if I saw an interesting textile, print what ever, suddenly I would see a collection.
No I don't ever give up. I would have to be dead or completely incapacitated
Don't ever give up what you want in life. The struggle is worth it.
Never ever give up, even, and especially, when there is no chance of winning.
Trust that you can get back up and not give in. Ever.
Kids take work, effort, love, blood, sweat and tears and are a full time job. You have to commit, for better or worse and then give your all and hope for the best. The one thing you can never, ever do is give up and say, 'Oooops, never mind, my bad, you can take this one back'!
I don't want to make this sound negative at all, but in the best way possible I freaking give up. I give up. You can't try and make your life perfect. I'm just trying to have a good time, and I'm just trying to appreciate the things that I have around me. I give up on the 'dream' dream. I think that it's all a dream. I think it's all wonderful and terrible. And I give up in the nicest way.
He will never, ever, give up. And, most importantly, he will never, ever, let you down. Donald is, and always has been, an amazing leader. Now, he will go to work for you.
I started out being a stand up and writing my own material. That took me to Talk Soup, where I was writing and performing for TV. So everything is all the same job in my eyes, and I don't want to ever give up any part of it. I will say that stand-up is my first love; it's how I got started and is in my bones.
If you love the good thing vitally, enough to give up for it all that one must give up, then you must hate the cheap thing just as hard. I tell you, there is such a thing as creative hate! “A contempt that drives you through fire, makes you risk everything and lose everything, makes you a long sight better than you ever knew you could be.
Let me tell you something, never, ever give up your dream.
To have any kind of a future you've got to give up hope of ever changing your past.
Never give up, no, never give up If you're looking for something easy You might as well give it up.
There are no right and wrong ways to work in this business, but there are some basic common-sense practices. Work very, very hard and always be prepared; never give up; and once you get the job, give them more than they ever expected: - Shine!
The humble, simple souls, who are little enough to see the bigness of God in the littleness of a Babe, are therefore the only ones who will ever understand the reason of His visitation. He came to this poor earth of ours to carry on an exchange; to say to us, as only the Good God could say: 'you give me your humanity, and I will give you my Divinity; you give me your time, and I will give you My eternity; you give me your broken heart, and I will give you Love; you give me your nothingness, and I will give you My all.
What you do in practice is going to determine your level of success. I used to tell my players, 'You have to give 100 percent every day. Whatever you don't give, you can't make up for tomorrow. If you give only 75 percent today, you can't give 125 percent tomorrow to make up for it.'
Can’t take a chance that one day, in one spot, somewhere, an exit might appear. We can’t give up. Ever. — © James Dashner
Can’t take a chance that one day, in one spot, somewhere, an exit might appear. We can’t give up. Ever.
When a relationship dies do we ever really give up the ghost or are we forever haunted by the spirits of relationships past?
The world is full of wonderful things you haven't seen yet. Don't ever give up on the chance of seeing them.
You shouldn't have to give things up for someone. If you love them someone, you should love them for everything they do and all that they are. I love acting and I wouldn't give it up for anything, and I don't know anyone in my life who would ask me to give it up.
Driving will never be away from me - I can't just give it up. It's all I've ever done, and there's something about being in that car.
'Give up... it's time to quit,' I don't think I've ever really accepted those kinds of words in my life or vocabulary.
Your guardian angel never, ever stops communicating with you. I feel that at times they should be frustrated with us but they seem to have endless patience and they never ever give up on us.
It is a great mistake for men to give up paying compliments, for when they give up saying what is charming, they give up thinking what is charming.
Men are my hobby, if I ever got married I'd have to give it up.
Kiran says (the shelf) is full of stories. If it is, then I like fairy stories. Fairy stories are fair. In them wishes are granted, words are enchanted, the honest and brave make it safely through to the last page and the baddies either have to give up their wickedness for ever and ever, no going back, or get ruthlessly written out of the story, which they hardly ever survive. Also in fairy stories there are hardly any of those half-good half-bad people that crop up so constantly in real life and are so difficult to believe in.
You can't ever give up. When you refuse to lose games, you often find yourself winning them. — © Kolo Toure
You can't ever give up. When you refuse to lose games, you often find yourself winning them.
Someone pays me a hundred bucks every Tuesday to DJ. I don't think I'll ever give that up.
I am determined and never give up. Ever. I always do my best.
My enemies can take what they want, but my life is mine and so long as I breathe, it has value. I won't ever give up. Not again.
I don't think you should ever give up on trying to push the bar a little bit higher.
You gotta pick yourself up. Sometimes you just gotta do it over and over, but you gotta do it. You can't give up. I wouldn't give up. I didn't give up - or doubt myself - in becoming a successful musician with a successful band.
If you give up, then you can never win again. Giving up is not an option. You cannot give up on anything.
What I like about New York City is nobody cares. If they do, they don't ever approach. They just give you a 'What's up?' and that's it.
I don't think I'd ever be able to give up the spotlight.
I don't think I will ever give up doing live performances.
I passed the 11-plus and went up to the senior school, where my two older sisters had already gone. I was in the 'A' stream, but in the third year, they asked me to give up Latin; no one had ever got 7 per cent before.
I think for any director, male or female, it would be just to be prepared, work hard, and not give up! As my agent once told me, it's all about stamina before you ever end up on set!
Give up all forms of parrotry. Start practicing whatever you truly feel to be true and justly to be just. Do not make a show of your faith and beliefs. You have not to give up your religion, but to give up clinging to the husk of mere ritual and ceremony. To get to the fundamental core of Truth underlying all religions, reach beyond religion.
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