Top 1200 Don't Hurt Me Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Don't Hurt Me quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I spent half my life being hurt. The leftovers of hurt are an automatic gesture, like a dog that salivates.
What I try to do is never to hurt anybody else and figure if I don't, then I'm not likely to get hurt myself.
All that peace, man, if felt so good it hurt. I want to hurt it back. — © Tim O'Brien
All that peace, man, if felt so good it hurt. I want to hurt it back.
Being hurt inevitably breeds feelings of hatred towards your attacker. But when we hurt others, we have to deal with their hatred for us, and our own feelings of guilt. But knowing what it feels like to be hurt is exactly why we try to be kind to others. That's what makes us human.
I just try to fit into society the best I can. Be unobtrusive, be smooth. I don't want to hurt anybody, or be hurt.
Remember that no one can hurt you except yourself. If someone does a mean thing to you, that person is hurt. You are not really hurt unless you become embittered, or unless you become angry and perhaps do a mean thing in return.
I should hurt a lot more people than I do. Id like to hurt someone on every play.
The definition of S & M is letting someone hurt you that you know would never hurt you.
Sometimes I forget that I can hurt you. That you are capable of being hurt
If he could hurt you, Bill Romanowski would hurt you.
Every terrorist should know before they hurt a Jew that his family will also be hurt.
I hurt easy, I just don't show it. You can hurt someone and not even know it.
You hurt. It's okay. I hurt too. Hold my hand.
Words can hurt you. In the larger world, it frames how people think about you, and it can hurt you in lots of little, subtle ways.
At the end of the day, having a partner in crime for life is so amazing and special, when it's real and genuine, that it's worth taking the risk. And you are going to get hurt; trust me - I know! I've been hurt a couple times - maybe more than a couple times. But you gotta pick yourself back up and give it another chance.
Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt. — © Haruki Murakami
Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
Sometimes, kids want you to hurt the way they hurt.
I didn't come from a background where I was hurt, but I felt hurt inside.
Bad things are always going to happen in life; People will eventually hurt you, but you can't use that as an excuse to hurt someone back.
I've known for years that resentments don't hurt the person we resent, but they do hurt us.
Those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment.
One of the things that I've worked my way out of doing, and I knew that I needed to, was comparing myself to other people. That just poisins everything. It all of a sudden dtermines even clothes you're going to choose to wear that day or what you're going to do with a music production or how you're going to sequence it. It poisinseverything. Your real job in the world is to be you. Comparing yourself to other people I think that hurt me more than anything. Allowing myself to go there so much in my head hurt me.
The only thing worse than being hurt is everyone knowing that you're hurt.
Let him tell us he's never been hurt, but that's the definition of getting hurt.
It's more than a job. It's very personal, so when you're hurt, you're really hurt inside.
Knowing Lissa missed me hurt almost more than if she'd completely written me off. I'd never wanted to hurt her. Even when I'd resented her for feeling like she was controlling my life, I'd never hated her. I loved her like a sister and couldn't stand the thought of her suffering now on my behalf. How had things gotten so screwed up between us?
I don't want to lie, play games, hurt somebody, or get hurt. You can only go forward in one direction.
His heart hurt with the wanting of it, the hurt no less painful for being difficult to explain.
I often tell people when you make a mistake, you not only hurt yourself, but you hurt the ones that love you.
You can also hurt a dog if it's insecure, if a dog is nervous and then you try to pet him, you can make him more nervous. It's not just the aggressive dogs that you can get hurt. It's also the dogs that you can actually hurt. It works both ways.
For me, each one of our SNSD members is like my body. If one gets hurt, it hurts me & pains me even more.
I should hurt a lot more people than I do. I'd like to hurt someone on every play.
Nobody is hurt. Hurt is in the mind. If you can walk, you can run.
Those who hurt others will also hurt themselves.
Don’t consent to be hurt and you won’t be hurt – this is a choice over which you have control
No outward thing - nothing, nobody from without - can hurt me inside, psychologically. I recognized that I could only be hurt psychologically by my own wrong actions, which I have control over; by my own wrong reactions (they are tricky, but I have control over them too); or by my own inaction in some situations, like the present world situation, that need action from me. When I recognized all this how free I felt! And I just stopped hurting myself.
Guys get hurt in fights. It doesn't mean you stop a fight every time somebody gets hurt.
I could really make a song of hurt, because I've been hurt by a lot of men. I'm talking about, like, how sad I be when a dude curves me. And I never talk about that because I refuse to let people know that I get sad because when a man don't answer my calls.
I write from my soul. This is the reason that critics don't hurt me, because it is me. If it was not me, if I was pretending to be someone else, then this could unbalance my world, but I know who I am.
Love means the courage to expose yourself to the potential pains of being hurt, deeply hurt by someone you trust. — © Renita J. Weems
Love means the courage to expose yourself to the potential pains of being hurt, deeply hurt by someone you trust.
How many times in life can we make decisions that are important but will not hurt anyone? Are we obligated- maybe we are- to say yes to any choice when no one will be hurt? We use the word hurt when talking about things like this because when these things go wrong it can feel as if you were hit in the sternum by a huge animal that's run for miles just to strike you.
Trust in someone means that we no longer have to protect ourselves. We believe we will not be hurt or harmed by the other, at least not deliberately. We trust his or her good intentions, though we know we might be hurt by the way circumstances play out between us. We might say that hurt happens; it’s a given of life. Harm is inflicted; it’s a choice some people make.
Express everything you like. No word can hurt you. None. No idea can hurt you. Not being able to express an idea or word will hurt you more. Like a bullet.
Know this, if someone has cheated on you who truly loves you, they have hurt themselves as much as they have hurt you.
When you've been hurt, you don't make excuses for the jerk who hurt you. That's his mama's job.
Sleeping hurt, everything hurt. But it's pretty cool what you can do to the body by working out.
Every single human being is trying his best. We're all doing the best we can. But when we believe what we think, we have to live out those thoughts. When there's chaos in our heads, there's chaos in our lives. When there's hurt in our thinking, there's hurt in our lives. Love thy neighbor as thyself? I always have. When I hated me, I hated you. That's how it works. If I hate someone, I'm mistaking them for me, and solutions remain hidden.
I didn't get hurt in the contest. I hurt it the next day.
Self-love means caring for ourselves enough to forgive people in our past so that the wounds can no longer damage us - for our wounds do not hurt the people who hurt us, they hurt only us.
Why is it taking so long to believe that if we hurt Nature, we hurt ourselves?
Just go with it. It won't hurt.' I stared at him. Adults only ever said that when it, whatever it happened to be, was going to hurt so much. — © Neil Gaiman
Just go with it. It won't hurt.' I stared at him. Adults only ever said that when it, whatever it happened to be, was going to hurt so much.
I think I needed to be really hurt on the outside so the hurt on the inside would realize that it wasn’t on its own and that it had to come out.
Even close people left me - I was hurt by them and felt there was nobody who understands me, which made me fall apart.
It's not right to hurt or deceive someone who's already been hurt and deceived.
So many transgender people in the community are being covered with this umbrella of misconception that we are going to hurt someone. But we are not trying to hurt anyone.
Number one: Don't frisk me. Don't hurt me physically. Don't get anywhere near my neck. And don't call me Regis.
I don’t throw cell phones. I don’t hurt people, I only hurt myself.
We know that we've done and said things that hurt people. Inflicting pain on others wasn't the goal, but it was one of the outcomes. We wish it weren't so, and regret that hurt.
It's just how it is sometimes. Things hurt, and they hurt for a long time. You have to fight back, or it wins.
Sometimes people hurt us unintentionally. We may view that they've hurt us intentionally and want revenge. But sometimes when we really look back again, we can see that they weren't intentional in trying to hurt us. That's when we need to confess our judgment of them and forgive them for their unintentional hurts committed against us.
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