Top 1200 Don't Lose Hope Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Don't Lose Hope quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
It's terrible to lose somebody, but it's also true that some people never have anybody to lose, and I think that's got to be so much worse.
If we lose the forests, we lose our only teachers.
Lose not courage, lose not faith, go forward. — © Marcus Garvey
Lose not courage, lose not faith, go forward.
I think the basic culture of this country is European and Christian and I think that if we lose that, we lost America...I don't think we should suppress other races, but I think if we lose that White - what's the word for it - that White dominance in America, with it we lose America.
When you lose your reputation at 19, you lose everything.
You hope to catch the band on a good night and you hope that it sounds good when you hear the tapes back, and you hope that when you mix it you still have the feeling that you had when you were onstage, but it seems like it never quite works out that way!
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean. Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens. Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
You lose speed, that's normal, but the technique you never lose.
When we lose hope that there is a possibility of reaching the other side - I don't even like to say the 'other side' because there are so many sides, and breaking it down into us/them is oversimplifying - it allows us to treat people in a way that's incredibly destructive.
If you lose your wealth, you have lost nothing; if you lose your health, you have lost something; but if you lose your character, you have lost everything.
If you take your eye off the ball or lose focus for even a minute you can lose a game against any team.
When I lose a match, I know that I lose on the court and not in life.
The very purpose of our life is happiness, which is sustained by hope. We have no guarantee about the future, but we exist in the hope of something better. Hope means keeping going, thinking, ‘I can do this.’ It brings inner strength, self-confidence , the ability to do what you do honestly, truthfully and transparently.
When food becomes the enemy, every time we lose the fight we not only gain weight, but lose our self-esteem as well.
I hope that people take away hope, maybe not in an obvious sense, but in the form of hearing somebody who's genuinely fighting to stay above water. And in that fight, there's hope. In that fight, maybe there's positivity.
When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free. — © Charles Evans Hughes
When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free.
Do not mistake me. I am not yet weak enough to yield to fearful imaginings, which are almost as absurd as illusions of hope, and are certainly harder to bear. If I must deceive myself, I should prefer to stay on the side of confidence, for I shall lose no more there and shall suffer less.
If you take all the marketing books in the world and distill them, the key to marketing is hope. People buy hope, the hope that you will help them solve a problem or achieve a goal.
Professors typically spend their time in meetings about planning, policy, proposals, fund-raising, consulting, interviewing, traveling, and so forth, but spend relatively little time at their drawing boards. As a result, they lose touch with the substance of their rapidly developing subject. They lose the ability to design; they lose sight of what is essential; and they resign themselves to teach academically challenging puzzles.
Better lose me than lose a state.
It's nice to be recognized, but at the same time, there are always consequences. You may get fame, but you lose anonymity. You lose a certain sense of who you are.
You can't win an argument. You can't because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it.
Oftentimes winning can become an addiction, whether good or bad, to the point where you would rather lose it all before you lose at all.
Desires, memories, fears, passions form labyrinths in which we lose and find and then lose ourselves again.
Obviously it's very hard for everybody to be successful in the Grand Slams, so that's why some of the players, they lose, and they should not lose.
To long for that which comes not. To lie a-bed and sleep not. To serve well and please not. To have a horse that goes not. To have a man obeys not. To lie in jail and hope not. To be sick and recover not. To lose one's way and know not. To wait at door and enter not, and to have a friend we trust not: are ten such spites as hell hath not.
I'm not that type of fighter that fights one or two times a year. Staying out makes you lose focus, lose rhythm. I have to fight.
When you lose interest in anything, you also lose the memory for it.
When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty.
I hope you all find yourselves sleeping with someone you love, maybe not all of the time, but a lot of the time. The touch of a foot in the night is sincere. I hope you like your work, I hope there’s mystery and poetry in your life — not even poems, but patterns. I hope you can see them. Often these patterns will wake you up, and you will know that you are alive, again and again.
Every game that you lose it hurts, but especially when you lead 2-1, and you lose 4-2.
We must be careful, as we seek to become more and more [Christlike], that we do not become discouraged and lose hope. Becoming Christlike is a lifetime pursuit and very often involves growth and change that is slow, almost imperceptible.
"Hope, you see, Wal'r," said the Captain, sagely, "Hope. It's that as animates you. Hope is a buoy, for which you overhaul your Little Warbler, sentimental diwision, but Lord, my lad, like any other buoy, it only floats; it can't be steered nowhere. Along with the figure-head of Hope,' said the Captain, 'there's a anchor; but what's the good of my having a anchor, if I can't find no bottom to let it go in?"
Hope and faith are two intimate brothers; they always go together. Hope nourishes faith and faith treasures hope.
The Savior taught His disciples, 'For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it' (Luke 9:24)."I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish—and in effect save their lives.
It's time to get real, folks. Hope and change ain't working. Hope and change is not a solution. Hope and change is not a job.
My thing is, once you start to put a backbeat on your music or something that has a machine in it, you have popularity, but you lose the flexibility. And you lose a richness.
The people around you are you. They share your history. They can even write it with you. And when you lose one, there's no doubt you lose some of yourself, however they're lost.
It's inexplicable why somebody can lose a leg and it doesn't effect them at all emotionally; and another person can lose a foot and be destroyed for the rest of their lives.
Over the years I've seen people lose a spouse and then withdraw and lose interest in life, and I believe we need to resist that. — © Billy Graham
Over the years I've seen people lose a spouse and then withdraw and lose interest in life, and I believe we need to resist that.
Some losses are harder to take than others. You can lose and play well. It is when you lose and don't do the things you worked on and don't do what you say you would that is difficult.
We live in this irreparably broken world, and I don't wish to deny reality, but the amazing thing to me is not that we refuse to relinquish hope as a species. The amazing thing is that we're right to hold on to hope. The world may be broken, but hope is not crazy. ... Obviously not all stories end happily. We don't always have good fortune, but hope gives us, as a species and as individuals, what we otherwise wouldn't have: A chance.
Most people lose money because of lack of emotional discipline -the ability to keep their emotions removed from investment decisions. Dieting provides an apt analogy. Most people have the necessary knowledge to lose weight-that is they know that in order to lose weight you have to exercise and cut your intake of fats. However, despite this widespread knowledge, the vast majority of people who attempt to lose weight are unsuccessful. Why? Because they lack the emotional discipline.
I'm at a strange place I suppose in my life. I think that what happens when you lose a parent, where you lose-you drop into a different kind of serious.
Whatever their failings as a class may be, and however likely to lose their immortal souls, lawyers do not generally lose papers.
I think sometimes when it comes to sports, and especially relationships between players and coaches, that people lose track, lose a sense of reality.
A lot of people have great hope, and a lot of people who have great hope live. And, some of them who have great hope die. So it's not that hope is going to save you.
Hope is not defined by the absence of hardship. Rather, hope is found in God’s grace in the midst of hardship. Hope is found in his promise to give us a future.
Even in the ARCA race we have scheduled pit stops. You're already rolling with everyone; you can't lose any spots. But in the trucks, you can lose or gain a ton.
I never lose when I love. I only lose when I'm afraid to
But when you have to deal with notes, and to be able to make a full definition of what a sound is - if you are not around that environment, then you'll find you lose that feel, that momentum, you lose all that.
I liked that title. I didn't want to lose it to anybody, but if I had to lose it, I'm glad I lost it to you. You're a good fighter and gonna be a great champ. — © Jersey Joe Walcott
I liked that title. I didn't want to lose it to anybody, but if I had to lose it, I'm glad I lost it to you. You're a good fighter and gonna be a great champ.
Until we establish a felt sense of kinship between our own species and those fellow mortals who share with us the sun and shadow of life on this agonized planet, there is no hope for other species, there is no hope for the environment, and there is no hope for ourselves.
Sometimes when you win, you really lose. And sometimes when you lose, you really win. And sometimes when you win or lose, you actually tie. And sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose. Winning or losing is all one organic mechanism, from which one extracts what one needs.
There is nothing like competition. It teaches you early in life to win and lose, and, when you lose, to put your chin out instead of dropping it.
Today too, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others. To protect creation, to protect every man and every woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love, is to open up a horizon of hope; it is to let a shaft of light break through the heavy clouds; it is to bring the warmth of hope!
If I'm going to lose, I'd rather lose on my own accord.
We are bound to lose Ireland in consequence of years of cruelty, stupidity and misgovernment and I would rather lose her as a friend than as a foe.
If we lose wilderness, we lose forever the knowledge of what the world was.
I just would like to keep singing. As soon as I'm not singing well, I hope that I know it, so that I can get off the stage and leave what I have done. I hope I'll know, and if I don't, I hope somebody tells me.
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